Komen drops plan to cut Planned Parenthood grants!
NEW YORK (AP) — After three days of controversy, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity says it is reversing its decision to cut breast-screening grants to Planned Parenthood. "We want to apologize to the American public for recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to our mission of saving…
Komen Stops Giving
Ladies, I read an article that has kinda got my dander up. The Susan G. Komen foundation will not give any more money to Planned Parenthood for exams, mammograms, etc. for the low income and women without insurance to get the care they may need. Why??? The new VP is against abortion so no more money because Planned…
Enjoy The Super Bowl & Go Patriots!
For those of you that love football, have a great time tomorrow and all I really hope for is a good game! But if the Patriots win, that would make me happy! Hugs, Leeza
stage 3 cancer and SS disability
I was diagnosed stage 3 and I applied for temporary disability when I realized I would be having 18 rounds of chemo and would not be working all of 2010. After 9 months they agreed that I was disabled but thought I would be better in a year. Had to get a lawyer and now after two year I have a hearing next week. Since chemo…
I am NOT Miss Daisy any longer
My MO said the MRI showed much shrinkage of the lesions, we are down to 2 from 3 or 4 and 1 of them is .45 cm when it started at 1.25cm while the other is 1.5cm down from 3 cm. Good news is there is minimal swelling so I am able to drive again. She thinks RO will want to wait a bit longer to see if more shrinking occurs…
Today is ShelbyHome's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with many special surprises and love all around! -Jenny
I posted Abby's essay.
For those of you who asked to read the essay Abby wrote, it is now posted on my expressions page as a story. Hugs, Linda
A small collection of pics...a few more..
from my dutch world! (On my expressions page) More to come, I promise!!! Knuffels, Kathi
Jennifer (grams2jc) -- Results in MRI ??? Can you drive,now ?
Just thinking about you .. Keeping you in positive thoughts, and prayers dear Sister. Strength, Courage and Hope. Vicki Sam
Cleaning for a Reason--They are legit and I got in!
I saw a lot of discussion on Cleaning for a Reason in Dec when I got my diagnosis and joined this group. I just wanted to let you know they are legitimate and I am SO grateful. The social worker at my cancer center gave me the information on them but said it was hard to get in as there was a lot more demand than…
Great video
Saw this on facebook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZwpSwm_4as&feature=youtu.be If that doesn't work it is called What breast cancer is and is not.
starting radiation soon what should I expect? My doctor said I go 5 x a week for 5 weeks. One positive thing my brca1 and 2 test came back negative.
I am finnished with chemo/rads and my hair is coming back again. I am 66 and my true hair color is salt and pepper. I don't mind the color but my hair is growing 'weird",haha. The top of my head is thick and the sides and neckpart is thinn. Now the "funny" thing is, I have so many cow-licks on the sides it looks too weird.…
I have registered, logged in etc. and still can't get into a chatroom. Does anyone else have problems with this? Illona
Today is Contrail's Birthday!
Sending Birthday wishes your way - hope you have a fantastic day! -Jenny
Sore chest and shoulder 5 months after radiation
I have ovarian cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes in my clavicle, neck and underarm area. I had radiation to this area 5 months ago and now have soreness/pain in the area radiated. My CT scan is also showing plueral effusion in the lung on that side and thickening of the pluera. I would post this in the ovarian…
DCIS /Decision Overwhelmed
Newbie - learning to navigate this site. Age 60 -Diagnosed with DCIS - Jan 9. Lumpectomy - Jan 18th. Path report - microinvasion PT1mi margins invasive cancer: Negative. Closes distance to margin 5.5 mm from inferior DCIS present New superior margin. Closet distance to other margins < 1mm from lateral inferior and…
Bilateral implants - How long after implants until it stops feeling like a tight corset? Seriously, uncomfortable.
Nipple Tatoo
Recently had nipple reconstruction with skin graph. Next step - tatoo. PLease weigh in on the amount of pain and recovery time? Thank you!
I will be on the Xeloda train
I definitely have to live on a more organized schedule as this is after meals twelve hours apart! I still haven't eaten yet!! Hugs, Karen oh yes I have to order the bag balm too.....
News to me
Fridday Jan 2012, radiologist informed me I have an 8mm spiculated solid mass. He stated 40-60% certain cancerous. I asked what else it could be. I am going with the 60-40% that it is not cancerous. Core biopsy done on Tuesday Jan 24, 2012. I am 53..very healty fit and active....please respond.
Extreme Hot Flashes
I have had extreme hot flashes since taking Tamoxifen like many other ladies/gentlemen. I have always been the type of person to get super hot easily, humidity also very uncomfortable which we get yearly. However, natural hot flashes were nearly gone before cancer came (I am 55) and was treated with good old Tamoxifen like…
Another chemo appointment and another UTI
This time I saw the PA and she did a urine test which came back positive, then she actually did chemo markers, YEAH! My Onco doesn't do them but she likes to keep track with them, so that was good, I have wanted them forever. She also followed through with a complete thyroid, liver, adrenal, and kidney function panel,…
metastatic breast cancer
Hello everyone, I have metastatic breast cancer and am taking Tamoxifen and Zometa. I am experiencing excessive hair loss/thinning. It is not coming out in clumps like I understand a chemo patient experiences, but very excessive thinning during showers, combing, etc. I can't seem to find hair loss listed as a side effect…
Hey all, First of all,I want to say thank you for the many, many questions you've all answered during my stay here in cancerland. :) I have yet another one though. I've just finished chemo, will have my port out tomorrow and my radiation similation next Monday. My rad oncologist said I would'nt experience much fatigue from…
question? how do I get the little man with the hat next to my name
Chuckling...I see that it doesn't appear. What am I not doing? Thanks, karen
surgery thursday lattissimus dorsi reconstruction
Im having surgery in the morning both sides will be done. I had radiation in 2009 on my left side I've had needle aspirations since fluid. Keeps building up so I hope and pray this will fix the problem. Teresa
starting radiation soon what should I expect? My doctor said I go 5 x a week for 5 weeks. One positive thing my brca1 and 2 test came back negative.
Komen has reversed there decision.They will keep giving to PP.Yea for all the women who need them.I'm a happy camper since Komen is one of my non-profits i give to. Frankie
BRCA1, Grapefruit, and Strontium
Hi ladies, I'm an ovarian cancer survivor who learned some interesting things from my naturopath today. Sorry, I cannot quote the sources, as she said these were just small mentions in larger, unrelated papers. BRCA1 positive wormen should NEVER eat grapefruit as it interferes wtih the p450 pathway. And BRCA1 women should…