This morning

mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

I got up this morning feeling great ready to tackle the day, and to educate my students when all of the sudden I started coughing...and coughing...and coughing, then blood started coming out of mouth and for 20 minutes I was coughing up blood and blood clots.  Now I have coughed up blood before since I became stage IV but not like this, it was like a red waterfall, my wife called the on call doctor and said to call 911 but I refused to let her, I told her that I did not want to go to our local medical center (they are not to good) and that if it continued I would drive to Portland and go to a better hospital.  When it finally stopped I went to school to teach and I started coughing and has some residual blood released, of course my students were freaked out it was at that point I decided I had better go home and rest today.  My oncologist called me to see how I was doing they were upset that I did not call 911 but I figured what the heck, all my local medical center would have done was told me to call my oncologist when I got there.  There is not point to this just thought I would share my morning scare with everyone, for what it is worth I am feeling better this afternoon with the exception of a sore throat.  So tomorrow I will get up and try again this time without the oral evacuation.  I am sure my students would appreciate that.  I just need to make it to June 10th and then I will be retired (not voluntarily) so I can be one of the old guys that sits on his porch and yells at the local kids to get off my lawn.  

Although I have considered buying an old carnival by a peer and trying to scare people away with tales of ghosts whild I find lost treasure, I will do okay as long those darn meddling kids and there dog don't find me out.





  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Coughing up blood...

    I'm glad you're ok Mark. I have to say that I'm not so sure you're right about what the ER might or might not do depending on what was wrong. However, I too have been frustrated going to the ER or regular doc and them not knowing what to do. Then some things I have, the oncologist doesn't want to deal with it, and he tells me to go to ER or see my primary care doc.

    That kind of bleeding is pretty urgent. I had a good friend die from a burst blood vessel. He bled to death before they could get him to the hospital. This kind of stuff is what ERs are for...I hope you'll reconsider if something like this happens again.

    Still, I hate to give you a hard time. My oncologist told me to go to the ER once and I didn't go either. He was pretty pissed off at me. He told me next time he tells me to go to the ER that I need to go. I'm going to listen to him next time.

    Your profile doesn't have your latest status. How is the new drug working? I'm sorry if I missed updates you've posted here.

    Wishing you well,


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Oh Mark!

    I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly.  I'll bet your students were pretty scared, and worried about you.  (not sure what age your students are) But the average kid isn't generally exposed to illness to that degree, so be sure to put their minds at ease if you go back tomorrow.  Having worked many years with kids myself, (in a hospital setting), they have the tendancy to think things like : is this going to happen to me?  will I catch this?  etc etc.  I'm sure some probably went home and talked about it as well, which may cause fear for the parents too. 

    God bless you for your dedication to these kids.

    I'll be praying for you,



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    hardo718 said:

    Oh Mark!

    I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly.  I'll bet your students were pretty scared, and worried about you.  (not sure what age your students are) But the average kid isn't generally exposed to illness to that degree, so be sure to put their minds at ease if you go back tomorrow.  Having worked many years with kids myself, (in a hospital setting), they have the tendancy to think things like : is this going to happen to me?  will I catch this?  etc etc.  I'm sure some probably went home and talked about it as well, which may cause fear for the parents too. 

    God bless you for your dedication to these kids.

    I'll be praying for you,



    I'm so sorry to hear this,

    I'm so sorry to hear this, Mark. I do agree with Todd that you really should not try to deal with it without going to the ER or at least urgent care. I think you mentioned in the past that you're anemic so losing that much blood is really not something you want. It could be very dangerous and at the very least at the ER they could do something about it. Get you hemoglobin checked ASAP. Kids are amazingly resilient and I'm sure the only thing they're feeling is empathy for you.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    APny said:

    I'm so sorry to hear this,

    I'm so sorry to hear this, Mark. I do agree with Todd that you really should not try to deal with it without going to the ER or at least urgent care. I think you mentioned in the past that you're anemic so losing that much blood is really not something you want. It could be very dangerous and at the very least at the ER they could do something about it. Get you hemoglobin checked ASAP. Kids are amazingly resilient and I'm sure the only thing they're feeling is empathy for you.

    Mark, I am so sorry you had

    Mark, I am so sorry you had this frightening episode this morning! You amaze me that you found the strength - and determination - to go to work!

    I do understand your reluctance to call 911.....however, I am going to look at this through another perspective: if instead of you, it was your wife in this situation? What would you expect her to do? I don't want to lay a guilt trip, but if it happens again, pleeeeeease go for medical help.....even if you have to go to another city. I hope you don't have any more episodes, though!!

    Take care of yourself!

    Big hugs


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    I'm very sorry for what


    I'm very sorry for what you're going through. It must have been difficult time for bot you and your wife. It's great to have such will to work and to dedicate your life for your students, I'm sure they appreciate it. May your treatment goes well and you won't have to face such difficulty

    Waiting for your good news


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    A better man than I

    " When it finally stopped I went to school to teach and I started coughing and has some residual blood released, of course my students were freaked out"

    My students would be far too busy filming it on their phones to freak out

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    It happened again

    So today it happened again before I went to work, and than when I got to work it was really bad I had dark blood all over the sink in my classroom.  It was so bad they had to empty my room my doctor, and my principal sent me home. My doctor told me I did not have to go to the hospital this time because I don't have any life threatening issues with it.  So I went home, but I felt bad that my students had to witness such a thing even though they are high schoolers it is still traumatic.  My doctor is having me go back to the pulmonary specialist and do another lung scan (bronchoscopy) and see if they can find where the blood is coming from and then they will try to do an ablaision and seal up the tumor that is bleeding so much.



  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    todd121 said:

    Coughing up blood...

    I'm glad you're ok Mark. I have to say that I'm not so sure you're right about what the ER might or might not do depending on what was wrong. However, I too have been frustrated going to the ER or regular doc and them not knowing what to do. Then some things I have, the oncologist doesn't want to deal with it, and he tells me to go to ER or see my primary care doc.

    That kind of bleeding is pretty urgent. I had a good friend die from a burst blood vessel. He bled to death before they could get him to the hospital. This kind of stuff is what ERs are for...I hope you'll reconsider if something like this happens again.

    Still, I hate to give you a hard time. My oncologist told me to go to the ER once and I didn't go either. He was pretty pissed off at me. He told me next time he tells me to go to the ER that I need to go. I'm going to listen to him next time.

    Your profile doesn't have your latest status. How is the new drug working? I'm sorry if I missed updates you've posted here.

    Wishing you well,



    Todd the OPDIVO was not working at the last scan so they wanted me to go through one more cycle to see if it takes, I think by the amount of blood I am loosing it has not taken.  Next time I will go to the ER as suggested by my ONC though.  Thanks



  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Mark, I am so sorry you had

    Mark, I am so sorry you had this frightening episode this morning! You amaze me that you found the strength - and determination - to go to work!

    I do understand your reluctance to call 911.....however, I am going to look at this through another perspective: if instead of you, it was your wife in this situation? What would you expect her to do? I don't want to lay a guilt trip, but if it happens again, pleeeeeease go for medical help.....even if you have to go to another city. I hope you don't have any more episodes, though!!

    Take care of yourself!

    Big hugs



    Your words hit home with me if it were my wife I would not have hesitated so from now on I will listen to the doctor, I can't expect me to live by different rules than I expect from her.




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    mrou50 said:

    It happened again

    So today it happened again before I went to work, and than when I got to work it was really bad I had dark blood all over the sink in my classroom.  It was so bad they had to empty my room my doctor, and my principal sent me home. My doctor told me I did not have to go to the hospital this time because I don't have any life threatening issues with it.  So I went home, but I felt bad that my students had to witness such a thing even though they are high schoolers it is still traumatic.  My doctor is having me go back to the pulmonary specialist and do another lung scan (bronchoscopy) and see if they can find where the blood is coming from and then they will try to do an ablaision and seal up the tumor that is bleeding so much.



    Mark, could it be from a

    Mark, could it be from a ruptured blood vessel from coughing so much?

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    mrou50 said:

    It happened again

    So today it happened again before I went to work, and than when I got to work it was really bad I had dark blood all over the sink in my classroom.  It was so bad they had to empty my room my doctor, and my principal sent me home. My doctor told me I did not have to go to the hospital this time because I don't have any life threatening issues with it.  So I went home, but I felt bad that my students had to witness such a thing even though they are high schoolers it is still traumatic.  My doctor is having me go back to the pulmonary specialist and do another lung scan (bronchoscopy) and see if they can find where the blood is coming from and then they will try to do an ablaision and seal up the tumor that is bleeding so much.



    I loved teaching

    and felt what sounds like the same commitment to my students as you do. But please dont go back to work until you've got this sorted.  You must look after yourself if you want to be able to teach the kids properly. Get someone else to write your lessons. I'm sure they will be able to get a sub for few days. Believe me, I know how frustrating that is.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    mrou50 said:


    Todd the OPDIVO was not working at the last scan so they wanted me to go through one more cycle to see if it takes, I think by the amount of blood I am loosing it has not taken.  Next time I will go to the ER as suggested by my ONC though.  Thanks



    Hope I wasn't giving you a hard time. I should know better than to give advice to anyone in these situations. I sure enough didn't appreciate hearing any advice in my many trips to the ER from well-meaning friends and family. Honestly, when my oncologist said I should go to the ER, I was pretty sure it was going to be a big waste of time. And I think I was right about it.

    Nobody knows your situation better than you do.

    I wish you well and that whatever you need to do, I'll trust you to do it. I'm glad you came here and blew off some steam! Hopefully, it helped.

    Take care of yourself Mark.



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    I loved teaching

    and felt what sounds like the same commitment to my students as you do. But please dont go back to work until you've got this sorted.  You must look after yourself if you want to be able to teach the kids properly. Get someone else to write your lessons. I'm sure they will be able to get a sub for few days. Believe me, I know how frustrating that is.

    a few weeks back

    my knee hemmorraged as a result of my coumadin. I also think I may have had other bleeds mistaken for new tumor growth. Including my lungs. Food for thought.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foxhd said:

    a few weeks back

    my knee hemmorraged as a result of my coumadin. I also think I may have had other bleeds mistaken for new tumor growth. Including my lungs. Food for thought.

    So sorry this happened again,

    So sorry this happened again, Mark. Scary stuff. Take the time off you need. Even though it may have been traumatic for the students to see this, it is all behind them now. Think of it as a learning experience for them. Please take care of yourself.



  • PonyWave
    PonyWave Member Posts: 33
    I think I feel what your

    I think I feel what your students are feeling, Mark. I'm definitely learning that my experiences with kidney cancer pales in comparison to the people here. And I just want to cry. My heart breaks for you! It must be frightening. I don't know how you have the energy and courage to keep on teaching but yet you do. I admire your determination and will to keep on keeping on.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    PonyWave said:

    I think I feel what your

    I think I feel what your students are feeling, Mark. I'm definitely learning that my experiences with kidney cancer pales in comparison to the people here. And I just want to cry. My heart breaks for you! It must be frightening. I don't know how you have the energy and courage to keep on teaching but yet you do. I admire your determination and will to keep on keeping on.

    PonyWave, you said perfectly

    PonyWave, you said perfectly exactly what I'm thinking.

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    APny said:

    PonyWave, you said perfectly

    PonyWave, you said perfectly exactly what I'm thinking.

    Well said Pony


    I truly hope and pray you are doing better today.

    God bless,



  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    mrou50 said:


    Your words hit home with me if it were my wife I would not have hesitated so from now on I will listen to the doctor, I can't expect me to live by different rules than I expect from her.




    Hi Mark. Sorry to hear what

    Hi Mark. Sorry to hear what you went through. That has got to be scary.  It is still a new event, though. I would really love it if you went to the ER amd got checked out.  I think JOJO is right.  You would rush your wife to the er and i think she will feel some comfort if you go and get checked.  I am wishing you well and hope things turn around nicely!  xxoo

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    hardo718 said:

    Well said Pony


    I truly hope and pray you are doing better today.

    God bless,



    Thinking of you

    Hope this stops happening Mark, it saddens me for you and it sounds scary.  You are truly a fighter and I admire you and wish you well.


  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    marosa said:

    Thinking of you

    Hope this stops happening Mark, it saddens me for you and it sounds scary.  You are truly a fighter and I admire you and wish you well.



    I am seeing the Pulmonary doctor on Thursday of next week to set up another bronchoscopy and then chemo the next day. My school administrators have asked me not to come back until I have this under control, they were very nice about it but they were concerned (as was I) about the trauma this disease put my students through, and some of the staff apparently were traumatized as well.  What was cool is the administration said not to worry about sick leave they will make sure I get paid in full even if I can't come back for the remainder of they year.  I hope it does not come to that for I miss my students dearly and this is my last year of teaching.  I did find out as well that my long term disability should take care of whatever social security disability does not take care of, and that my LIfe Insurance will continue with my wife and I with no premiums (at least probably the insurance company said) and they will pay out the insurance to my wife when I pass.