Lymphedema Pain in Arm Pit....
The pain goes down my arm and into my hand. It is on the same side I had 12 lymph nodes removed. Finished with all my treatments, chemo and rads. I am thinking it is lymphedema, but the dr did a scan and ultra-sound to check it out. I didn't have this much pain after my bilateral mastectomy! I can't raise my arm above my…
Good Wishes Program - Free Headwrap or Scarf from L. Erickson USA
http://www.franceluxe.com/i/goodwishesscarves/Good+Wishes+Scarves.html I wanted to share this website for all you pink lady friends who are undergoing hair loss due to chemotherapy. What a wonderful program. I just ordered mine. : )
Call Back
Got a letter today for a call back on my mammogram. I know the statistics (10% are called back and often there is no problem) but that doesn't make me feel any better. I'm numb -- any encouraging words? marilyn
Cancer crisis?
We all heard of a midlife crisis, but I am wondering if I am going through a cancer crisis. Le me explain.I have now lived in AZ for over 3 years and have really tried hard to like it here. But since my diagnosis, this has really changed. I am an outdoors loving person, and look for stress relief in any kind of outdoors…
Marines 911 how are you doing?
You and your wife have been in my thoughts. Hope all is well. Let us know when you have time. Your always in my prayers. Take care Kay
How many Canadians
Interested to know how many others from Canada have been coming here for their support. At the time of my cancer a Lesbian support group was undergroud so didn't go to any and this was the only site that had a chat back then that you could actually chat with others up all night like myself. It was really user friendly and…
Meena 1 .. How ya doing, our dear FRIEND ... ? Thinking and praying for you
Feeling better this week ... ? Please let us know. Fellow - TCH chemo hater, Vicki Sam
I honestly never thought I could or that I would want to, but as of today I am 9 days SMOKE FREE!!!!! Its hard, very hard, and I am doing it cold turkey. I know there are things on the market to make it easier, but I do not want to trade one habit for another. So I just stopped. And I feel fine! Sometimes a little testy,…
Great Truths Learned During Childhood...
Great Truths Learned During Childhood... * No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats. * When your Mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair. * If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person. * Never ask your 3-year-old brother to hold a tomato. * You can't trust dogs…
Femara nausea & indigestion
good morning, need a few suggestions on how to cope with this nausea and indigestion. i've been taking femara for one year now and a new side effect has popped up. i say new 'cos i am also going thru the aches and pains (yes i feel like 900 years old)! anyway, now i'm having trouble with my digestion followed by nausea. my…
PT made me cry today...
Since my shoulder and upper arm have been giving me heck lately ive been seeing my physical therapist...they say it has cauderized? and now have tendonitis. Anyway while she was doing her thing of tryin to get my arm back functioning again she has to work it and it was just so painful it brought tears to my eyes and i told…
Breast cancer myths, debunked
Breast cancer myths, debunked So many rumors and controversies surround breast cancer—what really causes it, what really prevents it—that it can be hard to know whom to believe. If you think that you're not at risk because there's no breast cancer in your family, you might be mistaken. The truth is that scientists still…
Another good song that touches me
Temporary Home Lyrics Little boy, 6 years old A little too used to bein' alone. Another new mom and dad,another school, Another house that'll never be home. When people ask him how he likes this place... He looks up and says, with a smile upon his face, "This is my temporary home It's not where I belong. Windows and rooms…
9mm low grade ductal carcinoma
Having surgery next week, lumpectomy, breast reduction and 4 weeks of radiation. My physician feels this was caught early without lymph node pathology. how can he be so confident? I had an MRI and it revealed a cyst on the same breast. I will have an ultrasound on Monday and I was told not to lose sleep over the new cyst…
I went topless
Yesterday I went topless for the first time. I went to church, of course, everyone was extra nice. Saturday night I colored it twice, the first time the color was yuk. I was going to color the third time but was afraid it might fall out. I teach 4th/5th grade at a classical school on Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, so…
Tamoxifen and "Flo"....She's Baaaaaaaaack!
OK...just want to let all you premenapausal(sp?) women know...if you had periods before you started tamoxifen and aren't near meapausal age, they do come back!!! For the past 5 years I can count on my fingers (and maybe a couple of toes) the number of periods I've had. Well, I've been done with Tamoxifen for almost a month…
Sister Only Has One or Two Days To Live
My sister called me today. That's not unusual except for the fact that she is losing her battle with bc and has been given only about one or two days left to live. She is on a light morphine drip at her request so that she would be able to communicate with everyone as long as possible. I was so happy to hear her voice even…
"Somewhere" is A Place We Call Our Second Home, Thank you so much
I wanted to share this with everyone here in CSN community. This is for everyone who dedicated their time, wisdom, feelings, fears, compassion and support for one another, either as survivors or caregivers. The post below is for breast cancer but also applies equally to each human being diagnosed with cancer and their…
ughh Chemo #5 and I'm sick!
Today is chemo #5 out of 6 for me, and #1 for mom..i hope I can still get my treatment today, Ive been having flulike symptoms for 3 days now. My instruction sheet for the on-call nurse at Onc. office says to call if fever gets above 101 degrees - it's been hovering around 99-100 degrees but this morning i woke up feeling…
Skipper 85
Anyone heard from skipper85? I have been thinking of her. Thanks, Wanda
Seen my onc today...
I had my visit with my oncologist today and found out a few things: 1-Reguarding the triple negative...Im ER+/PR+ HER2 (1+). In one of the past posts nobody really knew what HER (1+) meant...including me, but thank you ladies for tryin to help me figure it out. This is what my onc told me. The (1+) means im HER…
Scar tissue?
I posted a similar post but am going to define my query a little better. I have tram-flap scars, they run in an oval circle above and under each of my breast mounds that were created last Dec. I am having some discomfort, they feel tight and have not broken down much. I wonder if anyone has any suggestions for this? Thank…
Prayers needed for fallen bc sister - thank you.
This afternoon I learned that a woman I met in person for the first time last month had died (not from bc). While people die every day she was special to me. I work with her daughter and last year when I mentioned that I was diagnosed with bc she told me that her mom had it over 25 years ago. I learned more about all this…
CMF Lite
My sister was diagnosed a few months ago. Had a lumpectomy and is going through radiation. Her onc suggests she also do CMF Lite for her chemo. I am a 6 year survivor myself - had AC - nothing lite about that chemo brand! Has anyone here had this particular brand of chemo? I don't trust her oncologist (Memoria Sloan…
UPDATE: (I FOUND HER) cancer markers
I have posted previously about my wife, but I have a question this time about my mother, who was also diagnosed with breast cancer last year (stage IV). She was on tamoxifen until it seemed to stop working, and then she was put on arimidex, and her cancer markers have been going steadily down--but now they are on the rise…
cancer treatment centers of america
Does anyone have any experience with Cancer Treatment Centers of America?
zometa and kidneys
I have been on zometa for 18 months now--receiving it once a month IV. My BUN is creeping up slowly (now 24) and my GFR is going down slowly (now 59-60). Has anyone else had this problem? I see my onc in a couple of weeks and will ask him when I should worry about it?? And what, besides hydrating, I can do (if anything).
My sister's lumpectomy
is scheduled for Oct. 14. She has the same surgeon as I do. She met with radiologist/oncologist yesterday and the surgeon will remove the cancerous tissue and insert a temporary rads device. A couple days later she'll get the pathology report and then the surgeon will insert the actual rads device. Then she will get rads…
I'm soooooo excited!!!!
...bought a ticket today for my DAUGHTER to come with us in December to The Netherlands!!!!! I am dancing and dancing!!!! And, after a very tense time with my mom not doing well, she has decided she will try a different living situation...a retirement facility where all meals are included! It looks like a Hilton...it's…