I was Ned on my birthday
I was Ned today three an1/2 years one more six month scans then it will go to yearly doctor said he would be shock to see it show back up now
Visit From Uncle NED & MRI Question
For a 3rd year in a row, uncle NED came to visit. This year instead of a CT scan, I asked for an MRI. (Just to eliminate the ionizing radiation exposure). During the MRI the skin on my back started to heat up. The heating sensation occurred for a few seconds and only when the machine was making a certain noise. This…
radiation-fatigue-immune system
Hello, I have completed 22 sessions of radiation to my lumpectomy and lymph node sites, 11 more to do. Fatigue is unreal and hard to describe. My skin is doing ok - mild rash and getting a lovely never can show anyone tan and as many others have stated moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. I developed a cough the…
Small Cell Lung
Newly diagnosed...looking for support and answers. Just started chemo this last week. Etoposide and another one. Side effects have me so scared. I scared most about my hearing going. Doc said I would probably lose my hearing due to cochlear damage. Breathe or hear, I guess that is a choice for me. I think I'd rather…
Lose weight now!
If you know someone who is dieting, tell them to try chemo. The fool proof weight loss solution. Never fails. Haaaa ( I use to tell my friends this)
Hello All, I have a question! Has anyone here smoked weed or ate edibles during the chemo treatment? At home of course. Just curious if it actually helps/works. Thank you!
4 stage cancer Gleason 4+4
Hi survivors! Greatings from Ukraine! My dad was diagnosed 4 stage prostate cancer with metastases in lymph nodes and pelvic bones 2 months ago. Gleason 4+4. Local doctors agreed that surgery is inappropriate in this case. So they offered hormone treatment with Goserelin 10,8 mg once in every 3 months, Abiraterone 1000mg…
Round 2 for me
Hello all, on Dec. the 12th I was to be cured as that is my 5 year aniversary post treatment for SCC. After routine blood work my TSH had been rising since earlier in the year. After seeing the rise and time it was taking to get my reading down I decided to see a specialist at the cancer hospital where I was treated in the…
Reoccurring Head neck squamous cell carcinoma
They found my husbands cancer at the base of my tounge. I had 3 (all day long) treatments of cisplatin over a 3 month period plus 6000 gray's of proton (5 days a week) for 7 weeks, cancer was gone. Approximately 3 months later cancer was found in right neck lymph nodes. Had surgery to remove, 12 weeks later it was found…
New PC Diagnosis - Intermediate Unfavorable
I went to a doctor recently for a check-up and was notified that I had a high PSA of 5.0 (I had no symptoms of prostate issues) and he recommended that I have a free PSA test done which also came back as 0.26 which was not great. MRI: I had an MRI done and that showed a lesion on my prostate which led to the dreaded biopsy…
Can yellow vaginal discharge be a sign of recurrence?
I know bleeding and spotting can, I am hoping this is just some kind of low estrogen problem/over doing after a move, but my hysterectomy was Jan 2022 and I have had the cuff for a long time. I am going to be getting checked soon however I am just looking for some assurance this doesn't sound like any kind of recurrence.
New to this
I start chemo treatments tomorrow at 9:00. Should I eat? And should I take my Percocet? I forgot to ask the doctor and I am first one in The morning.
Hi I'm in Northern Ireland and trying to find dosage for Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
Hello to all. My husband of almost 30 years was recently diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer (met. lungs) Tumor is inoperable. He will be receiving immunotherapy treatments. This is the second time he has had cancer in 3 years. The first time was adrenal lymphoma, which went into remission. I am seeking advice on how to…
So my mother has been the most important person to me in this entire world. She is also the one person I have broke down and destroyed and hurt the most. Sometime I can understand why I might do these things and sometimes I do not understand why I would. It has caused me plenty of conflict in my life and currently in my…
Caregiver breakdown
Husband has stage 4 small cell lung. Less than a month with no treatment. Maybe 9 months with treatment. So he has chemo/radiation. I am now sole breadwinner, his caregiver. I have to work full time to keep a roof over our heads. But I need to go with him to his appts. He wants/needs me to take care of…
What to do for big changes in my dads life?
Hi, I’m 27 and take care of my father diagnosed with grade 4 glioblastoma. He is out of work and now just stays at home most days doing things around the house. He has rejected support groups, which I have encouraged, and just stays with me all day. I feel like group activities, which he likes being with people, would help…
difficult patient
I am new to caregiving and don't like it much. My bf is the patient and he is very difficult to deal with. He is very needy, demanding, rude at times and disrespectful. He needs to have someone with him 24/7 and is very controlling of me mostly. I do have other people here that help with his care so that I can take care of…
Doxil and the beach
We had planned to visit the beach next year before we found my wife’s ovarian cancer has reappeared. She is started on Doxil/carboplatin… has anyone had this challenge before?
Question about biopsy after possble treatment failure
So I’m five years out of radiation therapy. The failure limit is 2 ng from your lowest point. Mine is up almost one point from its lowest point I know they’re being cautious but since something showed up on the scan are they going to need to take a biopsy or Since I had cancer there before, is it just an automatic…
Hi I'm in Northern Ireland and trying to find out dosage of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin. Can anyone please point me in the right direction??
My Anal Cancer Experience
Hello fellow anal cancer patients! When I was first diagnosed I visited this forum many times. Although I never posted anything, I gained much knowledge and felt a great deal of support. Now I want to relate my experience with the hope that someone else who is facing the same thing will benefit as I did. (As a point of…
Stage 4 stomach cancer
Hi everyone! One of my good friends was recently diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. He is in his early 40s and he’s been doing chemotherapy since July, this year. This journey is very difficult for him, and we (his friends) are trying to keep him motivated as much as possible. Unfortunately, he is slowly distancing…
Fatigue and fear of eating after open radical neph and ileus
Hello everyone, I'm 38, german, had erythema nodosum on and off for the last 25 years or so, had a particulary hefty bout starting late December 2022, left me bedbound for over six months, PCP checked my blood, creatinine was 1,2, referred me to a nephrologist. She found a mass in my abdomen, X-ray, MRI and CT confirmed an…
One week of radiation therapy
Has anyone out there had just one week of radiation therapy for breast cancer rather than the normal 6 to 8 weeks of therapy ?
Pi-rads of 5's on prostate MRI
My PSA went from 5.4 to 11.4 in a year. I have lower back pain and pain in kidney areas. A MRI of prostate was ordered. There are 3 areas with pi-rad scores of 5 and 1 area with a pi-rad score of 4. I won't have a biopsy done until Oct. 25. What are the chances they won't find cancerous cells ?
Salvage radiation with 6 month ADT
New to cancer chat. Starting my 6 month ADT in 2 weeks, then salvage radiation in January. Most worried about the hormone therapy. I've watched all the videos on hormone therapy, and I'm aware of the many side effects. I'm mostly wondering about individual cancer survivor experiences.
35 yrs old just had a baby less then 2 years ago
Hi there, I am 35. I had a baby girl about 20 months ago and also have a 4 year old son. Soon after having my daughter and getting my period back I started having pretty heavy periods. I do have a history of heavy periods but these are pretty bad. I did think it was normal because I had a VBAC and had no experience of…
Esophageal Cancer Treatment/doctor recommendation
We are still waiting for the pathology results post-endoscopy, but the Dr. found a 5 cm tumor which he said is highly likely cancer. I understand that the best treatment depends on many factors (e.g., stage, type of tumor, etc. ). We live in North California (but we can move if needed). Do you have any recommendations for…