Some Good News
Some of you may know that I am 55 years old, a male in generally good physical condition. Late last fall I started noticing blood in my urine after a hard workout at my gym, it alarmed me as this never happened before. Over a couple of months it happened several more times but only after a strenuous workout. Never the less…
Whole body pet scan reports of my mom
pateint a known treated case of carcinoma left ureter status post left radical nephrouretecerectomy followed by bladder wall recurrence and subsequent partial resection of urinary bladder and post chemotherapy .present per/ct scan being done for evaluation of response to therapy following or opinion of pet/ct scan in this…
Swelling in feet and leg
My brother is in the hospital right now. He went to the hospital because is foot and leg swell to double the size. He has blood in his urine, and doctors feel it is bladder cancer. Said there is a mass on bladder wall. He just had a biopsy yesterday and has not got results back yet. I am just wondering if anyone else has…
Bag or no bag??
My wife just had a transurethal resection and the pathology came back that she has a high grade invasive cancer that will require the bladder to be removed. She is 59 and in excellent shape. Her surgery will be in a week and a half. I have a couple of questions: 1) She is leaning and I support the ostomy with the bag. She…
Gall Bladder Cancer Help required
On 25 may 2014 my mother had symptoms of jaundice after ultrasound the doctor suggested ERCP in which a stent was placed in CBD, because there was blockage or you can say contraction of CBD. After ERCP doctor show his opinion that she had a cancer and he suggested CT scan. In CT scan every thing was clear. then open…
Need Help
Hi. After 6 courses of BCG and another biops, we just received pathology indicating my husband has TCC at least into the muscle layer of his bladder. The doctor is recommending removal of the bladder. Anyone else out there have any other options? I've heard so many rough stories of bags and neo bladders not working so…
Questions, questions, questions
New to all this and have lots of questions. My mom is 69 and has been hospitalized for the past 2 weeks with severe bladder infection. Biopsy shows low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (which she doesn't know about yet - Urology appointment tomorrow morning). From what I'm reading it sounds like this is a very…
Father's diagnosis
Hey guys Really great to have somewhere to talk and I hope I can really get something from this. My father Is 60 years old. In great shape and always well . One month ago he started to pass clots in his urine and was reffered to a urologist. He was admitted and had a ct scan and a scope done. They found a polyp on his…
My mom recently diagnoses with stage 4 bladder cancer that mestasized to her bone
My mom is a 52 year old who was always on the go. A little over a week ago she got diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer that has now spread to her bone. She is pain from her bone and can not ve as active as she always has and she is suffering from that. She starts chemo on Tuesday but it will be a low dose and monitored…
Cutaneous Urinary Diversion leaks
I had a rare form of cancer diagnosed December 2014. As it was aggressive it was imperative that the bladder be removed immediately. I am still mid-40s and professional career woman. I opted for the internal new bladder (cutaneous urinary diversion similar to Florida pouch) to help with my self image. I am apparently a…
Proton Therapy For Bladder Cancer
It has been awhile since I have been on this board so I will give a summary of my bladder cancer and type. Was diagnosed with agressive T2 high grade bladder cancer in November of 2014. The size of the tumor was very large and underwent three months of chemotherapy that ended in March of 2015. The chemotherapy alone…
I had my bladder removed this year and having to wear a urosomy bag. My question is does anyone know if I would be able to get disability for this?
Planned Outage on 10/9
There will be a planned CSN outage on 10/9/15 from 5am-8am EST while the site undergoes some maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rowan CSN Support Team
ciplatin with gemcitabin treatments
My mom was diagnosed with TCC (bladder cancer) in her renal pelvis & ureter in late Jan 2010. The cancer was also found in her lungs (4 small nodules 1-2cm)during routine Xray in prep for her surgery nephroureterectomy. We started chemo today with cisplatin & gemcitabine. Any one have experience with these drugs? She is 65…
TCC kidney removed
Just curious if anyone had similar to my case. Tumor was small at just under 3cc and after removal was low grade and non-invasive. It was located in the ureter so I lost a kidney. Now every 3 months the lovely bladder scope. Nearly a year post surgery so several scopes have been done with only one scare that proved to not…
Newly Diagnosed
Hello Everyone, Hope all that open this message is feeling well and in good spirits. I have come to this site because my aunt that is much like a mother to me has been told she has a bladder tumor that is inoperable. Long story short- She lives in Puerto Rico and has been going to the doctor for the past 7 months. Her…
Dad has Bladder cancer but won't tell me I only know because his girlfriend told me
Dad has Bladder cancer but won't tell me I only know because his girlfriend told me
So here I am again
So mom did chemo for 2 months and it didn't help the way we needed it too. She started radiation therapy but had to stop because she was admitted to the hospital. Her calcium and blood levels were awful, she was also showing sign of being sceptic. A new doctor called my father at home and basically said she going to die…
Check-up time
I had my CT scams yesterday, I see my onclogist in the morning, today has been rough. I know others go through this too. I'm sure someone has a snappy name for this wierd spot in time. I have things to get done , and any other day I would be doing them. Its this one day between doing the tests and waiting for the results.…
Annonaceous acetogenins - anyone here of this?
Tumor cell growth inhibition by several Annonaceous acetogenins in an in vitro disk diffusion assay. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7553608?report=abstract The cell inhibition activities of several Annonaceous acetogenins, covering the three major structural classes of bis-adjacent, bis-non-adjacent, and single…
If CT showed nothing shld my 18 yr old son still get cystoscopy?
18 yr old son had peed brownish urine 3x in a week and a half so went to urologist - by the time we got appt his urine color was normal (and still is to date) had abdominal and pelvic CT with and w/o contrst - all negative . Now dr wants a cystoscopy done. Should we still get cysto even tho things hv been fine since dec…
Life Expectancy Without Surgery
Hi everyone. I am a 56 year old woman that was diagnosed with agressive stage 2 high risk bladder cancer after having a TURBT done. The Urology Oncologist informed me that my best treatment was to undergo three months of intense chemotherapy (MVAC regimen) followed by an RC. In January of 2015 I began my chemotherapy…
Interesting Read from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: "Study Clarifies How Bladder Cancer Tr
I found this article and subsequest discussion very interesting regarding BCG and how it works. I hope some of you you can use it. https://www.mskcc.org/blog/study-clarifies-how-bladder-treatment-works Hal
New member from Australia
Hi All, I've just joined this forum, my username is red750, and my name is Peter. I'm a 70 year old male, and I live in Vermont, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. On Feb 4, 2014, my son's birthday, I was taken by ambulance to hospital suffering extreme urinary retention and bleeding whern I tried to urinate. Without going…
bladder cancer and neobladder
I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in february 2007. After chemo on July 5, 2007 my canceros bladder was replaced with a neobladder. The surgery was performed at USC LA by the best doctors Dr. Scinner and Dr. Stain. I am able to urinate normally during daytime. At nite i have to wake up using a time clack two three times.…
Neo-bladder reconstruction surgery
My husband was recently diagnosed with high grade stage 2 bladder cancer. The tumor was too large to completely remove during a TUR procedue and he will be having a radical cystectomy with a neo bladder reconstruction in March. Has anyone had this procedure done? He is still very weak from being treated for renal failure…
Helping eachother
I try to check this site several times a week. I have been dealing with bladder cancer since Dec. 2011, have had BCG, tons of scopes, CTs, chemo, neobladder surgery and all the emotional **** that goes with it. I will gladly take all the time you need to walk this road with you. Make sure you come back to this site on a…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
Hello - my husband is 50 years old, and a smoker. He was found to have microscopic blood in his urine during a routine physical. Urologist sent him for a cat scan, which was negative for all but a few nonsignificant kidney stones. He did a bladder scope in the office today and found a bladder polyp - which he said was…
Jumped a forum -new ailment-need info
My father has had colorectal cancer 6 years ago and is now free of disease. :) Now for the problems: Due to the radiations given to his colon,6 years ago,his ureters & bladder have taken a hit and his kidneys bloated with urine.Only one of his kidneys is functional now as the blocked ureters caused hydronephrosis to the…