Today is 2XRound's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR 2XR HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE!!! Wishing you Health, Happiness, & Love on your special day & Always! ♥ Cat
any had hives or unexplained bruising from tamoxifin?
I have had unexplained bruising on both legs and also have hives after 5 months on tamixifin .... local gp dr put me on prednisone for ten days to try to clear it up ... didnt help will try to call oncologist office in Anchorage to see if this is an allergy to the tamoxifin and if so why did it not happen sooner getting…
Caregiver stressed out
Hi Everyone, I am glad I found this site. I am a 54 yr old man and my wife who is 56 has Breast Cancer. I am mostly the sole care giver and Im about to loose my mind. In 2001 we lost our 14 yr old daughter which I believe started Lindas illness. She was very depressed and was diagnosed in 2003 with Breast Cancer. We went…
"you are N E D"! How sweet it is .... I saw my new oncologist and he had encouraging words to say. He said "you are a healthy young woman". He did a thorough exam and could not find anything wrong with me. I am set for a CT scan .... he says there is no need for a PET Scan because the lung nodules will not be seen on that…
OT - totally awesome video
Not related to BC, but this rocks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihGCj5mfCk8
not strong enough
Hi everyone. I am half way through my chemo and as good as that sounds, I just cant face the fact of having to go through it all again. This is seriously taking everything I have, and I have no more to give. I was hospitalized over the weekend. I was in such a bad way that I wouldnt of cared if the walls all fell in on me.…
Trip To Chicago. YAY!!!!!
Just want to let you Ladies know that I will be out of touch with y'all for 5 wks.,due to the fact that I will be up around Chicago,IL. Little town of Wauconda to be more specific. Driving up early tomorrow morring to see June's Mom while she recovers from hip surgery and other health issues. Would like to know if there…
my soulmate passed away 5 weeks ago....
not sure how this works my first time on this site...thought i would try to find a support group to chat with. My husband Paul my soulmate passed away 1 week after his 68th birthday after a long 2 yr battle with breast cancer / was diagnosed with Brain tumors christmas eve 2011 and passed away March 18 2012....my life is…
Please PRAYERS now for Texasgirl10
Dawne had been admitted to the hospital after her PET scam. The cancer is worse and she has blood clots on the left side, I am assuming lung and heart she just told me left side. She also has a lot fluid in her stomach. Dr.R is very worried she said. Dawne is scared as we all would be. She ask me to post this so please,…
What the heck is this?
Hi pink sisters has anyone experienced this. Lately, my left nipple has been kind of itchy so I figure I need extra lotion vaseline etc. A few days ago my left nipple was itching something fierce and then my breast so I took my t-shirt and rubbed away. My nipple and breast felt tingly so I went to look in the mirror. I…
Quilt and hair story
I was out and about with a friend (endometrial cancer survivor) this morning. One of our stops was a quilt store. So there we were, having fabrics cut by a woman wearing a pink ribbon. And yes, she was a bc survivor - and I must tell you all that she is a 4-year survivor of Stage III bc. Yahooie! She has lymphedema and…
Relay Foe Life -- New Bern, N.C.
Ladies, I apologize for taking so long to reply about my relay experance on Friday,April 27,2012. Let me start off by saying that we made it all the way around for the Survivors lap, then the wife and I had to rest. We had a great time there and put our hand prints on the piece of canves for survivors. Even saw last years…
♥ This Is My Story And I Am Sticking To It ♥
First, let me say how much I have missed you all and how much I love you all! As some of you know, I have been very busy with my collecting of money and clothing for the homeless. I started this a few years back as there was a growing need for it in the communities around here. It is just awful to see men, women and…
medi port
I'm getting my medi port on Monday, anyone have suggestions? I'm right handed so should I get it on the left side or does it really matter
A cute quote......
Life isn’t a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming ‘Woohoo WHAT A RIDE’! I thought you ladies and gents would like this. I hope you are all well,…
A Question For You: Has anyone gone to a tanning salon to get a jumpstart on a tan?
I haven't used one, but, it seems so many of my friends go and have such a nice tan already that I was thinking about maybe going a few times just to get a jump on a tan. I just wondered what any of your experience's were if you've gone before or are now. I've read conflicting stories on whether they are bad for you. I…
My surgeon prescribed a compression sleeve for me last week and sent me to their home medical supply store. The small Jobst sleeves were too big--I'm small boned, so I tried a medical supply store in the town I live in. They had a different brand that runs smaller and they said it fit perfectly. The compression level on…
can ovc spread to the breast
Hello I have ovc and just was told that a mammagram that I had done that they want me to have an ultra sound. My question is can ovc spread to the breast? any info would be greatly appreciated. I have been battling ovc for 3 years now and am still on chemo. Feels like its always something to worry about. I posted on the…
I am very scared!
I went to my Gyno on Monday for my yearly & to tell him I had an issue with my left breast.. My nipple had inverted & breast has hardened. He looked at it said nothing & sent me to a breast specialist. I saw her on Weds - yesterday. Within 10 mins of being in the office she said she was very concerned that it is cancer…
Breast cancer and no insurance
Hi A family member of mine has been diagnosed with Stage I DCIS. The doctor gave her the option lumpectomy w. radiation or mastectomy. She has no insurance at all. What do people do in such situations? It is horrifying, not only does one have to face hearing the word "you have cancer", but now she has to worry how on earth…
Fosomax (Alendronate)
Hi, 6wks ago I had a double mastectomy with 2nodes removed for a rare secretory carcinoma of the breast. Margins and nodes were clear. My doc prescribed Arimidex and so far so good. About a year ago I was treated with chemo and pelvic radiation for Stage 3 Anal cancer, at this time NED. After a bone density test I have…
Yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of my lumpectomy. I consider this my anniversary of survivorship, since this was the date the cancer was removed from my body. I had my follow up from the colonoscopy and endoscopy. Two polyps removed, the one in the intestine he said was the kind that becomes cancer so good thing I had…
Tumor Marker Elevated
What I feared from the start of having tumor tests has happened--and it's only my 2nd test! Got a call today that all of my blood work except for the tumor marker was normal. Tumor marker was slightly high at 45 (40 is the high end of normal). I have to have it retested in a month. If it comes back the same or higher I'll…
I'm just back from Kaua'i
and checking on my pink sisters (and brothers) here. I am so sorry to see all the newbies in just a little over 2 weeks' time. But, as you probably have already seen, you've come to the right place for questions, advice, encouragement, and an enormous amount of love and caring. To all those who are struggling--my prayer…
Well one week over with rads and steroids, was a hard ride for me. Sterouds made me beeing like in a fog and I am soooooo tired. Headaches and pressure against my skull is gone (thank goodness) I am sure that it is a good sign. I will see the Dr. Monday and will find out about the progress. I know I was'nt supportive to…
Considering reconstruction - I need to hear from you
I'm considering reconstruction with implants. I'm a little concerned and would like to hear from some other ladies who have gone thru this. I had my right breast removed 10 years ago because of cancer. Lymph nodes were also removed on my right side. Went thru chemo and radiation then. Last year I had my left breast removed…
This is my first time posting
I'm so glad I found this site! It's taken me a while to get to the point of sharing my journey with anyone - I had a hard time coming to grips with having breast cancer let alone talking with others. I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in June of 2011. It followed an abnormal routine mammogram. I…
Hi... I had an excisional biopsy with a wire localization last friday. Waiting for my results...
I just feel pretty lost right at the moment. I haven't had any cancer issues at all and I am hoping it stays this way. But...realistically I am here for a reason. I havent been able to think of anything else. I may hear from the BS today or tomorrow. I opted for a phone call when the results come in then I can discuss them…
Slow growing Cancer Tumors that mammograms don't reveal
I took annuanl mammograms for the past five years because an abscess left scar tissue. I had biopsies that were benign. Then last year in August test results revealed a 9 centimeters cancer that was not a lump but was flat in my breast. After surgery the pathologist revealed that it was a slow growing cancer that does not…
Stage 1v breast cancer with mets to
entire spine, both femurs, hips, ribs, sternum, clavicle, and knee-still being heavily treated. Pleural effusion- pleural thickening, nodules, scarring. We just recently had a scan came back with a liver lesions--taken Halaven...What does this mean? Should I be worried for my husband? Being treated with halaven, zometa,…