Question about the CA125
Hi Ladies...I have seen so many posts with so many different numbers in them that I am not sure what the normal numbers are anymore. One said that anything below 30 was okay, my own doctor said anything under 20 was okay. But I see so many ladies doing chemo who have very low single digit numbers. I guess I am getting a…
want opinion n some health problems....chatroom told me to get out!!!
I am a 32 year old female. I have been not feeling to well for awhile. Always nauseas have problems with constipation/diarea, just over all not feeling well. I have been having left lower side pain. I had went to my gyno explaining my symptoms. I had exploritory surgery of my uterus. They had found a large fybriod…
What do I do next?
Hello, I have not posted in a while. I was diagnosed in 04/09 w/stage 3c serous papillary ppc.Had suboptimal debulking....only rt tube and ovary, omentum. Underwent 6 rounds of carbo/taxol and avastin. ca-125 started to rise after about cycle 4(only got down to 57). Swicted docs....my new doc was more aggressive and I had…
First reoccurence
I've been reading stories of people who've recently had reoccurence so I thought I'd share my story too. I completed chemo April'09 for stage 4 papillary serous ovarian. With my slow rising ca125 and bowel symptoms my surgeon wanted me to have a CT/PET. The ct came back normal, my ca125 is normal but the pet showed a small…
Mom VERY recently diagnosed
Hi everyone, I'm so happy I found this site. My mom went to the ER last Tuesday with swelling in her abdomen, which a CT scan revealed to be ascites. They drained 5 liters of fluid from her, and after testing the fluid and taking a second look at the CT scan they diagnosed her Friday with cancer, most likely ovarian or…
Pleural Catheter
Hi Ladies, Have any of you had a pleural cathetet inserted to drain your lungs? I had my lungs drained two weeks ago because I had a large amount of fluid buildup. Within 2 days I was back in bed unable to walk around my house without being out of breath. My dr. scheduled to have a catheter inserted so I could drain at any…
Mom is back in the Hospital
Well, the cisplatin did it again, and Mom was admitted again tonight. Her counts and electrolytes are dangerously low all around. My sister spoke with the oncologist who said, "no more cisplatin". She just can't tolerate it. I'm on a 6:30am flight to NY tomorrow and hopefully will get out through the snowstorm. I am a…
I've had a recurrance and will need you ladies as they try Ovarian Cancer chemos on me.
My oncologist told me from the beginning that Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma (UPSC) is every bit as aggressive and recurrant as Ovarian Cancer. But he still wanted me to go for all-out for a cure, as sometimes if you can get it all in the first battle, you can actually get away clean. So I did the major debulking…
Use of hot tub when on chemo?
Hello everyone, I've received conflicting answers to my question about the use of a hot tub while on chemo. Several years ago an oncologist told me "no." Recently, when I asked again, the PA said: "Yes, certainly." The oncologist told me to "just wait until you finish treatment".....but, unfortunately, that still hasn't…
Jean, How have you been? I have not seen a post from you in awhile. Would actually like to know your email address or phone number. In His Grip, Libby
Mass growing and a few questions
I posted a question on here a few weeks ago. In the middle of Oct. I had an ultrasound after having pain, upset stomach, bloating and they found a complex bilateral mass with some solid compotents. The doctor ordered a ca-125 which was within normal. The mass about 3.5cm x 4.6. Went to a Gynecologist Oncologist and decided…
Monitoring a cyst after cancer in the past
Hello to all. I haven't been on this board for a bit as I struggle with other health issues but I want to take a minute to thank all who helped me on this topic board while I was struggling with what way to go with a cyst that was found on my ovary a few months back. I fought to see a gyne/onc as I had a history of NHL in…
Waiting for more tests
I had a abdominal and a transvaginal ultrasound last week due to post-menopausal bleeding after 3 years. The results came back showing 2 cysts on my left ovaries and thickening of my endometrial lining. December 8th I go back for an abdominal ultrasound again as well as a sonohysterogram (sp?) on December 9th. I am…
Ok, Ladies, When Do I Stop Worrying That Every Headache is a Brain Tumor?
Ladies - I am new here, and yet I feel as if I just found a huge new group of friends! No one in my inner circle has had to live through diagnosis, treatment, baldness and recovery (thankfully!), so its nice to have a group who really understands what I've been through. I was asymptomatic when diagnosed at 39 last August.…
My mom will be getting her pair of angel wings within a matter of time. Whenever the Lord decides to take her, and for her to feel no pain. And she will see the land of where her father is and be happy to be with him. Chemotheraphy is not working for my mother. She has been battling on since May of 2009, when she was first…
bowel surgery complications
Hello Ladies, I had surgery on Nov.11 for two complete bowel obstructions. I still feel just awful. 'Saw doc this week and had a T scan, which showed fluid buildup. I was told this would gradually go away and that it is the source of my pain(I can hardly get in and out of bed) I'm not buying into this! Has anybody ever had…
Hi ladies, It looks like Gemzar/Avastin will be my next chemo. I was hoping I could get some idea of how frequently the treatments will be? I think I read that it's 3 weeks of treatments, and then one week off. I was also wondering how long each treatment is, and are the drugs both given on the same day? Third, do the side…
Perspective on a CA-125 of 128 for my Mother after all this
Can someone give me some perspective on what this means? When she was diagnosed her CA-125 was 1645. Now it is 128. I was hoping for somewhere around 7-10 after all the chemo and surgery and post surgery chemo. Am I dreaming? Doesn't 128 mean that they didn't get it all? My mother said that her oncologist was happy with…
Trying To Get On With Life
Hello Ladies, Yesterday I started my first day of nursing school. I am so very, very excited. I just hope and pray that I can stay healthy. After I take my state board exams I am hoping to get sent straight up to the oncology department. I had such wonderful nurses through-out my treatment and I realized how important they…
reoccurence less then 6 months
Anyone else out there have had a reoccurence within 6 months. I finished chemo in April '09. My surgeon suspects my recurrent GI sx may be related to growing cancer. She suspects my sx are bowel obstructions which resolve without medical intervention. CA125 remained WNL although did rise 3 points and is now at a 12. CT…
Aransesp - anyone else getting this - and lab results
I had labs today to see if my oncologist would give his blessing for me to proceed with two root canals. No go. My red and white counts were both too low. He prescribed Aransesp every two weeks to build my red cells, and warned me that if my white cells go too low, he will stop my treatment. This really has me frightened…
removed from clinical trial, need help
Hi- I'm currently being removed from a phase 1 clinical trial due to low white blood cell counts, I no longer meet the criteria and neulasta is not helping. I am at a point where I will most likely seek another opinion outside the University of Chicago. Just wondered if anyone knows of the top three hospitals/docs that…
Hexalen option
First time poster so bear with me on this one. :) My mother has been fighting this for roughly ten years and the options are getting slim for her I believe. The doctor has put her on all of the primary and several secondary chemos. This last visit he pretty much confirmed that surgery was not really an option due to not…
Gemzar and Platin
Hi: Recent PET revealed a few more spots in abdomen and pelvic area. These are too small for surgery so I'm starting chemo this Thurs. Had carbo and taxol last time so don't know what to expect from GEMZAR and PLATIN combo. Does anyone have any advice?
feeling really down, may need more surgery.
I don't post here very often, or even reply to others posts, but I've come to know that your a wonderful and caring group of ladies. You support each other and try to give advice when you feel that you can help. Bless you for that. I'm going through a rough time now, I had the double hernia surgery, laparoscope and…
45th Wedding Anniversary
Good Morning, I just wanted to share that today is our 45th Wedding Anniversary! I'm so thrilled that I can share it with my best friend, my wonderful and caring husband. Our medical journey this past 3 years has been very trying for both of us. Being a man, he's a problem solver and this is one problem he hasn't been able…
bowel obstruction surgery
Hello Ladies, 'Just returned from two weeks in the hospital after emergency bowel obstrction surgery due to scar tissue. I had been battling symptoms for months and had undergone many negative tests. 'Had three trips to the ER, when they could not find the cause. I am scared to death as while I appeared to have "worked" in…
Happy Thanksgiving
Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all! I am so thankful for each of you as you have touched my life in a specail way, so today I give thanks with a joyful heart. :-) Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg7eiuY7RU0&feature=fvw Give thanks on thanksgiving day Had to add this youtube connection ...…
good news so far on CA125
I know can't get too excited, only first CA125 after starting on the carbo/gem (had cycle 2 on the 23rd) but the number came from 459 down to 283 so is an encouraging start. Better than what the Doxil did for me. I did great with first round, now this one my hemo is down and my whites but he said was still ok for…
Mother-in-law passed away.....am I to blame?
My mother-in-law would have been 90 years old in the spring. She had lived with us for the last 6 years. She had been having problems with her heart (CHF) for the last year or so - very tired all the time, short of breath, and she passed out several times. While I was in the hospital in Oct she was ill for several days. I…