Please Light A Candle In Memory Of Our Pink Sister Connie Jean /Laurissa :(
This is the site that I always post where you can go and light a candle in memory of a pink sister. The group I started there is named CJ/L, for Connie Jean/Laurissa. I hope you will all light a candle for sweet Laurissa. All you have to do is click on the highlighted blue Laurissa below and it takes you to the site.…
Been a while....
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my teenage daughter fractured her pelvis and tore her Sartoris muscle away from the bone playing soccer =(. I have been doing well since the Phyllodes was removed. I do notice I have a smaller right breast than left now but I am not worried about it at all (could be way worse). I do…
Thank you sweet sisters for the flowers! Update, too
Imagine my great surprise and delight when I got home today from getting my Neulasta injection today to find a beautiful bouquet of tulips awaiting me from FTD...Then to open them to find they were from you, my kindred sisters....I cried when I read the card.... I can't thank you all enough! Even my husband was a bit…
A Must read
I was thinking of our beautiful sister, Kat/HootieGirl, when I started looking on the internet for something to help her. I thought "what about stem cell therapy" ... SO .... this is what I found. It looks like there is something very wonderful happening for advanced stages of breast cancer. I pray that Kat sees this URL…
Would you rather ---- ? (Game)
It's been quite a while since we did this game so thought I'd bring it up again. The object is to ask "Would you rather do "X" or "Z"?" The next person answers which they would rather do and then poses a new "Would you rather do "k" or "p"?" So I'll start with Would you rather eat little green peas or okra? Susan
Vactions: anyone have up coming plans to get away?
I HOPE everyone can get a break away even if for day or two from the rat race! Denise
Hello I am new
My wife is Texasgirl10! She is starting her second round of chemo today
Another 5-day visit to hospital!
Last weekend I woke up with a fever and my chest had turned red and purple around a burn I received during the first surgery. Nobody knew how I got the burn in the middle of my A week ago yesterday, I woke up with a fever and saw that my chest was becoming red and purple - particularly around a burn I had received during…
Getting ready to have life poured in
Im at the hospital waiting in the chemo treatment waiting room. I'm armed with all of your positive thoughts & energy and I have my full body armor on so I'm ready to kick some IBC booty!!! I hope all of y'all are having a good day. Hugs & God Bless, Dawne
I need info on sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Ladies,i need some information on vaginal dryness, I'm finished all treatment and I'm on femara and Id like to know if any of you have had any problems in this area,I haven't spoke to my oncologist yet. ~~MollyZ~~
"Pink Bus Party People Do An Outstanding Job Of Rooting For Robert!
At 3:30pm today "the Pink Bus" pulled up at Carolina East Oncology Center in Pollocksville,NC. There were people yelling out the windows, blowing horns and I think there might have been some drinking going on in there,too! There were banners,confetti and silly string flying everywhere. They spilled out into the parking lot…
Hey beautiful
Texasguy10 loves Texasgirl10. Honey you are my shining star!
Denied disability
Had my hearing and just got the final ruling. According to them I tolerated chemo well and could have been working the whole time. Found out my oncologist didn't document the side effects. I am escpecially pissed that the law office never informed me as they gathered paperwork from the Oncologist at different intervals…
Airport Security After BC
Has anyone gone thru airport security recently? We have an upcoming trip that involves going thru security and I'm getting kind of freaked. If I have to do the body scan thing,will a prothesis show up as something strange meaning I have to go thru the body grope thing that is now being done? If it's just normal security,…
breast cancer 7 years ago, lumpectomy with chemo and radiation, possibly angiosarcoma being diagnosed. Looking for survivors, how was it treated, etc.
TC chemo side effects
So I am brand new to this forum. I had lumpectomy 2/27/12. 1.6 cm clear, but close margins, and one micromatastesis in 1 of 3 nodes. E+, P+, HER2-. Oncotype dx score of 20. I'm strongly recommended to do 33 bouts of radiation because of the surgery results and am ok with that. The chemo was optional given the low…
I actually emailed Dr. Weissman, and within 24 hours received a response. This is one of the most promising of all research regarding cancer ever. Dr. Weissman's communications team advised me that unlike the normal 2- 5 years, this study will begin with human trials in 1 to 1 1/2 years. This is due to the funding already…
Research in Arizona
from the University of Arizona alumni report: Grant to Fuel Baking Soda Cancer Therapy Research Baking Soda Research UA associate professor Mark "Marty" Pagel, far right, with chemical engineering student Michelle Benson, left, and University of Arizona Cancer Center student Tony Ward. Pagel's MRI method produces an image…
I want to share this with you
I was given a coin by one of my radiation technicians when I was feeling fearful. I cannot tell you how much this small token means to me NOW. CANCER CANNOT . defeat the soul . shatter hope . depress faith . destroy homes . limit humanity . kill friendships . silence courage . ruin the soul . reduce the spirit CANCER CAN…
UPDATE: Upcoming Expander Exchange Surgery - What can I expect?
Hello Pink Sisters, On Monday June 13th I will be having the tissue expander in my right breast removed and replaced with an implant. My left breast will be reduced and lifted to match. This is all being done on an outpatient basis at the hospital. I know many of you have been through this and I was just wondering what…
Anyone have breast cancer for the seond time - other breast?
Hi: Could you share your experience with having breast cancer for the second time in the other breast? I'm really scared. What did they do? Chemo,masectomy, etc? Thanks, Jeanne
When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving advice you have not done what I asked. When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn't feel that way, you are trampling on my feelings. When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to solve my problem, you have failed me, as…
So I haven't posted in a while. For me, having finished with radiation treatments (march 1st TYVM) means never looking back. I don't think about cancer. It's over. At least, that's what I want to think. Started the Arimidex poison and I am just so sick. It's only been 3 weeks and I want to stop taking this stuff. I get…
Some bad news
Hi ladies! Okay so spring break was amazing. Had so much fun with my friends on the beach and it was exactly the relaxing vacation that I needed. It was so hard coming back to real life. I am trying to upload some pictures for y'all to look at, but I can't figure out how!! I'm assuming you put them in a blog post? But I…
New Discovery Pills -- Really? I hope so!
Hi sisters -- I feel dumb posting this article, as we all know there have been so many articles about "miracle drugs", but "hope" is the last thing we lose, if ever. So here it goes - comments? http://gizmodo.com/5896683/the-miracle-drug-that-kills-all-cancers
cancer free question
I am just curious on what date do you consider from year to year on being cancer free. Do you count it from the time you had surgery or finished treatments or when you went for your first follow up and they said no evidence of disease?
PET Scan results
Good News!! The scan has shown that all of my tumors are still there, the cancer has not shrunk, but.... it hasn't grown any either and my liver/lungs are ok. So were going to stay on this same chemo beings it's holding. I'll have more info on my CA27-29 soon as well. The best news in a long time, finally a chemo that can…
Hello ladies havent been here in a long time hope you are all doing well my prayers are always with you im wondering if anyone has had refusal from insurance companies to get follow mri if so please let me know i think I think this practice is wrong and possibly even illegal against womens health care I was turned down and…
Follow up
I'm confused. Yesterday I saw a NP because my onc was out of town. This was the first time I'd seen him so we went over a lot and it was a good visit. My follow-up to date has been visits every 4 months with oncologist with bloodwork and chat, exams every 6 months by surgeon, and mammogram yearly. I saw the rad onc twice…
Hi, I'm pretty new to this site (and cancer) and I was wondering if anyone knew of any oganizations that help out people financially who are dealing with cancer. I found out in December that I had breast cancer and slowly but surely what little savings we had is being drained with all the co-pays, meds, Dr appts, etc. I'm…