looking for cases similiar to my dads ureter cancer
Hello... My dad was diagnosed with a very aggressive bladder cancer last year. He had his bladder, prostate, urethra, amd some lymph nodes removed. The lymph nodes were negative. Now he has a ilieal conduit and has been doing fine. Just this past month he had a blockage in his ureter and had to put a stent in one of…
Radical cystectomy-saveing the prostate and Continent diversion vs Bag
I am a 63 year old very active male. My wife and I live on a boat and travel. (Now on hold due to my condition) My Doc states it is normal to remove the prostate along with the bladder. So far all test show the prostate is OK. I wish to take the gamble and keep it.We have a very active sex life and I do not want it to…
Tripple wammy
I had leukemia (AML) 15-years back and put it behind me... Till this last March, I was diagnosed with kidney and bladder cancer. Fortunately stage-1 noninvasive for both. The kidney was removedn and several locations on the ladder were removed. Thats the scary part... About four locations on the bladder. I dont want to…
Looking for a case similar to mine(apparently very rare)
My name is Jillian Ortega I am 19 years old and was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. All of my doctors are shocked that someone my age has this type of cancer apparently no one in my region that is near my age has had bladder cancer. I would just really like feed back from someone near my age that has been diagnosed…
help understanding bladder cancer
hope i do this right but back on the 10th of sept i had a turbt dont an they removed 3 tumors . i waited 2 wks only to here that i have g3 t2 (high grade stage2 bladder cancer) well i was told it was invasive an that my bladder had to be removed no problem there but i had to have ct's done only to find out today that it…
just found out
hello im new to the forum just was told i may have bc .on 9/10/13 had a tur done i am waiting on the path report ,my wife an i are very scared i am only 42 yrs old black male .if any one here can kinda tell me whats the next steps or what to look for i would be deeply thankfull .i have no clue as to what all the big words…
squamous cell carcinoma of bladder
My dad was diagnosed with this type of cancer in Augusr and we were told it is a rare aggressive type usually contracted by people in eygpt or south America by swimming in dirty waters.i don't understand why my dad got this as he has never been outside of Europe. I'm shell shocked by what has happened. He had to have both…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz
I have been newly diagnosed with bladder cancer. At my first treatment, I had a UTI which was treated with macrobid. I have heard that some antibiotics weaken the effect of bcg. Does anybody know which ones they are?
So I have been visiting the lung cancer board for a while now. We learned 25 months ago my husband has non small cell lung cancer and my brother's wife had small cell lung cancer. We just lost her. I have also visited the Leukemia board as my husband's sister had that and we lost her. Now I learn that my Mom has bladder…
Post Surgery and Awaiting Chemotherapy
Hello All: I have been redirected to this board. I am reposting when I had put up on the Kidney discussion board so I apologize for the repetition. I would appreciate any suggestions. Hello Everyone: So I had my surgery on November 28th and d/c on December 6th. Open abdominal surgery-8.5 hours. I had transitional cell…
Supplements and Cancer
My Dad has stage 3 bladder and colon cancer with mets to his liver. I'm wondering if any supplements have been beneficial to anyone? Or ANY advice please? I had found this website: cancerfightingstrategies.com but it seems to be just trying to sell supplements although some info seemed good. It has left me wondering if…
realistic outcomes for older patients - any experience?
Hi - I am posting from the UK to try and find the best inormation available re my father. Until last summer he was an extraordinarily fit and active 83 year old. Then he was hit with pneoumonia and an un identified infection. He was in hospital for two months, unrelated to his admission, as a precaution, they did a body…
Partial Cystectomy
Hi. I'm new here. Have had 2 turbs and was ready to start BCG treatment. However, I'm unable to take the BCG treatment because of other health problems (low t-cell helper count). So, am about to get 2nd opinion and my options are limited. Am thinking of the partial cystectomy. I realize it is not done often and only on…
new here with some questions
Its been almost 3 weaks since I had a tumor removed from my bladder, after 2 weaks I have started to urinate out some "chunks". This has been going on for almost a weak now. How long can I expect this to last?
multipal transureatral receptions
Hi I have had bladder cancer for the last three years and have undergone 11 reception surgeries in those three years I have to go to a clinic due to not having insurance I see one dr in the office and another in surgery not always the same doctor, I just went thru my last one last month now the doc in the office thinks…
Instead of Continuing with BCG, I'm trying Protocel
Over a year ago, I discovered blood in my urin and was subsequently diagnosed with Stage 1 bladder cancer. A fairly good-size tumor was taken out (it looked like a white coral) and I was then put on the BCG protocol, which I followed three different times. In January of this year a biopsy for cancer was negative, but the…
Low IgM, touching high range IgA, Hatoglobulin High, C4 high, guide please
In my latest report shows- IgM 0.31 (L), IgA 3.57 (touching high range), IgG 11.46 , C4 0.42 (High), ANA Screen 1:80 - Negative. Hb 130 ,hEMATOCRIT 0.40, RBC 4.3,, ESR always high like from 29 to 45,, Haptoglobulin 134 (L)\ Tired, week, fatigue
How difficult is it to sleep at night with a urostomy bag?
Hi, I am an active 84 y/o male recently stage 3 bladder cancer and will be having a cystectomy on April 2. I am looking for the pros and cons of having a bag vs neobladder. I would appreciate any and all of your input
I hate the term "cancer survivor!"
Hi - I'm new here; dxed with Stage 2 BC 2 1/2 years ago. Pretty easy ride. I hate the term "cancer survivor" and would like to start using another term. Cancer fighter; Cancer soldier; Cancer winner; Cancer victor; Cancer winner; Cancer standout - something - anything but survivor. What do you all think?
Questions after my first year with bladder cancer
Hello all, have some questions that hopefully people with similar experience can help out with, but any encouragement and advice is welcome. I'll start with my general specs and then the story: age - 38 (37 when diagnosed on 1-14-2012), sex - male, cancer - superficial bladder cancer low grade (i dont think they ever told…
Scared and not coping well
Hi, I am new here but I am scared and was researching Bladder Cancer when I came apon this. I am 30 yrs old and my Dr. told me the other day she thinks I have bladder cancer. This all started when they thought I had kidney stones and have been treating me for stones for about a year. They finally did a CT and didn't find…
Father diagnosed with Bladder cancer - Were down but not out!
Hi all, First let me say that I know nothing about cancer or medicine in general so I apologize in advance if I sound clueless.I'll start my tale with the info I have now.My 65 year old father has just been diagnosed with bladder cancer.I think it's stage 3 or worse because they said it has spread to the muscle tissue…
Very confused, frustrated with parents
I've never done this b4 so I'm hoping if I get any responses I'll be able to retrieve them. My dad was diagnosed with invasive bladder cancer that has mets in different areas (per the first and last bone scan). His original urologist was pretty poor in his initial consult back last Jan. because in June - his response was…
Reaction to Taxol
My father received his first dose of Taxol yesterday and had a bad reaction. Short of breath, flushing of head and neck and severe back pain. They treated him with IV steroids and oxygen and let him recover for over half hour then restarted at a slower rate. Has anyone else experienced this? He is going to receive it again…
Bladder Cancer- My Fiance is starting chemotherapy in a few days..
Is there anyone out there who can help me prepare for his first week of chemotherapy? Suggestions on dealing with the stress of this all? anything? thank you in advance to whoever replys!
Researching Options for Dad - Bag or NeoBladder
Hello All, I am researching for my father who is 63 and was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. His surgery is scheduled for Dec 7. 2012 and I am trying to collect information so that we can ask the right questions to the doctor and make the right decision. I am attending the consult tomorrow, so I will learn more…
What was your urine report says before you diagnosed with bladder cancer
Hi there, this place really gave me a lot of answers regarding various kind of cancers. Actually thing starts 6 months ago when I feel I has red urine so I did urine test and Rbc, wbc, protein, was trace. Rbc was 70 90 at that time. And wbc was 10-15 hpf. I had back pain and then I went to doc he told me to do cbc, kft,…
Hey there. I'm new to this board, but I have some questions for you guys. I've been having lots of pain in my abdomen and my lower back so much so that strong painkillers are barely even helping. It showed that there is no sign of infection in my urine but there is blood in my urine and my bladder is not emptying fully.…
Has anybody used or is using Gaviola/soursop to help combat the cancer Family: Annonaceae
Has any body tried using the fruit called soursop or its more commonly known by graviola to help fight the cancer. I have been trying a lot of things since my bladder cancer wents mets. Thank you John