Need Support
I have endometrial cancer metastatic to both lungs. I am currently getting carboplatin and paclitaxel every third week. I have had 5 treatments with no major side effects. I am just more tired on the third day following treatment. PET scan showed tumors reducing by mm and no new tumors shown. I am still feeling great most…
Just stopping by to say hi. Did my orginial post on the ovarian board and was recommened to come over here. Today has been an interesting day. We are going on day 7 of not being able to keep food down. A friend of mine is like get a protein shake...good idea.. However and I am sure most of you know this it is not a matter…
6th Infusion complete!
Well, I had my 6th frontline chemo today. It was delayed a week and required a blood transfusion to get me ready, but it happened. When I think about the last 5 months it went quickly, tho when I was in the thick of it I had my doubts I could make it due to side affects. I know I have 3 days of pain coming my way, a pet/CT…
Nuelasta shot and almost done
I received my first Nuelasta shot today and hope all goes well with it. My wbc and hemaglobin hit bottom and landed me in the hospital for 4 days to get me pumped up with antibiotics and also have blood transfusions. Unfortunately i had a reaction to second transfusion and didn't complete it. Chemo got delayed a week and…
Have to wait another week.
My life has kind of been on hold waiting for my port site wound to heal and get the results from my GP on how my liver was doing. As of last Tuesday, my wound is officially healed but today my GP told me she wants me to wait another week before she runs blood tests. She changed several of my medications, said to give it a…
Strongest woman ever
It has been a while since i checked in, but I am happy to share that my grams made it through her third round of chemo with no complications, and I will be flying up tomorrow to stay with her for her fourth round of chemo, she has surpassed her doctors expections and on january 30th she celebrated her 88th birthday. She is…
Chemo #30 started
i had the 1st of 5 infusions Of Topotecan today. the rest will follow Tues-Friday. Luckily the infusion is very short with only 1 premed. Altogether it lasted only 1 hour. It does effect the blood so I will get the Neulasta patch thing on Friday. My CA125 only increased by 4 points from 93-97. I'll call that good news.…
Metformin, L Glutamine & scans
When I talked with my doctor on Monday I had a list of things I wanted to ask. Metformin - he said "interesting" then went on to explain we'll know in a year if it will be of benefit. He does have a couple of ladies in the clinical trial, but for me, he doesn't want to recommend it. L-Glutamine (for neuropathy), said he…
Ladies, So many of you have so many questions that I wanted to post this website for you - http://www.thetruthaboutcancer.com. It is excellent site to begin your research on cancer or continue your research on cancer. They address cancer causes, prevention, treatments, nutrition, alternative therapies and supplements as…
Dosing for Metformin?
A few weeks ago I did some research on Metformin and one of the articles discussed how Metformin for cancer was dosed differently than it was for insulin resistance. I was wondering if anyone taking Metformin for cancer would be comfortable in sharing their daily dosage? Thanks much ~
How are you doing today, Nancy (Donswife48)?
Are you feeling any better, today, Nancy? I sure hope so!! The more I read about reactions to chemo, the more concerned I am. (((Nancy))) Love, Eldri
anyone tried abraxne instead of taxol?
Sorry, after 4 days of taxol side effects, I'm desperate. Anyone tried Abraxane? I know it's more expensive, but, if it would leave the nerves alone, it would be worth it for me to try and come up with some etra cash to help if insurance won't cover it.. I'm really hurting, and I don't want to take any more pain pills…
Radiation Induced Lumbar Plexopathy after Pelvic radiation..
Radiation induced lumbar plexopathy is a late stage side effect of radiation to the pelvis for Uterine and other pelvic cancers... The early symptoms are weakness in the legs, difficulty getting up steps, drop foot, tripping over and peripheral neuropathy, some people have pain others not.. these symptoms gradually get…
Stupid question????
is there a way to go back and read all the posts of a specific person at once instaed of going through all of the,post looking for,that person. Still trying to figure out how everything works?????? Lou Ann
My first chemo
I had my first chemo on Monday which was Taxol and Carboplatin. I was fine that day and the next. After those days my primary problem was my knees hurt terribly making it very difficult to sleep. Is this what everyone refers to as bone pain? I finally took Tylenol Pm last night and got a little sleep. I've also tried icing…
Alexandra Funeral
Alexandra Kalner Oct.24, 1967-Feb.15, 2016 Ward Funeral Home 1st. Visitation 2:00-4:00 Friday, Feb. 19, 2016 2rd. Visitation 7:00-9:00 Friday, Feb. 19, 2016 Ward Funeral Home Woodbridge@wardfh.com There is a condolance board to leave a note or memory. Debra Jo
cycle 5 done but not completed
Chemo Cycle #5 infusion began at 8:15 this morning. Premeds and Taxol, which I had a small reaction to last time near the end of the infusion, went well - no reactions. Started the Carboplatin on time just after 1:00. Twelve minutes into the infusion my palm of my left hand and under my eyes began itching. Apparently a…
Chemo brain at its finest!
For the past 28 years I have done the books for our small business. We have about 12 employees and about a million in sales. I could do them in my sleep! But, it has been such a struggle these past few months. Last week I sent all the info for our personal taxes, our son's taxes and our LLP to our tax accountant. I left…
Technology and a laugh
Nothing important, but I found this to be so funny . My husband gave be a FitBIt HR for Christmas so I could track my heart rate. I took it off on Tuesday to cbarge it and left it off because I had to got in for an MRI. On my I pad I found a message from my FitBit that it was chargers and that it missed me. Later it sent…
Power Port Catheter
I have a power port question. Does your port catheter bulge out in the area where it's inserted in the vein when you lie on your back and then flatten back out when you sit or stand up? Not the port itself, that always bulges - this is about the catheter. I awoke this morning with a twinging pain in that area. When I put…
Strands of Hair
Two days ago it would be day 12 after first treatment. Driving home my head was hurting and began to rub it. That is when the first several strands were noticed in hands. The next day, more and more in shower, sink, etc. not much on pillow. My husband and a few others finally convinced me to just cut excessively short, GI…
Hair has started to grow back!
I've noticed some hair on my head is starting to grow back!! It's kind of sporadic and if it continues like this I may resemble Larry of the the Three Stooges but hey, maybe I could do a comb-over!! The hair coming in is perfectly white so it's hard to see but it's there!!! I can also see - using a magnifying mirror - a…
The uncertaintity of life
Our daughter called me a little while ago and told me a friend of our oldest granddaughter died at school this morning. She was 16 years old and our granddaughter had been friends with her since kindergarten. She went to the nurse's office and told her she wasn't feeling good. All of a sudden, she went into cardiac arrest…
For y'all who don't jump boards like I do, Alexandra is saying her goodbye's over on the Ovarian board. She is in Hospice and God's hands now. Debra(Jo)
Valentines Wish
To all the wonderful, strong, and beautiful ladies of the Uterine Cancer Board, my wife and I send Valentines love, healing, and good wishes to everyone suffering or dealing with this crazy disease. Ten weeks ago I never heard of UPSC and thanks to all of you, my wife and I have gained the strength and knowledge to deal…
Pelvic hip pain and chemo #29
For the last 2weeks I have been having pain in my right hip and pelvis. I tried Tylonal and even broke down and took a hydrocodone. neither helped one bit. I thought it had to be from the Taxol or bone marrow. Yesterday and today were chemo # 29 days my Doctor had different ideas. I could tell He thought the cancer may…
How to find a Naturopathic Oncologist
Hi Ladies! I am hoping this Valentines Day/Presidents Day weekend is going well for everyone! Since I posted about my last CT scan results and CA 125 numbers, and the information about working with both conventional and naturopathic oncologists at the same time, I have received a lot of interest in finding a naturopathic…
roll call for those who are 5 years cancer free!
I know every one slowly goes away from this sight after they have gone through hell during doc visits chemo etc, I have been reminded that I am also one of these , I am here to encourage all, I had stage 4 grade 3 endometrial cancer, was told by first doctor I would not live 6 months with out operation and with operation I…
Weekly chemo vs every 3 weeks
Hi, I think TeddyandBears_Mom started out doing weekly chemos but switched to every 3 week schedule? I was wondering if smaller, but more frequent doses would keep my blood counts esp. platelets up better? I think I read where she said the weekly was worse than every 3 weeks. Also, if I mention this to my doctor and he…
Finally got results
Hello everyone, I just thougt I'd share my update on my endometrial biopsy. After 2 months of waiting and getting biopsy re-done, I saw gyn today and she said all they found was a polyp and she recommends ablation with freezing to get rid of polyp. However, I told her that my periods are not bad--it has only been twice in…