Can you relate to this fight?
I saw this breast cancer post on a friend's facebook page and had to share as it's a pretty good description of cancer and the fight. I wish I could credit the author, but it was uncredited. "What’s it like to go through cancer treatment? It’s something like this: One day, you’re minding your own business, you open the…
Moved to lungs :(
At age 43 on Feb 2013 my right kidney was removed. It held a 9cm, grade 4 tumor but was thought to be contained in the kidney. There were two very tiny spots - one on each lung that was also present at the original CT scan that found the kidney mass (actually I found the mass by feeling my waistline after 6 months of…
Looks like I am going to need to have a growth on my sternum and a second growth on the inside of my left arm radiated. Not sure how many sessions I will need I just know that they have grown to a large enough size that they are easily viserable by the naked eye and have now become painful. I did have my right arm radiated…
Community Member Spotlight
Hey icemantoo and APny, when I logged in today, you two were featured in the "Community Member Spotlight". Congrats!
Hello everyone, I have come here for support from people who have the same illness as I do. Family and friends really do not understand what we go through. Are we to ask people to join us as friends on our personal account? If so I could use some friends and support and I offer my support in any way I can to anyone who…
Newly Diagnosed and Scared...
Hello all, newly diagnosed with renal cancer and will be having a bone scan and chest ct to see if it has spread into my bones as my blood work was concerning to doctor in one area. My kidney function is good and I will be having open partial nephrectomy surgery within next few weeks. Anyone on here have open partial…
I made it!
Hey all, We made it to the beach!!! It was brief but I got to put my feet in the ocean! I just let myself cry. All the stress of the last 4.5 months was there. The ocean has always been therapeutic for me, this time was no exception. I need to catch on reading. Kerry
Treatment Options
I need your help! My husband has RCC and it moved to his lungs and brain. He had radiation on the 2 lesions that were found on his brain. He had his left kidney removed July 25. It was 9.5 cm. And now we have to start treatment on his lungs. At the last scan there was 3 spots on each lung the largest on the left side. The…
Two years passed
Thursday was the second anniversary of a surgery which I consider as my second birthday. So, happy birthday to healthy me! My hubby surprised me by a bouquet of flowers and two tickets to my favorite singer's concert for the same evening.I had such a wonderful evening out with the sweetest msn in the world thinking how…
Another Wednesday, another scan...
I've been on Nivomulab since January. Love it! No side effects worth talking about (aint I lucky?). Last time they looked, in March the tumours had reduced in size. I'm getting superstitious. No side effects and tumour reduction sounds too good to be true. Not that I'd be complaining or anything. Best thing is, after doing…
One Week Out
I'm one week out from my surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. At this point they believe they can do a robotic assisted partial. The nodule/mass is coming out the bottom of the kidney which is a good position for a partial. Based on the images they took, they believe it is still within the kidney so they believe it is…
Three years and NED!
Folks, Just wanted to pass on the NED torch while the Olympics is still rolling. I had my three year scans this last week and all is well. They did a MRI with contrast this time, vice the CT last year, but it all looks good according to the report. I hope I can pass on the NED torch to the next up for scans. Good luck one…
A Good Talk About Treating Kidney Cancer
I came across this video on YouTube. Interestingly enough, the doctor making the presentation was my surgeon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfxcDLBTQkQ
Questions about follow up
I had my first 6 month followup for stage one grade 2, partial nephrectomy. Had mri and chest xray. Ned! Question is my neXT appt in Feb he wants a ct scan, I thought OK. He said abdomen and chest because xray not as good for chest. OK. I go to check out and get the papers. I'm having a ct w/wo of chest, abdomen and…
not sure about anything
My husband had a small mass on kidney that they believed to be cancer, stage 1. It was found on a trip to ER for gastritis. Had a robitic partial nephrectomy done about a week ago where they removed about 1/3 of his kidney. Received call tonight that they did not find any cancer. He has appt tomorrow. i am at a loss as to…
Just venting
I've been on Votrient and NED for a two and half years. During that time I've secured my dream job with NASA and have been enjoying life. My PET/CT scan last month showed some activity in a lymph node in my chest. Now I've got tender auxililary lymph nodes under my arms. Every new ache and pain gives me question. I can…
39 with renal cancer?
A couple of months ago an ultrasound was done on my gallbladder and a 3.7 cm mass was found on my kidney. Last week I had a CT scan and was told it was a solid mass and most likely cancer. I've had past ultrasounds that were fine. I have seen two Urologists. One wants to schedule surgery and one wants to do a MRI followed…
Liver biopsy
I'm scheduled for a liver biopsy in a m. A 5x5x7 cm liver mass was found on latest CT scan done in ER. Have a lot of questions I hope will be answered tomorrow. Thanks for being here! No one understands these surprises better than each of you. Will keep you updated.
Diarrhea-When does it start?
Nine years ago, I was in a clinical trial for sutent and had horrible diarrhea. At times, I didn't want to leave home because it would hit with little or no warning. My cancer has now returned and I have been put on votrient. So far, no diarrhea. My question is: At what point after starting votrient did you begin to have…
chemo brain
I have been gettng mild headaches and sometimes I forget what I want to say. Of course I am thinking I that my cancer has spread to my brain. What are some of the signs of Chemo Brain.
Back Again IL2 Report
Again sorry folks for not responding to peoples blogs, but I was really wiped out after the second cycle of IL 2. On the 30th I get my next scan to see if is working or not. Here is where I get confused, having been through 2 cycles and knowing how sick and tired the drug made me part of me wants to get bad news, (I know…
I'm stunned
During a routine CT scan to evaluate my progress with Medullary Sponge Kidney a small suspicious nodule was found. An ultra sound was ordered and it was confirmed to be a solid mass 5.8 X 4.4 X 4 cm protruding from the inferior lower pole of my right kidney. I met with my kidney doctor yesterday and he told me about the…
Opdivo - Chromophobe
Just an update - after 10 months on Opdivo scans today showed my bone mets were still progressing. My doctor decided to move me to a new therapy Lenvatinib in combination with Everolimu. Anyone have experience with these drugs? PK
I went!
I made it to the concert! Sat down about 1/2 the time. Man I am gonna be sore tomorrow, I can feel it now. It didn't help we got stuck in the parking garage for 45 minutes after the concert was done. I'm gonna try and sleep for now thanks for all the input! Kerry
Am I nuts...
Hi everyone! My aunt and uncle have offered us tickets to the Paul McCartney concert. It's on Tuesday and 1 day shy of being 6 weeks post op. I really want to go but not sure if I'm ready to do something that strenous yet Or more that I will wilt before the concert ends. Would you go? Kerry
And now it starts
My wife is wonderful. Even with insurance the cabozantinib costs about a $1,000 a week! I refused. She worked on finding money through patient assistance programs. They said they were all broke. She then persistantly worked with the pharmacists at Yale and the drug manufacturer. I now have recieved my first months supply…
Scar pain
Wondering if anyone with a partial robotic lap nephrectomy has pain on/in the little scars? The one hurts and has a little bump on it too. It's been 6 months and just started about 2 weeks ago. Hurts when sitting get back it's the one just below my rib. I'll ask Dr in two weeks. I'm going for my first 6 month mri follow up…
Partial mri?
Anyone ever heard of this? I had my first 6 month followup today at the scan center. Got the disk, went home and noticed it says "partial"MRI on the disk label. Last one I had before my surgery didn't say that. By the time I got home Dr office was closed to ask about it. Did a quick Google search and don't see anything…
Hi everyone. New to boards and wondering if I should worry about MRI results. First off I have Polycystic Kidney Disease stage 3B, dx when I was 30. I also have cysts in the liver. I'm curious about the size of the cyst because everything I read seems to say anything over 4cm should be removed. I can feel the cyst along…
I'm new with questions
Good Day to all, I am trying not to google but I just have so many questions. I am just looking for your thoughts on a few things. On 6/23/16 I have a total rt open radical nephrectomy. I'm from a smaller town and everything all happened so fast I'm just now putting things together. The surgeon did not remove the adrenal…