Tomorrows my big day..
Hello everybody..first off~~ God bless and prayers to EVERY single one of my soon to be Pink lady friends. I have been silently reading and watching discussions grow (old & new) since the day i joined this website shortly after being diagnosed myself. I just have to say the tears I have shed out of sadness and joy are…
Good news if you like to limbo
Saw my RO today and got the results of last week's brain MRI....The lesion that had been 4 mm is now, 3mm, they think that is the measurement but they said it was indistinct and very hard to measure. The other lesion which at last MRI was 1.4 cm is now 9 mm. He didn't rec. any immediate cyber knife treatment because he…
Kidney Failure
Please keep a friend of mine in your prayers. She complete chemo 2 weeks ago, became more nauseated and dehydrated than usual and has been hospitalized for almost 2 weeks and is on dialysis now. Has anyone known of this happening and can it reverse? Also, I have an MRI of my remaining breast on Wednesday, it's been 6…
Home from surgery
Well I came home today from surgery for double mastectomy. I am pretty sore but seem to get relief from meds at least for a bit. My doctor did a great job, tho I imagine things change as time goes on. The drains kind of scare me, I have 2 in each side. They must hurt like hell when they get pulled out???? I want to thank…
Radiation and Chemo Treatments
I have been on chemo for 18 months now, but tomorrow will be the first time that I will also begin 25-28 radiation treatments in addition to weekly chemo. It's so hard to go through all of these. My cancer just keeps on growing. The chemos aren't working :( . Oh well, just me venting right now. It's 3am, I have to be in…
Question for anyone with drain bags..
..Hi friends, Although I have already checked with my doctor (well fill in doctor as MY surgeon is on vacation) I phoned into the on call doc regarding two totally different colors im finding in my drainage container holders. Instead of the light red (pinkish)Im use to emptying-Im seeeing a dark coffee like color,,now…
Laurissa going to hospice
Its after 3 in the morning I can't sleep so I'm on here letting you know Laurissa will soon be at piece with our Lord in a much better place. She was so blessed to have you all in her life.All the help,incouragement and prayers you gave her meant so much.I'm praying she doesn't suffer much longer.Please now pray for a…
3 Week Break!!!
Hi Ladies, Today I went for my first Taxol drip after 4 cycle of A/C. I had such a rough time with A/C. In the past few weeks alone, I have had chest pain, shortness of breath, severe hand pain, hot flashes, and of course the nausea. My doc wants my body to recover before resuming treatment. I know it delays the…
Any and all advice appreciated...double mastectomy in a week and a half
Hi, everyone... Exploring new territory; this is my first post. I'll be having a double mastectomy without reconstruction on the 13th of June. I would love to hear your stories/advice about what has been most helpful, especially about recovering from the surgery...how long the drains were in, pain levels, how soon before…
Single or Double Mastectomy
Hello. I am a new member recently diagnosed with DCIS in the right breast. It is in more than one location so I have to have a mastectomy. I just saw the plastic surgeon and we discussed reconstruction. I am not eligible to have reconstruction because I am very overweight. I will need to lose at least 70 pounds to be…
Mammo...does it ever get easier??
Hi ladies, As I sit here now, I can hardly type for my hands are shaking like crazy. I am scheduled for my 6 month diagnostic mammogram. I am sooooo nervous! I was diagnosed in 3/10 and had lumpectomy, chemo, radiation, ovaries removed, and I take Aromasin daily. I have the BRCA gene. I should be OK, but the thought of…
My new plan to fight the beast is in place now...
Update! It's been a fairly rough 2 weeks....I finished my 10 rads to the brain last Friday...glad that's over, but to be honest the treatments were not bad at all....didn't like the mask they bolt your head down to the table, but coped with it well...you do what you have to do! Both my radiation oncologist and medical…
Two weeks post-op today!
New here, so a bit of background. I am 54 and on February 14th went in for my annual mammogram. (Great way to "love myself", right?) On the 15th I got the callback. I've had those several times for this and that, so really was not terribly concerned, but when I went in the radiologist showed me the pictures -…
New Grandson!
I just had to share the joys in my life! Just when I thought having a grandson was the best thing ever, I get to have another! I posted pics to share with all you G-Ma's :) Hugs!
When does this mess stop?
I had my first Chemo last week (Wednesday) and in the early hours of this morning (Tuesday) I was throwing up over and over again.. the sores appeared in my mouth and throat, the headache wont go away and now I have severe back and neck spasms. I go back tomorrow to get my 30 min IV infusion and I have no idea how I am…
So Sorry
I'm so sorry I haven't written or responded to any posts for so long. Its been a rough journey for me. While my cancer so far has NOT returned, I wound up in the hospital last fall, first with extreme water gain and spent a week in the hospital having it removed. That's when they found out I needed open heart surgery. I…
I'm so happy! Today was my last day of treatment, I just wish this was the end of it but I know this is just one battle and hopefully the last one!
I need a little advice.
sorry i dont post much but I do come on and read and chear and pray with for yall I have a new oncologist, have had her for 3 months. We dont get along very well but they say shes the best in the area dealing with breast cancer. In Jan we got in a yelling match over the fact i got my test results at the hospital and didnt…
OT anyone watching American Idol
I LOVE it..been watching since the 2nd year it started... Denise
OT: Yeah, I Did It! I Ran a 5K!
This is off the topic but I wanted to share my good news with you. I ran the 5K Run for Education this morning with my husband and daughter. My daughter ran with a friend and Mark and I ran together. I came in at 34 minutes! June 2009 marks my 3rd annual Survivorship Anniversary. I am not a runner, but am proud of myself…
Power of Pink (Good Path report)
I got my pathology results this morning from my hysteroscopy and d&c... everything's A.O.K. Thanks, Ladies for the support! It's a relief, for sure! I couldn't have made these past two years without your support and guidance! I truly appreciate all you do for everyone on this site! xoxo Julie
Onc called with biopsy results :(
My onc called today at 2:40 with my biopsy results. It's inflammatory breast cancer around the heart and pleural spaces of my lungs. So now I've joined my other pink sisters and brothers who are stage 4. I have known since day 1 that this day would come. Cancer in itself is sneaky and hateful but IBCi very quick & can…
Back to chemo
I saw my onc yesterday. We will do taxoll every Friday for 6 months. Then we will do a different chemo. He said it doesn't look good but he has lots of hope and is ready to fight as long as I'm willing. Of course I'm willing. He said what I've known since my original diagnosis with inflammatory breast cancer but didn't…
2 Surgeries, 3-day ICU, Ultimately Good News
Hi Everybody, What a bad couple of weeks. Went into surgery March 6 - everything seemed good. Came home Thursday and started bleeding out into my chest Friday night. Andie rushed me to ER and my hemoglobin was 4 - should be 12 - 14. More surgery to find bleeder but what they thought would be a bleeder turned out to be the…
Happy Birthday In Heaven To Our Sweet Moopy, AKA Lisa
The stars shine brighter with our Angel Lisa in Heaven now. Happy Birthday to you Lisa in Heaven! Our ♥'s broke the day you left, but, your memory will live with us forever! You're gentle, sweet soul is sorely missed..... Love Your favorite dancing kitty, ♥ Noel
Perrhaps I didn't understand it correctly BUT -
Thanks to new regulations if you list your Dr appt. (or any appts.) on your celll/'puter calendar that goes throughy google. - 'THEY' will be recording it and 'reminding' you of tthem - giviong you the route you should drive. to get to it. Susan
Today is Sunshine0406's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hoping you have a day/year filled with extra special blessings! ♥ Cat
laurissa not doing well
sorry I havent posted ,but I do want to thank everyone for the cards ,gifts and prayers sent to Laurissa. I hate to tell you that the cancer has spread to her brain...She will have radiation on thurs.22nd she is not doing well, can't get out of bed,she is not eating and drinks very little. It's so hard to see her like…
I just found out I have Ducatal breast cancer today.
Hi I just found out I do have breast cancer. I thought it was Inflammatory. I had two biospy and 1st one was negative. It started out as a rash and swelling. I am 49 and no one on both sides ever had cancer. I am worried and I will find out more when i go to the doctors on friday. Do you know how they find out what stage…
SNB with prophylactic mastectomies
This question is directed at anyone who's had prophylactic mastectomies. Was the subject of sentinal node biopsy discussed? My cousin (diagnosed with LCIS) will be having bilateral mastectomies in January. Not quite sure why SNB would need to be done so wanted to check others experience. Thanks. Susan