Mother's Day
Happy mothers day to all the moms.
4 yrs ago
MY First day of Radiation...
Does Any one have Aflac
I have Aflac. I actually have several of their policies. Thank goodness I got the cancer policy, I think.. Does anyone else have it & is it what I think it is? I am so overwhelmed with all the insurance lingo along with the medical lingo that my brain is mush! Just wanting to know if it helped anyone else. Thanks
Thanks TraciInLA !!
For bumping out the stupid spammers, Jennifer
I am wishing all of my pinkies a wonderful Mother's Day!
Wishing you pinkies the best Mother's Day ever! Love you! Sue :)
I suddenly had an increase in neuropathy
I am 3+ months out from my last chemo and I was feeling my neuropathy had decreased since I started Gabapentin a couple of weeks ago but it has gotten worse in the last couple of days. I have slowly increased my dose like I was instructed. I added a pill this morning and we'll see if this helps. The Gabapentin has…
~~ Do You Have Any Plans For Mother's Day? ~~
Let us know if you have any plans for Mother's Day. I hope that you will be pampered, fed and shown all of the love that you all so deserve! Happy Mother's Day Pink Sisters!
Today is CanoeGirl's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MARCY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your day is extra special & all your wishes come true this year! ♥ Cat
Does anyone have implants?
I had a lumpectomy to remove my cancer, I'm about to start radiation. I'm worried as to the effect it will have on the implant? I asked my oncologist and she said there is a 50-50 chance it will. Has anyone had my problem?
Need to decide on double mastectomy - please comment
I had a lumpectomy and partial mastectomy last summer. I was unable to complete the recommended rounds of chemo and did not have radiation (both due to medical reasons). My breast surgeon is suggesting that I consider a double mastectomy because of my "suboptimal treatment". My next appointment with her is on April 7th and…
New to club... with questions
Hi everyone. My life has been an emotional roller coaster the last three weeks. I was diagnosed with invasive ductile carcinoma (several tumors in R breast) following a routine mammogram. Couldn't feel any lumps-- still can't. ER/PR+ and Her2nou -. Wow. Can't believe I'm writing this down so matter of factly-- I really…
Suzanne Summers
Had a choice of taking chemo for her bc years ago and choose the holistic way .She seems to be doing great from what she says on tv. I have my problems from chemo from a to z. I wish I had chosed better .now I regret alot of things. What does everybody think? can we live better without it knowing what our death cert…
Hello everyone just checking in.
Just wanted to say Hi .I Pray everyone is doing ok.I have never forgot your kindness when I was going through Breast Cancer.I am doing ok for now.I have worked hard and lost 66 pounds since Cancer.I am feeling much better.My yearly mamo. and checkup is next month.I just found out about our dear Laurissa.That broke my…
Revlon 5k Run/Walk: In Honor of Fallen Warriors, Present Warriors
I am reeving up for the Revlon Run/Walk this Saturday, May 12th in Los Angeles. I have been training and plan to run the course. This is my 2nd year and I feel compelled to go and pay tribute to the fallen Warriors and present Warriors. Wish me luck! Oh, and a Happy Mother's Day to all!
how long do we have
hi i would like to know how much longer do we have. Here is the back story. my aunt was diagnosed stage 4 breast cancer in January 2011 with mets to lymph nodes under right arm, bones, lungs and spline. also she was born with cerebral palsy and epilepsy .she was put on femara and it worked until December when we noticed…
mastectomy right breast, never have been sick or in hositpal until breast cancer, i am 58 years old, my nerves are shot! any advice out there.
How is Katie17
Does anyone have word on Katie17? Her surgery was this past Thursday.
What the What?
No wonder we have so much trouble getting onto the site these days with all that spam crap going on. SHAME on anyone who would abuse this site and interfere with someone getting the emotional support they need at such a stressful time in their life!
Today is KMS3566's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KAREN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
First time poster
Hello all! This is my story. I am 42 married with a 4 & a 6 1/2 year old. 1 year ago today I had a hysterectomy for a condition called adenomyosis. My uterus was swollen from scar tissue from 3 abdominal surgeries (2 being c-sections)& I tried 6 months of lupron that didn't work. It was a big surgery, I was cut hip to hip…
new here and have all the 3 symptoms-scared-alone and lost.
Hey everyone! Im so glad I found this site as Ive been going thru alot myself but I found my lump last Jan,2012 and had a lumpectomy on April 25,2012.Im getting my stitches and staples out Monday. I havent started radidation yet but expect it soon.Im ready as I want to get better. This is a emotional roller coaster as I…
Lost myself for a while...
...to the darkness of depression compounded by some pretty extreme fatigue. When I finally realized what was going on, I got a prescription and have been seeing a counselor at the treatment facility. I have a couple of projects to wrap up at work, and then I'm taking a leave of absence. I'm planning to spend the summer…
bad news
just found out yesterday, cancer moved into my head (lower brain). I had for weeks headache and very bad dizzy spells. Told my onco about it and he was so sure it could not been cancer. Anyways I insisted to have a Ct Test and voila I have cancer in a different place. He did put me on steroids right away which helps the…
OT - Grand daughter
This may not sound like much, last night my grand daughter came over to me, took my hands and said " help me". This was a first for her. She has been mostly non verbal till 2 years ago. She is 8 and has autism. I almost cried! I just had to share. Cindy
outrageous comments
Ok, let me preface this with the fact that I truly don't think she was trying to be cruel. A co-worker, that has actually helped me out a lot during and after treatment, told me the other day that I should hurry up and get my reconstruction done so I don't look like a boy anymore. I had talked to her some about possibly…
Saw the surgeon and plastic surgeon today. I will have a bilateral mastectomy on May 21st or 25th. We will get the day nailed down. I will have no reconstruction now or anytime real soon. Not happy but it has to be done. Maureen
Hi, I have been on anastrozole for two months and am feeling awful. At first I thought it might be the after effects of coming off of prednisone. I was put on that for my lungs from one of the many side effects I had from taxotere....which is a whole other conversation! :( but when I actually looked up the drug and it's…
Oncotype Dx Score of 19 - What to do? Chemo/No chemo
I am 46 and recently was diagnosed with Stage I, IDC. I had dense tissue and many calcifications in both breasts. My maternal grandmother had breast cancer at 43. I had two biopsies; one cancerous and one calcifications. I do not have genetic mutation/BRCA. I opted for bilateral mastectomy, which I had in early February.…
Today is JennyTwist's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JENNY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May your special day be filled with Love, Joy & Happiness and hoping all of your wishes come true! ♥ Always, Cat *You have touched my life & so many others with your kind words & loving ♥. You truly are an…
Today is TawnyS's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TAWNY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Best wishes to you on your special day & throughout the year! ♥ Cat