starting radiation soon what should I expect? My doctor said I go 5 x a week for 5 weeks. One positive thing my brca1 and 2 test came back negative.
Women Veterans and Collaterals of PTSD Veterans - Women's Retreat
I've talked about the Retreats I go to twice a year. I just found out the dates for the next one - April 27 - 29, 2012. It is done at the Ft. Meade VA facility in Sturgis , SD.. It is for women veterans of any era and the collaterals (wives/SO/mothers/sisters/daughters) of any veteran with PTSD. There is no cost for the…
Monthly Doctors Visit
Good morning, Ladies. Well, I've got some more good news to share with you all. I saw my Oncologist yesterday and she said that my bone crits were 99(which is below 100)which she said is very good. Blood work results were also good,too. Said she was going to wait again till next month to schedule any scans. Yeah!! While I…
O.T.-oral surgery asap
exactly 10 yrs ago fell skating and snapped front tooth off-cap was good until 2 days ago...now fracture up to root/nerve-painful now waiting game for an appt (and COST our of pocket) LONG process 8-12 mths..I refuse to do it without being knocked out! I have been known to pass out at Dr office or at procedure..... Thanks…
Vaginal bleeding
I had some bleeding a few weeks ago and then again on Saturday. When it happened the first time, I thought maybe I was getting a UTI but then it stopped so I forgot about it. On Saturday it was after sex. There was quite a bit of blood and it went on for about 6-8 hrs. Bright red, same as the first time. There was probably…
Chemo leaked around IV
I looked for a thread, but couldn't find one with this subject. When I was having A/C treatments, some of the red devil leaked into my wrist from the IV. It swelled, was red, but I kept warm packs on it and it seemed to have gotten better. Now, its a few months later and it started aching all the time about a month ago. I…
Telling friends
DCIS - less than a 1/4" My lumpectomy was on Jan 18 had my followup with surgeon Jan 27th. Path report - margins not clear. and microinvasion. Surgeons suggestion - re excision for clear margins and a node biopsy My coworker/friend - concerned for me - which I appreciate. She called me that night after my follow up.…
OT - been gone for a while
Between my MIL health issues, the holidays, and the start of my reconstruction I've been missing for while. Need to check in and see how everyone's doing! This could take a while unless you want to post a reply to this message. I've noticed a LOT of new names here so it will take a while to catch up. (I've also moved to…
Need help please- mastectomy vs lumpectomy. Dr says lumpectomy.
Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with Stage II ER-PR positive BC in 9/11 at age 48. The tumor showed 4cc in the ultrasound, 2.5 cc on MRI. No suspicious lymphs. I have very dense fibrous breast and my 2011 mammo didn't show the tumor- mammo looked the same as years previous. SCARY! My treatment has been Chemo first - I have…
Today is Pitt's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day with love all around! -Jenny
Surgeon appt update
My appt didn't go the way I had planned. My surgeon says I'm just not ready for reconstruction right now. We did schedule it for April 3 though. But if my body is not strong enough she wil postpone it again. I've had some chest lymphadema & she wants it gone before shell do the surgery. Also, I have to lose 10 pounds of…
Today is GayleMc's Birthday!
Best wishes for a wonderful day and a happy, healthy year! much love, -Jenny
Had an Emotional Day - I met with a Social Worker to Talk About Surrogacy.
Hi my lovely ladies - Hope you are all doing well and feeling great. Today I met with a social worker to discuss options about surrogacy. I am only 33 and I harvested my eggs before treatments last year. The truth is, I am scared to get pregnant now. But I also want a child! So I am to consider other options such as…
Imetelstat Clinical Trial reaches milestone
Hi all: I mentioned in previous posts that I would let you know of the progress of the clinical trials. Geron has announced that the clinical trial for metastatic BC has completed its enrollment goal ahead of schedule. Additional trials are underway for brain mets, nsclc and others. See link:…
MRI done - Thanks pink bus warriors!
MRI went smoothly, in fact, fell asleep through part of it. I know, I know, slept through last bone scan too. I guess if you lay me down anywhere for more than 10 minutes I will be out. Sure did bring a smile to my face more than once (when awake) to think of my rowdy pinks outside on the bus waiting for me. Thanks for…
My 75-year-old Mom is now one of us... :-(
Admitting I haven't been here much lately. Completed 7 weeks of rads on December 1st, for my 2nd diagnosis. Between the rads-induced fatigue (more intense than the 1st time - 8 years ago) and the holiday season... well, I know you understand. You are all - always! - held close within my heart. Some time during the 2nd week…
I need to get outta town
Kevin and I are driving up to Sedona today (with our dog, Jake) to spend the day gazing at the red rocks, a bit of meditating, a few prayers, a little hiking and a nice lunch. Just wanted all of you to know, I will be lifting all of you up in prayer in this spiritual place, asking for peace, comfort and wellness. Love and…
More snake oil?
Yesterday I stopped in at my precancer hair salon to buy some lipstick. I took off my wig and showed my precancer stylist of 20+ years why I hadn't been back. She told me about a new Aveda product, Ivanti, and asked if I'd like her to try it out on me for 6 weeks as her guinea pig. She'd take before and after pictures and…
For those who have had cataract surgery-
Did they do a chest x-ray when you went to your pre-op screening? Tomorrow is my appts to go to optometary for measurements and then to the pre-op screening to give med history (not really sure why I need to as they already have all my medical for the last 16 yrs on file and I've given previous HX before but they want it…
Pain during radiation
I just finished number 10 of 37 radiation tx. My skin is ok but I have pain where my lump was and where the 1 positive lymph node was. Has anyone else had this? Radiation onc said there shouldn't be any pain. I don't want to be a whiner.
bad taste after chemo
Hey just wondering if anyone still had that nasty chemo taste after treaments were over? It has been 5 weeks since my last chemo and I still get that weird taste....Would appreciate any advice on getting rid of it...Thanks!!!
Why do I care?
I am so frustrated. My oncologist talks about how I going to die. I have brain mets, I can't get down on the floor and getting up is just about as hard. I can't die. I have a husband, a 17, 14 and 4 year old left to pick up the pieces. I am just so frustrated. Have any of you tried those clinical trials or gone somewhere…
Biopsy is Friday
Biopsy was delayed because nobody told me to stop taking vitamins and oils (Fish Oil). Oh well, it's this Friday. They told me the doc may want to biopsy both breasts; the one with the mass and aspirate the 3 contiguous cysts, and then biopsy the complicated cyst on the other breast. I told her to tell him to biopsy the…
Mastectomy surgery tomorrow
So...my mastectomy surgery is tomorrow and I'm getting super nervous!! I'm on my way to the plastic surgeons office for markings. This surgery came fast!! I'm praying for clear margins. What should I expect post surgery? Will I be in a lot of pain? I have so many things running thru my mind right now. Whew!!
OT - Thought I would share this
S O M E T I M E S Sometimes... when you cry.... no one sees your tears. Sometimes... when you are in pain... no one sees your hurt. Sometimes.... when you are worried.. no one sees your stress Sometimes.. when you are happy.. no one sees your smile ....
2nd round of A/C tomorrow--What to expect?
My first treatment with A/C went fine. Just a little achey and very tired on day 3-4. The good news is the tumor has shrunk, so it's working! But I'm wondering what to expect after the 2nd treatment tomorrow. Is that when my hair goes? Does that happen all at once? I want to just shave my head, but don't want to do it…
Mastectomy & reconstrcution scars
My plastic surgeon suggested I try Maderma for mastectomy & reconstruction scars. Friends have told me it did not work for them. The scar creams are to expensive to try & toss out. Any suggestions as to what scar cream to use that has worked for you.
Sending A Big Shout Out To Laurissa
Has anyone heard anything since her sister posted that she was out of the hospital for Christmas? Worrying about her Hugs, Debby
We dont mix . Got to the hospital had to go thru a finger stick it hurt i have very bad nerve pain in my feet and hands. Told them to use my arm i told we cant. cried then in chemo for iv for zometa got stuck twice told them also to use arm no can do. Sat there crying in pain got told 30min nope i was told 15 min call doc…
Double Mastectomy and immediate DIEP Flap reconstruction
well I have few more weeks before my "Big" surgery - Double Mastectomy and immediate DIEP Flap reconstruction .... anybody have any before/after surgery tips/sugestions ?