Grandbaby pix on expressions page.....Rad grad again
I finally got some pix up of Miss Jozie Willow Jennifer and her brother Jasper on my expressions page, Still steroid crazy, slept 3 hours Friday night then up cleaning out pantry, can cupboard, spice cabinet, fridge, freezer, deep freeze....AAAAAAHHHH! I think anyone with any light jobs needed should just invite me over to…
Don't know how to respond or how to even feel about this one!
Now a hard one, I really have been feeling really bad, am I wrong to let my son help me! A very good friend and I were talking about my long range plan, ie. hospice/ nursing home. I said no to nursing home and that I have set the hospice in motion for when the time comes. Not an easy subject to begin with. She then asked…
Can y'all bring the pink bus to Texas please
I see my plastic surgeon on Tuesday, January 17 at 1:00 to talk about reconstruction. I'm super excited & very scared at the same time. I want to have breasts again so bad & I'm praying everything goes well and she says it's a go. Hugs, Dawne
Today is Natly 15's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Sending happy wishes your way for a fantastic day! Hope you have lots of fun - surrounded by all those you love and BIG cake! CELEBRATE! much love, Jenny
Beyond pis*ed
I am 42, I can't get on the floor to play with my 4 year old because I can't get up. I am having trouble with chronic diarhea and I am having trouble getting up from our sofa, any type of table out to eat, what am I to do? I am frustrated. I keep getting told my by husband and sister in law that I am going to die and to…
With all the hope, prayers and positive thinking, the news is really bad
My husband and I went to my med. onc. office yesterday and she gave us the really bad news. Bone scan, CT and MRI all show "abnormalities in T12 and L1 strongly suggestive of bony metastasis" as well as "numerous metastatic foci of the central skeleton including the entire thoracolumbar spine, sacrum and pelvis." My…
Scared to death
Just found out that I have invasive lobular carcinoma in my left breast. Tuesday I had a lumpectomy and thought I was going to the oncology this Thursday to start radiation. Boy was I wrong, instead I was told that I should have a mastectomy on my breast and maybe have my other removed because I'm A high risk for it…
Today is VickiSam's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is wonderful - filled with many nice surprises and those you love all around you! Eat lots of cake and celebrate BIG! much love, Jenny
Went to a swap meet Sunday here in The Netherlands...
And there was a group selling pink items to support breast cancer research!!! And they have a walk in October!!! I am so glad that it is active here in Holland, as well as other countries, it means that awareness is growing, as well!!!! Dutch hugs, Kathi
Got PET results (It's GOOD!)
My med. onc. called me and reported that the organs all looked good! This is major and I know lots of prayers have just been answered. I cried hysterically while calling my son, husband at work and a couple of friends. Tears of maybe the greatest joy ever. Now I'm awaiting a call to know when my bone biopsy is scheduled.…
Triple negative breast cancer
Does TN breast cancer have a higher risk of coming back than ER+ breast cancer?
Prayers, please for my sister....
Monday is surgery day....2 lumpectomies, one lump in each breast.... Hugs, Kathi
Football Fans--Make Your Picks
Our family is definitely into football. Here are my picks: Denver/New England---Denver New Orleans/San Fran---New Orleans (right Cypress Cynthia?!) Houston/Baltimore--Baltimore NY Giants/Green Bay---GREEN BAY--Clay Matthews--Need I say more?! What are yours? Hike, Renee
Interested in any of you with tamoxifin treatment? Do you think it helped you in the long run? Just starting but nervous ..... I had dcis with comedo neucrosis just finished flying back and forth every day For radiation treatments not available near where I live finally back to work this week but now getting severe hot…
how do i connect with the chat rooms?
i used to be on this site all the time, it's been along while and i have a question so i wanted to get into the chat room. thank you
Cancer on the mind
Seems like cancer is constantly on my mind. Wish I could get away from that. Now that I just had a have another biopsy on the same breast makes it hard. I have been told that it is more than likely scarring of the tissue around the lumpectomy. I am trying to be positive though. Now it is the waiting game again and just for…
Today is Different Ballgame's Birthday!
Best wishes for a Happy Happy Birthday - hope your day is filled with everything and everyone you love! -Jenny
Cancer Risks for BRCA mutation carries
Hello sisters, Lately it has been some discussions about genetic testing, interpretation, and prophylactic measures. So I looked at my notes and literature from my genetic counselor and hope you will find this information useful. I hope you have had a discussing with genetic counselor who did explain to the Science behind…
Some 'HAPPY' news -- Just want to share with all of you -- thru the good times, and bad
So I've been hitting the walls for 1 week -- My Internist called last Tuesday, and wanted to see me .. asap. It turns out that my biopsy for 'hemorrhoids' during my colonoscopy in late December == turned out to be a legion. Not a polyp, but a legion. Biopsy inclusive, possible anal cancer. Specialist and Surgeon…
New to Breast Cancer but not Cancer
Hi Everyone, I am a survivor of Thyroid cancer (on that discussion board for some time) with Lymph node metastasis and just recently found out that I have two masses in my right breast which is the same side my other cancers were removed. One is in the pectoral muscle behind the breast. I am very worried about this and…
I just can't believe this is happening----
I'm new to this group but not to CSN. My husband was diagnosed June 21 with Stage IV Esophageal Cancer. That board has so many people with so much experience and caring to share. No doubt, it's the same here. 2011 was filled with blessings and challenges for us. Apparently, we haven't met our challenges quota yet. Last…
Today is MaureenB's Birthday!
Sending Birthday wishes your way - hope you have a wonderful day filled with lots of surprises and love all around! -Jenny
Today is Elizarose's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is fantastic! -Jenny
My visit with the oncologist
My visit with the oncologist turned out ok. The breast doctor I think was not reading my report correctly that day. She told me I was a stage 2 the tumor was 2.1cm. The oncologist told me it is 2.1 mm which is a big difference it is very small and I do not need chemo. I will need radiation for 5 weeks and he wants to to…
Wish me luck
I am getting ready to go for my mammogram. My appointment is in 2 hrs. This will be my second one since finishing treatment. I am being positive that all will be fine. I am still a little nerveous though. What I really don't like is that they will not read it right away. They used to do the first 3 after treament but now…
I apologize to all of you.....
I haven't been on the boards except to read and jot something quick. I feel bad when I don't participate. Long story short I've been in pain since Thursday, lower back and pelvic. I've gone to ER, OBGYN and now have to do 2 more tests. Of course I've been scared of the obvious. So far pain meds are only helping a little…
Finger and Nail pain
Howdy folks, I'm not even certain if I've ever started a thread here; I mostly just lurk and gather info for my wife. Some background info: my wife was diagnosed with Stage IIA IDC the day after her 37th birthday. The day of her 9th Taxol infusion, the Oncologist commented that she'll probably keep her nails...we hadn't…
New here with Her2+
Hello, I am new here. I was dx with Her2+ breast cancer 2 years ago it was stage 1 and was advised to have simple double mastectomy no treatment needed. I have to also tell you I had implants already as I had gastric bypass several years prior and lost 136lbs and went from D cups to A's. The surgeon and Plastic surgeon…
Brain MRI on Monday
Shouldn't need the bus, have the boys going with me, followed by lunch. Results should be posted by the time we get home! I am good with MRI to rule out mets. Good news is UTI has cleared, no protein and only trace of blood. Good news following bladder resection 2 years ago for tumors. Have been sleeping so much (some days…