Endo biopsy

I'm hoping you can help give me some insight.  My mother in law just told me she needs to get a biopsy done on her endow lining.  She said that during routine exam "they saw something they didn't like" and so she needs to get a biopsy done under anesthesia out patient.  I'm reading and freaking out that this could be cancer, and it led me here.  I'm trying not to spiral, but we have had other cancer deaths and diagnoses in recent years with other patients and it's hard not to jump to that conclusion.  I guess my questions for you are- should I be concerned? Does it sound like cancer could likely be the outcome here? I want to prepare my husband who already lost his father to cancer a few years ago.  I'm just worried.  


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Katie, I read your story and

    Katie, I read your story and so I see why you are worried when it comes to cancer. 

    I know it is hard but please try not to get too far ahead of yourself.  There are different types of uterine cancer and some can be taken care of with just a hysterectomy for a cure while others need treatment.  Cancer is scary but please try not to get too far ahead of yourself on this.  I know it is hard, especially with all you have had, but please try to take a breath.

  • Katie10485
    Katie10485 Member Posts: 41

    Katie, I read your story and

    Katie, I read your story and so I see why you are worried when it comes to cancer. 

    I know it is hard but please try not to get too far ahead of yourself.  There are different types of uterine cancer and some can be taken care of with just a hysterectomy for a cure while others need treatment.  Cancer is scary but please try not to get too far ahead of yourself on this.  I know it is hard, especially with all you have had, but please try to take a breath.

    Thank you.  I know i probably

    Thank you.  I know i probably sound crazy but it's really hard not to assume the worst wHen we have already faced it more than once.  She gave me some more info that they said the lining was thick and it's not supposed to be so they are doing a biopsy to check it out.  I know there could be other reasons for this so I am going to just keep my fingers crossed there is nothing to worry about.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member

    Thank you.  I know i probably

    Thank you.  I know i probably sound crazy but it's really hard not to assume the worst wHen we have already faced it more than once.  She gave me some more info that they said the lining was thick and it's not supposed to be so they are doing a biopsy to check it out.  I know there could be other reasons for this so I am going to just keep my fingers crossed there is nothing to worry about.

    It's ok.  We all get it.  

    It's ok.  We all get it.

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member

    It's ok.  We all get it.  

    It's ok.  We all get it.

    Katie, I agree with No Time

    as you just don't have enough information to form an opinion. What symptoms did your mother-in-law have to lead to a biopsy? I had a uterine biopsy by a gynecologist two years before my uterine cancer was diagnosed and I am now certain that she was a quack- for several reasons. She went out of business after-I believe- botching my biopsy. Her ineptitude may be the cause of my premature demise. I recommend that your M-i-L have the biopsy done by a gynecologic oncologist who are the experts. When my gyne oncologist did the uterine biopsy on me in his office with no anesthesia- I knew immediately that he scraped off considerable tissue. And, it didn't hurt at all. In retrospect, the quack did not even enter the uterus for the so called "biopsy". I've read that advance stages of cancer can take years to develop, so I think I am a victim of medical negligence and ineptitude.


  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member

    I had bleeding at age 51, three months after I hit menopause.  At that time, I had a procedure with the removal of a polyp where my uterine lining was found to be too thick, but the polyp turned out to be benign.  I was fine for years after that.  Ten years later, I had bleeding again, another polyp was found, and my gynecologist (a different one) told me that polyps are almost always benign, so I wouldn't hear from him unless something was found.  Three days later, he was calling me into his office THAT day, and I had cancer.  It turned out I had stage IVb, so I have no clue how long I'd had it in between the two biopsies.  I had UPSC, a very aggressive cancer, but I've survived for over 5 years (almost 5-1/2 now) with no evidence of disease after surgery and chemo.

    My husband's female cousin was found to have uterine lining that was too thick and was told that she should come in yearly to have it checked.  Within months, she found out she had bilateral breast cancer.  So far, she hasn't been diagnosed with uterine cancer.

    So if your mother's turns out negative at this time, make sure she gets checked frequently and gets regular mammograms. I wish her good luck with whatever it turns out to be.  



  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514
    Worry is strength zapping Katie.

    Katie it is hard to tell you not to worry as it just creeps in when you are not on guard.  perhaps this will help you arrest worry in its track,it helps me to read it every morning, it is posted  on my bedroom inner door so i must see it everytime i leave  my room.




     Hope your family will ride out this storm and be ok soon.Perhaps you should wait for results before you invite your husband to the worry party (some party).In the mean time breathe , please.

    Moli,whispering hope.

  • Katie10485
    Katie10485 Member Posts: 41
    molimoli said:

    Worry is strength zapping Katie.

    Katie it is hard to tell you not to worry as it just creeps in when you are not on guard.  perhaps this will help you arrest worry in its track,it helps me to read it every morning, it is posted  on my bedroom inner door so i must see it everytime i leave  my room.




     Hope your family will ride out this storm and be ok soon.Perhaps you should wait for results before you invite your husband to the worry party (some party).In the mean time breathe , please.

    Moli,whispering hope.

    Thank you everyone.  Biopsy

    Thank you everyone.  Biopsy is next week.  Hoping everything turns out ok. 

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member

    Thank you everyone.  Biopsy

    Thank you everyone.  Biopsy is next week.  Hoping everything turns out ok. 

    Let us know how everything

    Let us know how everything turns out.



  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member

    Thank you everyone.  Biopsy

    Thank you everyone.  Biopsy is next week.  Hoping everything turns out ok. 


    Hi Katie,

    Just be prepared that sometimes it takes 10-14 days to get biopsy report. Tell your mother in-law to ask for a copy of the pathology report when it's available. Good luck to you all and hoping for the best news.