lung nodules
Good morning- My mom was diagnosed with USPC on March 24th. She is having an abdominal hysterectomy with staging on April 18th. Unfortunately he CT scan shows multiple lung nodules and she is going for a lung biopsy next week. I have searched on this site that there have been quite a few of you with lung nodules that turn…
Not considered uterine cancer anymore but just wanted to update you
I haven't had a chance yet to post to the correct board yet and since I already feel a connection with you all here who have given such kinds words of support, thought I'd update you on the happenings of the last few days. The uterine cancer turned out to be cervical cancer. It is Stage 1B1 and I was very happy to learn…
I am 5 years Cancer Free! What a Tremendous and Wonderful Feat from UPSC - Stage 1!
Hi Everyone: I just wanted to let everyone know my Tremendous and Wonderful Feat that I am now 5 years cancer free! I was originally diagnosed in February of 2011 with Stage 1 of UPSC and I never had a reoccurrence. I am so thrilled and happy that I made it to my 5 year mark. I plan on going out to dinner in the next few…
Ovarian Cancer Dose Dense Numbers Falling Question
I have stage four ovarian cancer (the board is slow so posting here). I was originally on the dose dense protocol-- carbo/taxol one week, and taxol every three weeks. This is my frontline protocol. I had a hysterectomy on 2/5/2016. Started chemo on 3/5/2016. I am responding very well to chemo. No issues with side effects--…
Belly on Fire!
I know it's a sign of healing but HELP! The puncture wounds across my belly are itching and stinging to the point that it's all I can think off. Neosporin not the answer. No signs of infection but anybody have a suggestion?
Good news at my brain test!
I went in for my brain/eye test this morning and they said I have damage on the left side of my brain; none on the right and with therapy, it can probably be overcome. They put these goggles on me that record my eye movement while I have to do all kinds of things while moving my head around as the therapist directed. They…
Possible endometrial cancer recurrence in incision
I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in May 2013 at the age of 38. If I remember correctl, it was stage 1b grade 2, but I'm not sure if the b is part of the stage or grade. Anyway, I had a complete robotic hysterectomy in June of 2013 at MDAnderson. I recovered quickly and had no other problems. However, in the last…
"Natural" anti-inflammatories?
1 week out of DiVinci tomorrow. Coming along but recognize swollen belly internal inflammation. Unable to take IBUPHROPHEN or any NSAIDs due to risk of ulcers. Welcome any recommendation of natural supplement without the risks.
Platelets keep dropping?
Does anyone know what this might mean? I haven't heard from the doctors yet, but my blood test this morning shows platelets fell from 73 to 64, also WBC is now almost too low to get chemo. I can't imagine why they dropped instead of rose. I also imagine this isn't exactly good news. I guess I won't get chemo again…
Chemo 3
Chemo #3 today. Ice coolers all packed, office work done for the day, wife hydrated and psyched, I'm looking forward to being with my wife all day. Who said cancer is bad! Red Corvette
Robot assisted hysterectomy up close!
i was greatly relieved to watch a robot assisted hysterectomy on you tube. This excellent and professional team from Cedar Rapids TV station and hospital collaborated to offer information and video of hysterectomy using the diVinci robot. I'm look at that surgery next week. This has taken the mystery out of the procedure.…
A quick update
So I was able to get the path report about my cancer. Looks like I had great news. I was Stage 1a grade 1. So according to the nurse that gave me my report, I should not need anything further other than just to follow up with my gyno/onc for my post check-up from my hysto. Now.. I will say, i'm having a little bit of a…
Anybody else try physical therapy?
I've gone through four sessions of physical therapy. The first one was just testing to see where I am now compared to where I was before chemo. Needless to say, I'm worse. But, after each session, I feel worse!! Now I'm having problems with my left knee that was just fine before I started the PT. After yesterday's session,…
Ladies and Gentlemen...
Due to unforseen(insert "fallen brick wall") events, I will not be on for a while. I'm not sick, that I know of, this is worse...family problems. I feel myself slipping into that dark hole again and must find a way out...quickly. I will try to be back and will miss you all. Take care of each other for me. I am so proud of…
Would like someone to talk to
36 Posts: 1 Joined: Dec 2015 Apr 05, 2016 - 8:57 am I am 36 years old and was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last March. I had surgery to remove a large tumor along with my left ovary. I have always considered myself a strong person, but over the past year I have really been feeling overwhelmed. My body has gone through a…
Has anyone had Eyes, Ears Brain or Dizziness problems after Da vinci surgery ?
Two of our sisters voiced concerns about eye problems. I am hoping to establish side effects,known and new ones. Moli-Any and all responses will be appreciated, Thanks.
Just Diagnosed
Hello All, I am 39 yrs old, (will be 40 in Sept). I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007 and never had a pregnancy. For years I had irregular periods. I was just diagnosed with Uterine cancer yesterday after a biopsy revealed abnormal cells. I go to see a specialist on Monday for my first consultation. I have been experiencing…
Whew! Surgery tomorrow!
Finally the day is here. Be at the hospital 5:45 in the morning. I've twiced watched the entire diVinci hysterectomy on you tube and read all the advice from you sisters. I'm ready but now I'm wondering if I have underestimated the recovery and am unprepared for that. No special pre prep from my doc other than eat lightly…
Chemo completed - now on to external radiation
Hi ladies! I had my last chemo treatment 3 weeks ago and have been taking attempting to take a bit of a break from all things cancer related as I recovered from the chemo cycle. I had to have this transfusion in the hospital so a desentization process could be done for both Taxol and Caroplatin as I had allergic reactions…
Tender Breast on Port Side
Okay maybe a personal question...but my port in on my right side just below my collar bone and just above my breast. It feels like my breast is bruised/tender and on occassion I get a sharp pain at the top of my breast on the right side. At first I thought this was all due to having just had the port placed but it has been…
Moli how are you doing? Have you had your surgery? I haven't been on the boards for a little while so I have been looking back but I don't see any posts from you. I'm sure you know we are all here for you. Let us know how you are doing. Hoping everything is looking better! Love and hugs, Sandy
one year coming up
so my one year since getting the news that would change my life forever is coming up. im finding it really hard to deal with the upcoming date. on april 8th, 2015 i found out that worse fears had come to life. i dont want to be upset, i would like to have this day just go by like any other but for some reason my heart,…
Update...good news!
Hi Ladies! I am one of those who is not posting all the time, but you are always in my thoughts. I wanted to let you know that my latest labs showed my CA 125 had dropped again to "8", and has gone down consistently for the last 3-4 months. Everyone is optimistic, esp. me! My oncologist and I decided that we can safely…
Post chemo recovery
I thought I'd start a new thread documenting how long it takes to recover from the various side effects of chemo, i.e., hair loss, neuropathy, etc. I know everyone is different, but it might be of value for those trying to get an idea of what to expect post chemo. I am 5 weeks post chemo, 6 rounds of carboplatin/taxol. I…
quick question
Will some one explane to me, in plane English using the simplest of terms. What , in math, does .5mm into 5.0mm mean in inches, ect? And is 5.0mm uterine strip large for a post mentapausal woman? No one seems to know. Thanks!
Just got home from grams last chemo round!!!!
Grams last round of chemo went great, hopefully she does well through this coming week. The doctor seemed very hopeful just upon physical examination alone, the largest mass he used to be able to feel during an abdomnial exam and can no longer feel anything. She gets her follow up scans april 14th. So fingers crossed. They…
Results from initial PET/CT scan coming in the next hour or so
Dear CSN friends, I am shaking in anticipation. I had the initial PET scan this morning, which they actually downloaded onto a CD for me to take home. Thinking I'm a semi-intelligent person, I thought I'd be able to make sense of the images and video but I just can't guess what I'm looking for. Dark spots, white spots,…
3rd chemo completed
i had my 3rd chemo today and it went well but long. My magnesium was low so I had an hour infusion of that. Also, my dr wasn't here today so I saw the PA instead. I told her about the bit of neuropathy I was having. She said that some people have some relief taking Gabapentin, so she said she could prescribe some if I…
Just told endometrial cancer
Hi, I'm not even sure which board to post this on... You all seem so helpful in your responses, I'm just starting out. Biopsy results indicate cancerous mass in uterus, pelvic sono results were initially reported to me by radiologist as possible fibroid or polyp at the end of the vaginal canal. CT scan is next. I'm pretty…
Physical Therapy Today
I went for my first physical therapy today. The first hour was testing and then half an hour of therapy. I could hardly walk out of there and tonight I am in more pain than I've been in for a long time. I think I'm going to take a hot shower, half a Percoset and go to bed. I have to go back on Thursday and hopefully I will…