again with the hair loss :)
Hi guys, Quick question... I've just had my last of four chemo treatments of Taxotere & Cytoxan. So far I haven't lost my eyebrows or lashes. Can anyone tell me if I'm out of the woods yet? Is it possible to still lose them?
Bi-Rads D4 Suspicious Malignancy
I popped over here from the EC board (mom's pic is my avatar). I had a bad mammo screen, followed up with diagnostic mammos (5) and bilateral ultrasound. I am Bi-Rads D4 on both breasts, both recommended for in-hopsital biopsy. Anybody here with Bi-Rads D4 who came out clean - no cancer? I'm waiting for the hospital to…
Kidney Problems?
Hey Everyone, It has been a while since I have been here. I see there are alot of new people. Welcome, even though the reason you are here stinks. We are glad you found us. I do have a question, if anyone has any information. I finished taxotere and cytoxin (6 treatments) at the end of August 2010. I really did not have…
radiation therapy advice
hi all. just joined the list. started radiation therapy this week. have completed 3 out of 33 treatments. i am post lumpectomy, relumpectomy, and ACT dense chemo. started tamoxifen 1.5 weeks ago. i am 56 y.o. and was going through menopause when this all started back in june, 2011. would love any advice re: radiation…
'baby it's cold outside'....another Dutch day....
A quick look at the forecast for the next days here. Starting tomorrow, Friday, it will be clear but very cold...many days the high will not get above freezing... Now, I am getting excited, as well as many of our dutch friends. Why? Well, the expression goes "When a birdbath freezes over, the dutch break out their…
Praise God! CT update.
Well I went in for my 1 month post chemo check-up and received great news. My MO said all my blood work is normal and everything looks very good. He then went over the results of my CT to check 2 spots on my liver that they couldn't determine what they were when I had a prior CT scan. Apparently now they could see them…
Newly diagnosed.
Hello all! My name is Selena, I'm 37 years old, and 2 days before my 37th birthday I was diagnosed with DCIS. I have a uni lateral mastectomy/ immediate reconstruction scheduled for Monday, January 31st and I'm feeling very nervous. I've been told that I'm very calm for a person who has just been diagnosed but I think that…
It is NOT cancer...YEAH!!!! Thank you~thank you~thank you for all your prayers!!! She still may have to have the lumps removed we won't know about that till later but it is NOT cancer and I am so relieved!!! Love you all, RE
Ayse--I've been meaning to tell you. . .
I LOVE your picture. For any of you who have met our dear Ayse in person and spent any time with her, you all realize how this picture epitomizes who she is to a "T". She is a happy, free-spirited, intelligent person who loves life and lives it to the fullest. I admire and love you dearly and am so proud to call you my…
OT Jazz Fest
My sister, Patsy (she was in my Christmas photo) is coming in from Seattle for the N.O. Jazz Fest, along with my 17 year old niece. I am so excited--can't wait to see them.
My dutch day....
Typical Dutch day: Got on our bikes, checked out some flowers along the way, rode to a 2nd hand store with a restaurant inside. Ate a dutch lunch, with a cup of coffee, mounted up, rode to a grocery store for stuff. Sat and had a free cup of tea, rode home...car hasn't left the garage in 2 days...*smile* Dutch hugs, Kathi
Why do chemo or radition if they believe they got it all?
New to this forum, or any forum. Just had both of my girls removed on Dec. 30th. Because of my family history (4 women, including my mom passed from breast cancer) I insisted on them taking both breast which turn out to be a good thing as they found not one but two tumors in the left breast, and then found abnormal cells…
Today is Kaynyc's Birthday!
Hope your day is filled with wonderful surprises from beginning to end! Happy, happy Birthday! much love, -Jenny
Update on mammo freak out!
First I want to thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts. All Is Good!!! I went back this morning and they took 2 more pictures of the area in question. The radiologist read them immediately. The tech came back and said that what was showing up was a "fiber fold". There was no need for an ultrasound and I should…
Brain MRI---YEAH! Finally good news!
Got home from my Brain MRI and lunch and the results were already posted. NO mets to the Brain! YEAH!!!!! Finally a good result. The MRI showed that I have "Numerous, too numerous to count lesions are identified in the calvarium consistent with osseous metastasis." This just means that the bones in my head are covered with…
well, i see the general surgeon tomorrow to discuss biopsy etc. I am super nervous so trying to stay busy busy busy.
some initial good news........
Clean margins, nodes negative, yeah!! I have this temporary catheter hanging out from under my arm in preparation for the partial breast rads in 10 days. Very little pain--just incredibly exhausted. All of you ladies in the pink bus were so awesome--I'm sending you ALL a big hug!! I'll post more when I can. Hugs to you…
Jobi Good Luck with your first chemo treatment tomorrow!!
Hi Jobi -- Just wanted to wish you well for tomorrow's first treatment. The fear of the unknown is worse than the actual experience. You will be OK. Please let us know how you do. :)
Today is Cahjah75's Anniversary!
YaHoo! Happiest Anniversary wishes coming your way! Hope you have lots of fun many more wonderful years! love, -Jenny
Onc.check up
Well went in for my 18 month check up yesterday and every thing was good.I have some lose skin under my right arm so she is sending me back to the surgeon to see if he can do some tightening up as it drives me nuts as it always feels like lumps under it, so here,s hoping he can do some thing if not she will send me to a…
Tram Flap
Hi, I am 48, I had a tram flap 3 years ago. I have had pain in my stomach since that time. The pain is like a charlie horse in my gut and not in the same place each time. I have had test done to no avail. Has anyone out there ever had these pains? Please help they are so painful. Thanks Jeanie
What to Expect When You are Expecting...Port Surgery and Chemo?
Hi, ladies, On Tuesday, I am getting the port placed in my chest, and Thursday chemo begins with Adriamycin and Cytoxan. Can you ladies give me an idea as to what to expect? My brother is flying in from Atlanta to be with me so I won't be alone. Dorene
Love your profile pic..its beautiful...
I am having a pre-chemo party!
I have certainly begun to feel better since joining this site! Your comments have been great! I start chemo next Thursday, so instead of sitting around waiting in gloom for the inevitable, my friends and I are going to have a Girl's Night In at my house and have a great time! I can't change the fact that I will have chemo…
T and C experiences?
Hi folks, I am going to start on T and C on Feb. 16th and do 4 rounds every 3 weeks. I know everyone's experiences are different, but would love to hear what your experiences with this chemo combo have been. What day did you lose your hair? Other side effects? Looking forward to getting started with this, then radiation…
For Stayingstrongfortoday
I know you have been having a very hard time of it all lately. I hope you got some of your energy back and were able to get off the couch. I just hope you will find some pleasure in this poem and that it might even put a smile on your face. Sending you a hug, Ayse Life While-You-Wait Life While-You-Wait. Performance…
Its been awhile...
Hi everyone! I havent been on for some time now for one reason is i havent had internet. Over the past few months i have had alot of ups and downs. Once again i lost my insurance so i havent been able to finish my physical therapy or go to my doc appt's ect. but its ok cuz now i do my own therapy and im sooo tired of…
RE -- Any update regarding your daughter's Thyroid biopsy? We continue to keep you all in positive
dear Sister. Please post when you can. Strength, Courage and Hope. Vicki Sam
Markers and Monday appointment--Pink Bus please
Although my last scan revealed no activity and I am supposed to be in remission, my markers are still very abnormal. They did not go up >20%, but they did not budge (CEA up 15%; Ca 27.29 about the same). Sigh.... I guess they will never be normal? What is so hard for me is that my markers were completely (low) normal for…
Breast surgeon vs General surgeon
Curious-I had general surgeon do my surgery at the referral of my Gyno/OB...honestly I never knew there was such thing as breast surgeon until after the fact.. So anyone else have general surgeon? Denise