Bladder Hemangioma
HI - bladder hemangioma - arteriorvenus malformation kind. Did anyone hear of it? From what i hear and read it's extremely rare. Uro aleady biopsied, fulgurized it. The clots keep coming with gross hemautria. They want to fulgurize again. Would tthat be the righ tthing to do. Thank you all.
life expectancy?
I found out that my father has stage 4 bladder cancer mestasized to the bone in october. He is currently in the hospital due to his platelets from chemo and a blockage in his urinary tract. I have always been Daddys girl and he is very protective of me. He doesnt really discuss a lot of the details with me concerning his…
Possible Cancer
I am a 57 year old male. Smoked for about 18 years, but have recently quit. Have had kidney and prostate infections since I was in my 20's. Kidney stones came into play roughly 20 years ago. I have had blood in my urine many times while having kidney stones and when I had infections. In the past four or five months I have…
Bladder Removal vs Bag
Hello, My dad has stage 2 bladder cancer and just finished his chemo. He is in poor health overall after 30 years of Iron Working and 50 Years of smoking (which he just quit), and is 66 years old. He was set on the bladder removal surgery because he did not want to have a bag at all, but after struggling through chemo, he…
Bladder cancer
Waiting for biopsy result- tumour in bladder
My husband 42 yrs, tumour was found in bladder in his annual check up. Urologist has removed the tumour(3.4x.6 CMs)next day byTubrt and sent for biopsy. There were absolutely no symptoms. Waiting for the result now. Annual check last year was perfect. Any insights on probability of tumour being cancer? Going crazy
Bladder cancer
This recent publication showed a cost effective, noninvasive way to determine genetic alterations in metastatic Bladder Cancer. The authors found DNA sequencing from tumor DNA circulating in plasma reveled driver mutations that are often target-able by drugs.…
Training the NeoBladder
Howdy Folks, I am hoping that someone can give me some idea of how long it takes to become continent after RC. I actually miss the Foley and told the nurse who removed it that I would miss it. She said I was the first one who ever said that. Well, with the Foley I was at least able to keep dry. I'm not even expecting to…
bladder cancer at 23yrs old
hi all. i have not long been diagnosed with bladder cancer but they havnt done any test to prove other then a visual look inside my bladder, off that visual look they have said that i have a very large tumour, my question is, is there a big enough differnce in the look of a tumour to tell wether they are benign or…
BCG or Neobladder
My dad is a ~50 year old smoker that was diagnosed with Ta high grade bladder cancer on Feburary and had his first TURBT surgery in May. He had his second TURBT at UCS in August and was comfirned to have high grade, T1 and CIS bladder cancer. Apparently even after removing most of his tumors in May, the surgeon found a lot…
UTUC and chemotherapy
Hi, My mom was diagnosed with Upper Tract Urothelia Carcinoma- after surgery we found out it was stage 3, high grade and localized. A portion of her urteter was removed. Our next step is 4 rounds of preventative chemotherapy. Her treatment is the same as if she was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Has anyone had experience…
Bladder cancer in kidney?
Bladder cancer but its in my kidney? Anyone?
do choronic bladder inflammation can cause bladder cancer
hi pls reply ..bladder cancer survivors ..do you experience years of choronic bladder inflammation or micro hemuturia before having cancer ive microscopic blood cells in urine from more than 4 years and my bladder walls are imflammed ihad 2 biopsies in past 4 years and several cystoscopies ..but no cancer yet ..im on…
What can I do while waiting for 2nd TUR?
Hi there, new to the forum. Just being diagnosed with High Grade T1/2. I am 46 and looks like I was brought down by my bad habits when I was young. I had a TUR in early April and the biopsy was not conclusive, so I will need to wait for another month before taking another re-section. The waiting just adds to my anxiety.…
Potential for Bladder Cancer
As a new member I wanted to understand my potential for bladder cancer. I have had both esophageal and prostate cancers within the last 6 years. I was fortunate to have a stage one esophageal cancer and treatment went well, the prostate cancer was stage three and required removal as well as radiaton and hormonal therapy.…
Kidney Stent - How does Chemo affect it
I have a kidney stent and am now getting regular chemo. Have experienced a lot of discomfort with the kidney stent, which is replaced every 3 months, but now with chemo, find more irritation. Has anyone else experienced this? They tell me that the chemo leaving my body would NOT irritate the ureter but I question this.…
Private message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
Finding Doctor
We live in Central Florida and need some help finding a good Bladder Cancer Dr. BF has just been diagnosed his Urologist isn't being very helpful and has yet to tell him the type or stage. He has had 2 different surgeries so far and now his Dr is saying he needs another one. Please any help wi be appreciate.
Has anyone heard of chemo causing joint pain
I completed my chemo 5 months ago for bladder cancer and have had to go to my orthopedic surgeon twice already for shoulder and hip problems. He has given me steroid shots in one shoulder and one side of my hip. I'm wondering if chemo weakens the joints. Has anyone else had this problem with joints? I go to my oncologist…
I was just diagnosed with a low grade Bladder Cancer two days ago. Any advice on any special foods I should be eating? Is exercise important? (like walking) Thank You! (I wasn't told anything except 'stop smoking', but I never smoked in my life!?)
New with question
Hi, I will try to make this as short as possible..routine colonoscopy (my first one) took out a polyp. I was having some back pain afterwards and went to follow up on an ovarian cyst...that was gone but they thought they saw something suspicious on my cervix...then went to oncology obgyn...ordered first abdominal cat…
BCG Pain or Damage from Biopsy?
Hi, My Partner was diagnosed with Bladder cancer 2 years ago. He is 32 and has been having treatments on and off. normally every six months he will have a series of treatments. The last few times he has seen his specialist he has been cleared of the CIS tumours and the treatments are purely maintenance treatment. However…
My Dad is suffering from Bladder Cancer
Last september my father complained of blood in urine , & he said he didn't have any pain discharging urine. The local physician asked us to consult a Urologist after finding out a tumour of size 9*7*4 centimeters in his blader after an ultrasound scan was done. The urologist did a cystoscopy operation , took a samll part…
Urologist familiar with meningioma of urinary bladder?
Hi - I feel I may not have been properly diagnosed and am looking for a urologist who is familiar with meningioma of the urinary bladder. Does anyone have any recommendations? I live in New York. Thanks for any info.
35 with Questions
I'm a 35 year old male and found out yesterday. I was urinating drops of blood after emptying my baldder, so my family doctor sent my to a urologist after ruling out infection. The urologist ordered an ultrasound that was unremakable (except for "thickening of the bladder walls") and said I probably had "inflamation."…
I am havng surgery 11/2/10 and will be in hospital 7=10 days. Cancer is surrounding bladder and blocking kidney and of a "rare" type they say -- only a handful since 1991, no protocol. They are removing bladder, urinary diversion, and all female organs and whatever else...... I am 70 years old. female. Am trying to build…
too young for bladder cancer
I was first diagnosed when I was 31 and pregnant with my first child. I was never a smoker and am not in any other risk group. There is no bladder cancer in my family. The hardest thing for me to accept is WHY? I had a tumor removed while I was 20 weeks pregnant and recently had 2 more growths removed after they were found…
Newly Diagnosed, Have Some ?'s
Hi there, I was just diagnosed with Bladder Cancer on Wed (2 days ago). I have a low grade, non-invasive Stage 1, I believe. I have to get checked every 3 months. What can I do and what should I not be doing? For ex., can I clean my cat litter boxes, feed the backyard birds, collect leaves to compost & clean up back yard?…
Bladder Cancer and Smoking
My Doctor told me that my bladder cancer was caused because I was a smoker. I under went BCG, quit smoking and my cancer has not returned. If any of you smoke my advise to you is to quit. Its a pay me know or pay me later situation. Thanks, holdorfs