Bladder Tumor Free
After being diagnosed with "something in your bladder" in 2005, I had three recurrences about every two years thereafter, for a total of eight tumors removed. Six out of the eight were malignant. My last two TURBTs occurred in 2009 and 2012, followed by intravesical treatments with Mitomycin-C. I assume I haven't had…
TURBT, Chemotherapy, Survival, and Beyond
I haven't visited the survivors network in a while because it's been an eventful year for me. At the end of last year, a strange patch of tumor cells was found in my bladder at my 3-month follow-up (which ended up being 6 months, instead). At the end of January 2022, I had my 6th TURBT, followed by a 6-week intravesical…
New problem for me
In 2013 I had my left kidney removed due to RCC. Have had check ups ever since all NED until this month. My ultrasound report returned with 1.2 cm x 0.9 echogenic nodule on right bladder. My follow up with urologist isn't until 8/5/22 and I am going nuts with worry. What are the chances a benign cyst or am i facing bladder…
I am having surgery in a few weeks and have decided to have a neobladder. Is here anyone out there that has had this done?
Bladder cancer
Had bladder and prostate removed 2/23/22. Opted for the ostomy bag. Physically I'm feeling pretty good and getting back to "normal ". Mentally I'm struggling with this new appendage to my body and realizing this is going to be with me for the rest of my life. I have always been healthy and was not prepared for this. I've…
Bladder Tumor
I'm new here as I had a cystocopy on Tuesday and it revealed a tumor. I have surgery scheduled on June 7th to have it removed and sent for pathology, so I don't yet know the diagnosis. I'm in my early 40s and don't know what to think about all of this. I am trying not to let my mind think negatively since I don't have any…
Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma
I'm new to this site. I was diagnosed with upper tract urothelial carcinoma in December 2017. My local doctor wanted to remove my kidney and ureter right way, but MD Anderson said not so fast. Since January I've been in a clinical trial at MD Anderson in Houston and I've had very good results so far. I'm still not sure…
How to find good oncologist/urologist
Newly diagnosed bladder cancer and wondering how to find good oncologist/urologist. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Radical cistectomy very soon for me
Hello everybody. I am new to this group. After 15 months of BCG treatment, the cancer finally invaded the muscle. The doctors have recommended me to remove my bladder and replace it with a neobladder. I don't have many options, so I accepted. My operation is on the 29th of March 2022. Happily the operation will be at MD…
What is it like living with stage 4 bladder cancer
I had my bladder removed October 8, 2021. Everything looked great, no spread to the lymph nodes that were removed or the prostrate that was removed. Went back in 3 months for a CT Scan and it was found that the cancer spread to my lungs. The doctor recommends immunotherapy because chemo didn’t work. Said I have about 10…
Gathering info
My 41 year old brother was just diagnosed with high grade bladder cancer that invades the muscle. His doctors want to remove his bladder. My question is how is the quality of life after the surgery? My brother is very active with skiing, hiking and camping, we are being told by his doctors that after his surgery due to the…
Recurrence with treatment questions
I was diagnosed with stage 3 bladder cancer back in 2015.Underwent 4 months of chemo then major surgery to remove bladder as well as prostate and surrounding lymph nodes then had a neo bladder constructed.All was fine and check ups ok until I began to have symptoms occur which ranged from constant back/torso pain as well…
Stage 4 Bladder Cancer - Share Hopeful Stories
New to this group. My husband (55) has stage 4 bladder cancer. We’ve done chemo, currently on immunotherapy, and considering proton radiation. It’s been a year since we started treatment. We have 2 young boys (9 and 7). Trying to stay hopeful. Any survivors out there I’m the same stage that can share hope?
Bladder Cancer at 85 - Risks
My Mom was diaghosed with T2B Muscle invasive Bladder cancer. She had a portion of tumor removed before Christmas but it was deep into the muscle. Went yesterday to surgeon and he did cystoscopy and showed me large tumor stuck to lining into muscle. We are faced with this: Mom had Breast cancer 12 years ago and had a VERY…
Bladder and Urinary Tract Cancers Patient Education Event (Virtual, March 5, 2022)
Mild thickening of bladder wall
12/07 went to ER for groin pressure, back and flank pain, had a little blood and burning after urination. At ER had normal blood work, but gave urine sample it look liked Coca Cola. The doc told me it was intestinal cystitus. Gave me keflex. 12/09 went to pcp gave urine and it had moderate blood in urine, positive for…
Newly Diagnosed with Bladder Cancer
Hi, glad I found this site. I am 61 years old / never smoked other than SECOND HAND. I have a history of kidney stones and occasional blood in urine. But I always assumed it was from the stones and never got alarmed. I went in for a CT scan for another issue and a small 5mm mass was ssen on my bladder. I followed up with…
Chemo w/ Radiation after a Chemo only Clinical Trial
My father (71) has stage II high grade bladder cancer invasive into the muscle wall but it has not spread beyond the bladder. He (my father) said that he would literally rather die than have his bladder/prostate/lymph nodes removed. We are at the point now where we want to try a clinical trial involving Opdivo (nivolumab),…
Needing advice
Hi! I have a few questions on what to expect. some background, I was referred to a Urolgist due to Frequent urination, and frequent utis. In April, I had a urinallysis done in the office. I was spotting that day as my period started a couple of days later. Never got a call back about anything regarding urinalysis results.…
What does this mean
What does "nonopacification of a portion of the proximal right ureter" mean? I'm waiting for Dr. to call with results. Does this mean furthur testing, or do they usually disregard when that happens on the ct urogram. Has anyone had this happen, and if so, what was the outcome? Thank you in advance!
Breast reconstruction
I'm 18 weeks into a clinical chemotherapy trial for stage 4 bladder cancer, possibly metastasized. On May 9th we take scans to see how things are and discuss future steps. My immediate problem in my depression. I'm not optimistic about the future -- I'm 62, single, and have led a relatively "loner" lifestyle (not a lot of…
Cytology Results
I just got my cytology results. They say that I am negative for high grade urothelial carcinoma but that I have scattered urothelial cells and squamous cells present. I have a CT tomorrow and my next doctor appt isn't until June 4. I'm curious if anyone here has had a similar cytology result like mine. I'm relieved about…
bladder cancer spread to lymph nodes
Can anyone help please? My father in law has bladder cancer which has now spread to his lymph nodes both sides of the diaphragm. The hospital are saying it is untreatable but he is determined to try anything to treat it. Is there anything anyone can suggest? Thank you
BCG treatment Immunotherpy Best Practices Before/During/ After
Check with anyone who has had BCG Immmunotherpy treatments. What are the best practices befoe/during/after treatment and foods/supplements to avoid, pain ?
BCG intravesical therapy
I am currently deciding on a course of treatment for my bladder cancer, called carcinoma in situ. It is called "superficial", but has been progressing some. I have had bladder cancer for 5 years now, but have reached the stage where something more than cutting out a tumor is necessary. does anyone out there have any…
I don’t want a Cystecomy!
Hi everyone! I was told I have bladder cancer after a Cystocopy TURB surgery this Nov 2019. The biopsies from that showed invasive T2 Cancer into inner muscl. I am currently doing chemotherapy for the next 12 weeks! They still will want to remove my bladder! I'm taking Beta-Glucans as a vitamin. ever heard of these ! any…
HI all, I do not have bladder cancer but do have a bladder that is completely shot, I do have prostate cancer but that is pretty dormant at the moment.The doctor inserted a supra pubic catheter in my bladder when the bladder spasms got too great. Problem is Urinary tract infections, I have one go on anti biotics, clears…
Any recommendations for excellent urologist in NYC for early bladder cancer
Can go anywhere in Greater NYC area. Sister was diagnosed with very early transitional cell bladder cancer at an outlying medical center. The urologist there felt he had ablated the entire small tumor (after having obtained a biopsy). Wants her back in 90 days for repeat cystoscopy. She is in agreement that she should now…
Hi there. I was diagnosed in 2019 with low grade upper tract urolelial carcinoma. Have had several procedures where the cancer lesions are burned off but they keep recurring. Suppose to undergo treatment with Jelmyto. Has anyone undergone treatment with this chemo agent .