
CAS316 Member Posts: 1 Member

My husband was recently diagnosed with Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. He just started a new job less than two months before he got sick so no health insurance. He is 60 years old and is not able to do his job anymore. We did self pay for everything up to the TURBT and now he needs chemo and surgery. We have applied for the Compassion Care plan with the hospital and are still waiting. I've heard nothing from the care team since the meeting with the doctors to discuss the plan of treatment. I've asked our assigned coordinator if they are not going to do anything due to lack of insurance and the response was well it is expensive. We have gone on the PA for insurance, unfortunately with him not being able to work we cannot afford the $853 per month for the cheapest policy. So on top of dealing with the diagnosis itself, the frustration that comes from acknowledging that there is treatment he just can't get it is indescribable.


  • barehead
    barehead Member Posts: 39 Member

    Sorry that you are having to deal with cancer and funding for its treatment. Go to the web site. It has the finest medical info for bladder cancer. In addition, it has a partnership with CancerCare which offers a variety of support services to bladder cancer patients. There also may be funds available through it for patients in the NY, NJ, PA area, so check with them. There are also other funding resources out there. Try contacting American Cancer Society for their input. Social workers in all of these organizations should be able to help locate some funding.