Small & shrivelled
My sister got a phone call from her Dr. to give her the results of her ultrasound. She said that her ovaries were small and shrivelled.No sign of any tumors or anything in the abdominal area.My sister said she never thought she'd be so happy to hear that a part of her was "small and shrivelled"!!!haha If you recall, my…
Sinus infection
Ladies, Have any of you had a severe sinus infection (no fever) and been on the Z-pac and Mucinex during chemo and neumega and neulasta shots? Just curious................ Thanks, Libby ☺☺☺☺
3 cycles down
Just an update. After the Doxil/trial drug not working for me, actually raising my CA125, was switched to gemzar/carbo. Have both Day 1, then gemzar Day 6 and off Day 15 week. Glad off the Doxil as my hands had started peeling even though was using the Udder Smooth they said to use, they look fine now. Sides not bad with…
Gemzar is my next chemo.
Hi Ladies, Monday I'll be starting Gemzar, it will be my third chemo drug after carbo/taxol then Topotecan. I will be getting it alone, we decided to hold Avastin for future use, because the CT scan showed a few pelvic cancerous lymph nodes, but thankfully no spread to other organs at this time. Due to lymphedema, my right…
chemo working agani
God's mornign to all... just wanted to say after 3 times of a rise in my ca125 the 4th check had it dropping. The carbo is working and I am in the hospital finishing up with the 3rd dose by noon today. Just wanted to share as one never knows what or when a drug well work. I have made it 7 years and most of it on chemo, it…
Treatment in China Using Gene Therapy, Hyperthermia, CIK, Endostar and TCM
My mother, who has Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer went to China in late 2009 to receive the new gene therapy treatment using Gendicine, Hyperthermia, as well as Endostar, CIK and TCM treatments in combination. She has had two major surgeries to remove parts of the bowel over the past 2 years, as the cancer had spread, and after…
I miss my mama
Since my mom passed on December 7th of OVCA... I have been trying to hold up as best as I can. I am in between a move, actually today is my moving day at 10 am. I will be moving out of the apartment that my mom and I shared for over 4 years. I have been suffering alone, because I have to live alone.. until today. I came…
Unable to remove "impressive mass"
First of all let me say thanks to all the women on this board. I feel I have been eavesdropping as a way of processing my mother's diagnosis of cancer in August 2009. Initially, it was thought she had rectal cancer due to a mass in her pelvis. This was blocking her rectum and a "temporary" colostomy surgery was done.…
No chemo today
I did not get chemo today because my CA125 went from 58 to 156 this month and I will be starting Doxil next week. They have to order it by appointment to save on cost so my treatment will be Wed. That way I can get in two doses before we leave for our cruise in February. Get it every 3 weeks. The jump in the CA125 plus the…
Hi Kayandok, I wanted to ask you about Doxil. I responded to another post but I didn't know if you would see it. Please tell me what precautions you take with Doxil. I will be starting my first treatment with Doxil on Monday Jan.4th. I was told not to wear restrictive clothing. I was told it was well tolerated but does…
I'm new on these boards, but not to cancer
Hi everyone! I'm new here. I am actually a breast cancer survivor. My mother had breast cancer in 1966, my sister had it in 2002 and I had it in 2008. We are all survivors!!!!! My mother is now 88- talk about a survivor! Between the 3 of us,we have some stories to tell and maybe could be of some help at some point to…
Immuture Teratoma
My 17 year old daughter was taken to the hospital on August the 5th with what we thought was an appendistis. had been complaining of pain in her left side for eight months prior to that date. On the 6th they removed a 6 1/2 pound 9 inch diameter immuture teratoma from her left ovary. Then on Sept. 18th she has surgery…
Anyone give THEMSELVES Neupogen shots?
I am getting taxol weekly now, and they are talking about me getting Neupogen (do I have that spelled right?) shots if my WBC drops any lower at Monday's labs. I can't get Neulasta because my chemos are too close together (they said chemos need to be 2 weeks apart for Neulasta). The Neupogen shots would be daily, 3 to 5…
Pleural thickening lungs/inflammation
I just finished 18 rounds of chemotherapy on Dec. 8, 2009 for OVC stage IIIC. My chemo treatments were through IP and shoulder ports. I had a CAT scan a week ago and things are looking good except for mild nodular pleural thickening in the lungs. To my understanding this could be from inflammation from the chemo…
Happy Holiday Greeting
I hope everyone and their family have a Merry Christmas, and a very Happy and Healthy New Year! I wish everyone clear scans, and low CA125 results, may we all have peace, and happiness in the New Year. Jane
anyone dealig with kidney problems?
Hello Girls Yes me again.....anyone hear suffering from kidney problems? I am amazed at the laxidazicle care I'm receiving here. I've been feeling absolutely like I'm deaths door, seriously and so freaken scared out of my mind. I've already had stints in place on each side of my kidneys. Remember? The urologist told me I…
Pink Glove Dance
Good Morning, This will lift your spirits. Goggle "Pink Glove Dance". Go to "You Tube Pink Glove Dance". Click on video. They just need to change the gloves to the teal color.
May have ovarian cancer, amazed by the wonderful women here
Hi my name is Katie and I recently had a CT scan that found what the doctor called a "suspicious mass," an enlarged uterus, and swollen inguinal lymph nodes. He is concerned that it is ovarian cancer. I have also had persistent lower abdominal pain, bloating, weight loss, and a variety of other symptoms over the past year,…
anyone have normal ca-125 but have ovca
I am new here. I posted on Lung Cancer too, I have a noncalcified lung nodule too. I have a 4.6cm mass on my enlarged ovary (4.7cm) I know it coud be much larger. I have only one ovary left, it is adhered to the top of my vaginal cuff and possibly bowels. It is mostly solid, with some septations. I am 45, premenopausal,…
Did you lose all your hair?
I have had 3 carbol/taxol infusions. My hair began to shed 2 weeks into my first treatment. Thus far, I have lost about 2/3 - 3/4 of my hair. Before I started chemo I had it cut really short - Jamie Lee Curtis short - and it has not grown at all. Will the rest fall out as my treatment progresses? I still have eyebrowns and…
Abnormal Pap.. Has anyone had one?
Hello Everyone! I just got my results today from my 3 mo. check up and found out my pap they just did was abnormal. I have never in my life had an adnormal pap.. not even when I had both my cancers. Could anyone please let me know if they had one and what was the outcome? They didn't tell me much except they wanted me back…
Doxil seems to be working for me
Hi everyone, haven't updated in a while so thought I would check in. I just received my third doxil infusion last week, and also had a CA125 taken. Yesterday I went in to get some more cream for my mild rash, and the results of my CA125. It was down again. So, it is too soon to celebrate, but doctor says it seems to be…
My mama is in heaven
My mama passed this early morning, December 7th at 1:15 am. My grandma and I were asleep.. or trying to sleep on recliners that were on each side of my mom's bed. Mom had been asleep for 2 days without opening her eyes. I was restless because nurses kept coming in. I was restless for a reason. I was on my phone texting…
Is this normal chemo therapy procedure?
Monday was my chemo day and as usual, I was the last one left in the infusion center when the nurses and techs started getting ready to leave. It was after 5 PM and there was no one there but my husband, myself, and my RN. Judging from his earlier remark that I had 45 minutes left of the Carbo, I would say there was about…
Senate Health Care Bill Would Allow Insurers to Limit Coverage for Seriously Ill Patients.
A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a…
Found this on Facebook this AM, just wanted to share. Put ♥ this ♥ on ♥ your ♥ status ♥ if ♥ you ♥ know ♥ someone ♥ who ♥ has ♥ or ♥ had ♥ cancer! ♥ All I want for Christmas is a CURE! ♥ Dear God, I pray for the cure of cancer. Amen.
Nancy591 I have a question for you
Hi, When you had your CT scan, did you drink that white milky stuff and then did you have an iodine injection? I am asking did you have a CT scan with and without contrast? I was under the impression that a CT scan picked up anything bigger then 1mm. Thank-you
survey: what chemo for first reoccurence
Hi everyone, I'm wondering what chemo meds are generally used for your first reoccurence. Also wondering how long you were in remission the first time and if a remission was successful the second time. My doctor is suggesting Doxil for my reoccurence. I've been out of chemo 8 months. I had a clean ct scan and normal ca125…
Hi Lisa, I'm wondering who is your Mom's oncologist at MSKCC? Is it Dr. Sabbatini? Thanks, Nancy
Bad news.....and GREAT news
I had my post-chemo labs done yesterday. My red count is so low, even with the Aranesp injections every two weeks, that I am close to the point where they might have to stop my chemo for a while, so tomorrow I get two units of blood. But my CA125 is 53.9, which I know is still high, but pre-surgery it was 4000, and before…