having left flank pain, ultrasound tomorrow, worried

foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member

My last series of scans was two months ago with NED report. Brain,abdomen,pelvic C.T scans were clear. Everything was fine till last week, since then I have on and off left flank pain( my right kidney was removed due to rcc) the pain was persistent but not sharp, but it got worse since today morning, still don't need painkiller drugs. I'll have ultrasound tommorrow but last hours are difficult to wait. Do you have any personal experience or have you ever heard that a met grows from nothing and have symtom In two months between rcc patients? I am stage two, grade two

Any information would be appreciated

I'll post once I have ultrasound report.



  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    Woke up screaming with massive pain in my right flank. Phoned my Oncologist and he said to go to the local ER. For 3 days they gave ct scans, xrays and lots and lots of lovely morphine shots. They found...


    So they sent me home with lots of opiates in pill form (which made me feel sick) and sent all the test results to my onc.

    They gave me a diagnosis of "Dunno... could be a pulled muscle?" with which my onc concurred

    Bloody hurt tho'!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member


    Woke up screaming with massive pain in my right flank. Phoned my Oncologist and he said to go to the local ER. For 3 days they gave ct scans, xrays and lots and lots of lovely morphine shots. They found...


    So they sent me home with lots of opiates in pill form (which made me feel sick) and sent all the test results to my onc.

    They gave me a diagnosis of "Dunno... could be a pulled muscle?" with which my onc concurred

    Bloody hurt tho'!

    I can really understand your

    I can really understand your anxiety (I constantly worry that every twitch or twang is a met) but the probability that something grew in just two months to a size large enough to give you pain strikes me as pretty slim. Hope the US tomorrow relieves your worries with clean results. Hang in there!

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    I hope for "nothing" as

    I hope for "nothing" as ultrasound report and keep telling myself, it's impossible in just two months, more than thousands of times,  I repeat it to myself, but it still makes me worried. I had odd pains since surgery, chest pain started seven months after surgery and continued for almost six months, headache which made me go to ER twice in a week are two examples, every time I had to have C.T scans to find out that it's nothing. I don't really know why all these happen after my surgery, I had no same problems before the diagnosis, maybe it's stress showing itself as pain?

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    foroughsh said:

    I hope for "nothing" as

    I hope for "nothing" as ultrasound report and keep telling myself, it's impossible in just two months, more than thousands of times,  I repeat it to myself, but it still makes me worried. I had odd pains since surgery, chest pain started seven months after surgery and continued for almost six months, headache which made me go to ER twice in a week are two examples, every time I had to have C.T scans to find out that it's nothing. I don't really know why all these happen after my surgery, I had no same problems before the diagnosis, maybe it's stress showing itself as pain?

    Free perks




    Hopefully nothing more than a little scanziety which is a free perk from the neph.




  • Shecka1121
    Shecka1121 Member Posts: 117 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Free perks




    Hopefully nothing more than a little scanziety which is a free perk from the neph.




    Sorry to hear that you are

    Sorry to hear that you are worried, but I totally get it as I am the same.  I have flank pain all the time and I had a partial.  My dr said it is normal due to muscular pain after surgery.  She recommended physical therapy to help with the scar tissue.  She said most patients have this pain sometime after their surgery.


    hopefully that is all it is.  Scans 2 months ago would have showed something that would cause pain.  You are ok.


    Keep us posited.

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    Can't imagine

    Forough, I can't imagine that this is related to your rcc.  Two months ago CT normal, even if you were to have reoccurrence I can't believe that you would already be symptomatic. Rcc is a sloth as far as growth goes (I think that’s why is doesn’t respond to chemo)

    It could be a kidney stone, UTI, a GI issu like IBS, gallbladder, or you've pulled a muscle or something like that.  

    Did anyone do a UA? 


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Thank you all for your

    Thank you all for your positive posts, I've just received the report, it's fine.  Nothing wrong is with my kidney.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    foroughsh said:

    Thank you all for your

    Thank you all for your positive posts, I've just received the report, it's fine.  Nothing wrong is with my kidney.



    since there has been cutting of soft tissue and then some scarring that has disupted pain and sensory receptors, our bodies do not percieve this as normal. And even though you may feel good and begin to do more, a withdrawl response is triggered. Like when you touch a hot stove and your hand pulls away. Unfortunately since a withdrawl response is not able to remove the stimulus that initiated it, it just tightens muscles which become irritating to themselves. Now you deveope a persistant reflex arc that is painful. This does not resolve until the reflex is interupted. Drugs help with the pain but do not stop the process. With time and normal motion and activity our bodies accommodate to the changes of our new normal. The protective response is no longer effective and your system adapts to the new you. And voila, you've recovered. Knowing how to make this happen and the skill to do it escapes most. The right physical therapist can be of immense help.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Happy to hear that your

    Happy to hear that your ultrasound showed nothing. The same thing happened to me about a year ago....and nothing as well. We can't help but wonder every time we have pain....it is the curse of cancer!

    Enjoy your weekend!!



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Happy to hear that your

    Happy to hear that your ultrasound showed nothing. The same thing happened to me about a year ago....and nothing as well. We can't help but wonder every time we have pain....it is the curse of cancer!

    Enjoy your weekend!!



    Great to hear all is well!

    Great to hear all is well!

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    foroughsh said:

    Thank you all for your

    Thank you all for your positive posts, I've just received the report, it's fine.  Nothing wrong is with my kidney.


    Great News!

    I'm happy to hear your kidney is doing well!

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    APny said:

    Great to hear all is well!

    Great to hear all is well!

    Great news! Next time, once

    Great news! Next time, once you get some pain, please remind yourself of this outcome, and try not to jump to worst case scenario (this advise sounds pretty strange from hypochondriac like me), but this is the only way to keep sanity.

    glad for you!


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Allochka said:

    Great news! Next time, once

    Great news! Next time, once you get some pain, please remind yourself of this outcome, and try not to jump to worst case scenario (this advise sounds pretty strange from hypochondriac like me), but this is the only way to keep sanity.

    glad for you!


    Great news Forough

    Thank God!

    My partial, via robotics, was 3+ years ago and I still frequently have flank pain, (right now as a matter of fact) and I freak out about it every single stinkin time!!  This time I had to remmind myself that I did some rather strenuous activity this weekend.  We moved my sister-in-law into a facility on saturday in 50+ mph winds here in the suburbs of Chicago!  Yes, some of the furniture, and boxes, were too heavy for me to be juggling, but we desparately wanted her out of our house!  Couldn't let me husband do it alone, so now I pay the price I guess.  In the meantime, the hypochondriac in me rears it's ugly head.  Cry
