Saying hello for the first time
Hi guys, I've just found all of you this evening and I'm so glad I did, but I am definitely new to this. I'm 47 and was having lots of bone pain in my lower back for the last 6 months and finally in December after an MRI was diagnosed with kidney cancer, very small tumor on my left kidney, but 5 spots of bone mets on my…
Almost afraid to mention this...
considering what everyone is going through right now. I read the new post from someone who was just told she had a malignant mass on the kidney. That's the situation I was in 9 years, 9 months ago (but who's counting?) Ultimately, the right kidney with a 12.5 x 11.5 x8.5 cm tumor was removed. And going along with it was…
not sure what to expect, also new member
I'm 51 years old and thought I was in a healthy state. I just had a colonoscopy in November, my yearly GYN in November and blood work for my primary care in December. All of these came back normal. I did have a polyp removed during the colonoscopy. I went to my doctor for psoriatic arthritis two weeks ago and got a good…
Two cancers
My brother was just diagnosed with kidney cancer and lung cancer. The kidney cancer was diagnosed from a lesion taken out of his brain and the lung cancer was diagnosed from a mass taken from his trachea. Has anyone ever heard of a person being diagnosed with 2 seperate cancers at the same time?
LYNTA & Dalantercept Clinical Trial
I am starting a new trial with Lynta and Dalantercept and was hoping that someone can give some feedback on the program with regards to succes rates and side effects. Any info that you can pass on is much appreciated. Dancnbear
Anyone have low GFR before removal of Kidney?
I just read that I am in stage 3 kidney failure. WTH, I am not overweight, not diabetic, don't have high blood pressure. I am currently undergoing tests for blood in urine. I am totall confused. Looking back at my blood tests for the past year my GFR was 57 a year ago and 51 a few months ago with creatine at 1.1 and normal…
Just Starting the Process and Questions
Hello, A little about me, I'm 60 year old female. I recently thought I had an urinary track infection with all the symptoms of it, however, they didn't find an infection. There was a trace amount of blood in my urinalysis. I have also been experiencing some swelling in my legs. A few days later, I saw blood in my urine and…
new member - just discovered mass on kidney
So, I just found out that the cyst on my kidney is malignant and I have to get it removed. Anyone know what I can expect now? I've read everything from no worries to horror stories. I go to the urologist next week to discuss treatment. I think it's 3.5cm...at least that's what I was told from an x-ray. Not sure if the CT…
MRI results
I had an MRI on my liver last week as recommended by the radiologist who found a 3mm focus of low density in the right side lobe near the dome of the liver during my 1-year follow up CT scans in december. The results came back yesterday. The focus measured 2.7mm on the MRI, and did not seem to display signature…
Anyone besides me assign a name to the little beast?
I have not read of anyone referring to the beast by a name. I refer to mine as "Bob the Blob". Just curious..... Donna~
Waiting for Friday
I've been reading all your posts and finally decided to officially join the group. To me, this is acceptance of the fact that I have a health problem which is difficult because I have always been very health conscious. Last week I underwent a lap. radical. Discovered by accident, no symptoms, originally told stage 3, but…
Who says, "You can't always get what you want."
...but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need!!!! Saw my onc today. I will begin nivo next week and get my stereotactic radiation as soon as I get it scheduled. I am thrilled beyond words. No more votrient side effects! No more white hair in the drain. No more nausea or diarrhea. Despite having new…
Darth Tumour
Avastin is a wonderful anti cancer drug just out over the last couple of years. Taken as an infusion every fortnight it has absolutely no side effects whatsoever, it seems to have one teeny little flaw. Darth Tumour, leader of the Mets, has increased in size by a third. In England this is what the queen would call 'A bit…
In recovery mode
I had my surgery on 1/26, so I am a little over 2 weeks post-op. Everything went as expected, and my pain has decreased everyday. I have had more pain last night & today with no real explanation as to why, but I am just trying to rest more. Having my 3 year old home with me is trying, and she is with her dad for a few days…
New Member
Hello, My member name is Baw41 and I am a male age 41. Sometime in August 2015, I started feeling symptoms of a protatitis and went to see my family doctor. One of my symptoms included large amounts of blood in my urine. The doctor provided antibiotics for a few months and nothing seemed to get better. My doctor then…
Six month CT scan is NED
i am thrilled to find out my six month scan is clear. I am also confused by GFR which is 48 and creatinine which is 1.2. All the info I have read says that is stage 3 chronic kidney disease. Is this correct? If so is there anything I can do to make this better? My GFR was normal before nephrectomy.
Torisel and Xgeva
Hi everyone, We took my duaghter to Cleveland Clinic yestereday, and they agree that the Torisel and Xgeva are fine to start. We will be doing so closer to home, with the oncologist who first diagnosed her. Hoping to start the first of next week. Has anyone had any experience with either of these? The Dr. at Cleveland…
Dancnbear Update and Question
Had another round of CT scans and unfortunately it showed the cancer growing and spreading which means no more votrient. That puts me at one clinical trial, sutent, radiation, and votrient over the last 3 years. The good side up to recently was that the total volume of cancer has stayed pretty much the same over this time…
Superbowl 50
During Superbowl I Icewoman was in labor and I was in the father's waiting room. How well do each of you remember Superbowl I? 1. How many years ago was Superbowl I? 49, 50 or 51 2. How many Kidney's did I have at the time? two, too or to 3. The highest price ticket for the game was? $6, $12 or $24 4. The cost of a loaf of…
hi all! i was diagnosed with rcc in July 2015. I had a laparoscopic nephotomy in November 2015. I know it's only been three month but I still have numbness from the top of my thigh all the way up to my chest. i am over weight but since my surgery I have the dreaded lump that I have read others have since their surgery.…
Ok, the Dr. who origninally diagnosed my daughter is suggesting TORISEL? and XGEVA. We are heading to Cleveland Clinic later today, so we will see what they have to say. Prayers please! Thanks
PET results, now we have a plan
Seems like months since I have been here, but it has only been about 2 weeks! Amazing. This is such an up and down process I really value everyone's comments, it has really helped get a grip on this "thing". My PET results were surprising. The growth on the pancreas turned out to be false...nothing there, apparently…
New wrinkle
Sorry I have been out for a bit I was feeling pretty ill for several days, I even had to go to the hospital that sucked. So I do like my new port, if anyone is considering it do it, the port is so much better for accessing veins. When I did my Opdivo on Monday I found out I am mild to moderatly anemic now. I was wondering…
Surgery Done
sitting in my hospital room, had my 2fer gallbladder removal and right partial neph. the universe is a jokester yesterday my home heater died and it was 18 degrees outside in Utah. So I spent the day dealing with that. In hindsight that was probably a good thing because it kept my mind off of today. When I had my pre…
Stage 4 Renal
New here. My 33 year old normally very healthy daughter was just diagnosed stage 4. It has spread to her bones... We are just getting started. She had her biopsy yesterday, and we are awaiting a phone call from a Dr. who specializes in this. Any help would be greatly apppreciated, as all of the information on the internet…
Hello all, I am brand new to this group as I am brand new to the idea of having a very large tumor on each kidney as well. Just last week after seeing a urologist for blood in my urine he prescribed medicine to stop the bleeding and ordered an ultra-sound. This revealed the growths that are 60x60x60 cm and the other…
Sleep Problems and Kidney Cancer/CKD
I've been having sleep problems for years. I have sleep apnea and have been using a CPAP for many years. The past week I've been having a terrible time with my sleep. Allergies or a cold/sinus infection always makes it difficult for me with my apnea. Anything that blocks my nose makes it hard for the CPAP to work. A friend…
New member
Hi Everyone, About 4 months ago I was diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer. Unfortunately for me it has spread to lung and lymph nodes thus it being catorgorized stage IV. I had my left kidney/tumor removed on November 19th, 2015 and just finished my first round of HDIL2 treatment. I will now wait two months then have…
New patient with additional concerns of dvt, pe, and IVC filter
Hi! I'm a newly diagnosed patient scheduled for surgery 2/9/16. Not sure yet if it will be open or robotic it will depend on bleeding/ clotting issues. I have been on anti coagulant therapy for 9 yrs with no known cause for dvt and pe. I came off recently because it was thought I did not need them and developed a dvt…
Funny bonz by Garym
http://csn.cancer.org/node/250632 .I think that should bring you to some of gary's jokes. There are people there that I miss.