Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
I am pretty terrified
Since mid sept. I have been passing blood very intermittently, sharp pain as if I am passing glass/sand paper and persistent itching around the anus almost every bowel movement. I have no pain outside of BM I am 37 years old, non immune supressed, no hiv etc otherwise in healthy shape in a long term relationship. I had a…
Marijuana for pain?
Has anyone had success with marijuana, gummies probably, for pain? Luckily I live in a state where it’s legal. I’ve read that if it’s HPV related then a 3:1 ratio THC:CBD.
My survival journey through anal cancer
I was diagnosed with stage 3b anal cancer in Sept 2022 and while I consider myself a survivor, my experience was difficult, I'm sorry to say. In Aug 22, I started noticing that I was passing blood in my bowels movements. I was 59 at the time and I've certainly had plenty of hemorrhoids where there was bright red blood, but…
mucous discharge
I am 9 months post treatment for anal canal cancer. Can anyone tell me when and if the anal mucous discharge ends? I am sooo tired of having to wear a pad 24/7
Anal cancer
Hi I’m close to starting my treatment and I’m scared to death! Please tell me what to expect🥹
Pain prior to treatment
Did anyone have pain before treatment from the cancer? I’m having pain that makes it difficult to sit, lay, and sleep. I take Tylenol for the pain as well as gabapentin. I do sitz baths 3 times a day. The only time I am relatively comfortable is when I’m in the tub. Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions?
Is anyone dealing with this? I was diagnosed in April 2011 and had my treatments (chemo and radiation) through May and June. I was stage III so I had pretty intense radiation, including pinpoint to specific lymph nodes that were affected. I have extreme low back pain, spasms (he says probably related to muscles trying to…
Reduced chemo radiation clinical trial for early detected anal cancer
I am wondering if anyone has been offered this option for treatment. This is a 2 arm study, randomized selection of standard treatment or trial group. Qualifications; T1 or T2, no lymph node or Mets detected. The purpose of this study is to determine if reduction of treatment in early stage anal cancer provides similar…
Ultrasound and PetScan
I am feeling defeated today. Friday I had a pelvic ultrasound and the radiologist reported the wrong information on my report. I had a pelvic ultrasound and they reported about my breast. Now, I have asked my oncologist to do another order to an outside company to do another ultrasound and he will not do it. He wants me to…
Chemo/Radiation Long Term Side Effects
I am now about 10 years post treatments. After looking through several discussions it looks like most of us have alot of the same side effects. My first side effect started about 4 1/2 years after treatments ended and while I was on vacation. I never had a issue until that day. We ate lunch and was walking around seeing…
Is colostomy necessary?
I was diagnosed with anal cancer in March of this year and underwent 6 weeks of chemo radiation treatment ending in May 2024. I handled treatment fairly well. In September I was pretty much pain free but bm was still radical. Pain started returning in October. Visit to my colorectal surgeon showed an ulcer in the area of…
Did your anal cancer affect vaginal opening
This question is for females I was recently diagnosed with anal cancer when I met with 2nd group Dr for 2nd opinion I mention that the vaginal opening is itching as much as anus, is this common for anal cancer? He referred me to gynecologist to be checked.
Proton beam therapy for anal cancer
Does anyone have experience with proton beam therapy instead of conventional radiation treatment for anal margin squamous cell cancer? I have just been diagnosed and am very afraid of long term effects of conventional radiation.
Leg/Hip weakness/stiffness
I am 15 year post anal cancer. The last few years I have been experiencing leg and hip weakness so bad that I can' get up off the floor when I get down to get something out of the cabinets or cleaning the floors. Has anyone experienced or experiencing this also. I really think it's from treatments, I had both chemo and…
CT scan
I saw my Oncologist a year ago, he congratulated me, he said I was done with my CT scans. But he said he was going to request one more CT scan . To see if they would approve it and The insurance approved it. Whats the guidelines when in remission, I was done with chemo and radiation on October 19,2019. Im confused I was…
It has been a while
I survived 2 rounds of chemo and weeks of daily radiation therapy. It has been a little over a year since, if memory serves. My issue now is the near-daily pain and bleeding from fissures. My surgeon told me I could do another ostomy; only this one would be permanent. As bad as the temporary one was on my mental health, a…
Non-Ostomy... healing journey?
Hey there, new here trying to learn the Forum thang…and still navigating the Survivor thing- 3yrs clear of Cancer/ treatment. If you've not had an Ostomy, does anyone else deal with mucus/ moisture leaking throut the day, leaving you feeling damp? My sphincters are both (internal 0/ external 1/3) mostly gone & scar tissue…
Scar tissue 6 years NED
Yes, It hurts and is scary. My colon Doctor put me on Metamuscil in the morning and Miralax in the evening. It has helped me stay soft enough to pass normal size stool then goes to shoestring size. However, the scar tissue in on my sphincter and that's where to stool passes through. It gets inflamed and hurts now and then.…
Newly diagnosed
I am glad I found this site. I was diagnosed 3/23/24. My first oncology appointment is 4/1. From the pathology and scans it looks like I am stage 3 - scary but survivable. Reading some of the posts I have been able to develop a list of questions for that first visit. I have a number of health issues, including MS and…
long term side effects/Anyone know if my teeth problems could be related to the chemo treatment?
Hello, new member here. I went through treatment 6 years ago. Had 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and mitomycin as well as 35 radiation treatments. I'm now experiencing the long term side effects of each. I've had IBS for 4 years and now have a bad ulcer in my sigmoid colon. Also experiencing tooth decay/loss/periodontal problems…
Celebrating my 5 year cancer free anniversary this week!
Having my appointment on Tuesday with oncologist. 5 years since my cancer journey began. Not one day goes by without forgetting how grateful I'm still here. Phew! After going through that treatment makes you able to handle just about anything else. Grateful for all on this forum. I don't come here often anymore but in the…
2nd opinion anal cancer
I have recently been diagnosed with SCC anal cancer. Right now, it’s stage 2, CT and MRI didn’t indicate nodes or Metz. I had my first meeting with the Radiology Oncologist yesterday. I can’t stand her. No bedside manner, spoke to my husband more than me, and wouldn’t answer my questions until she was done with her schpeel…
Hospital Choice
Newly diagnosed and live in northeast. Which hospitals did you receive treatment at?
High resolution ultrasound anoscopy anal cancer
Greetings Everyone, Hope this finds everyone doing well and thriving. I am post anal cancer July 2021 post chemo radiation, have been getting manual rectal exams with anoscopy in the clinic now scheduled for High resolution anoscopy under the ultrasound and scope in the clinic that takes a more extensive look and possible…
Choosing where to get treatment
So it's getting real. Yesterday I met with the medical oncologist, today I meet the radiation oncologist. As I had thought, it is a stage 3 cancer. Yesterday I decided to get a second opinion next week. I am fortunate to have easy access to two academic medical centers. While the diagnosis won't change, and I doubt the…
Port removal
So I think I’m gonna have to get my port removed but not because the cancer has ended…(it’s just stable for now) I had to have portagram this morning and when they tried to flush with saline, I got hit with a pocket of air in my neck it felt like a horse kicked me! And they were only able to get 1ml in! So I go in for the…
Advice and Help
My mom (75 Years old) went for a colonoscopy in March, 2023. During her colonoscopy, the surgeon indicated that he had a hard time with the colonoscopy because of a blockage. He deemed it suspicious and informed my mom that his first thought was Anal Cancer. He indicated that it was treatable and curable. My mom prior to…
Anal Cancer & Multiple Sclerosis/Auto-Immune
Hi, I am a 52 year old woman who is in the middle of treatment at MSK. Typical protocol 27 Radiation treatments, 2 Mito and 5 Xeloda M-F. I am wondering if there is anyone else who also has MS? I take a monthly infusion drug Tysabri which is an immunomodulator. My Onc says AC is directly related to me taking this drug. I'm…
Getting BACK to living!!!!
Hi all, just checking in. I am one year from my diagnosis now. My treatments ended in Sept 2022. I had a few really dark months and was unable to shake the fear of incontinece. My urgency kept me home and afraid to do much. It was creating more anxiety and messing up my household moral. None of us were able to work. Some…
10 years and grateful
Hi, I used to be on this board every day. It was a lifeline. I wsa very frightened and hurting. Anal Cancer put me through a lot too. But I am happy to say even though my cancer was late stage, we beat it back with the protocol treatment, chemo and radiation, simultaneously. For me it was brutal. I am alergic to Sulfa and…