Hi Chaps If you dont know me and want to see my full story from when I was diagnosed May 1st 2013, check my about me page The Problem Ive been on Nivomulab (Optivo)since February of this year. No side effects, cancer (all metastatic tumours in my lungs) reduced by about 1/3 Right hip replacement to replace necrotic joint…
Second opinion Tuesday
Tomorrow is the day I go for my second opinion. Funny, this is the first appointment I've been nervous about. I'm driving there with a friend this evening because the appointment is: (1) Far away; and (2) Very early. I think the nervousness is due to the distance and not being familiar with the area, the university medical…
Pathology Report in for Iggy
Hello All, I finally saw my Urologist who went over the pathology report with me. I had Stage One RCC that was confined to my kidney only. The size was 5.5cm, not 6cm as believed. Also, nothing had gone into the lymp nodes. I am meeting with my Oncologist this week to follow up. In the meantime, I am recovering from sugery…
Mononephrite Club
There's a fellow at church who, like me, had a radical nephrectomy. We call ourselves the Mononephrites.
2 Years Ago...
Hello, all, Sorry to say that it's been a little while since I've posted... I've been busy with my son and a new job that I'm loving. (Left McDonald's for Wawa) But today is the 2-year anny of my surgery... Can't "officially" say I'm 2 years cancer free because my scans are next week and I see my doctor on the 31st to go…
I am Now Officially a Lab Rat
I know I have not posted much lately but this is “what has come down the pike” for me. I have been accepted into a PD-1 Clinical Trail at the Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) (ClinicialTrials.Gov – NCT02178722). The trial involves infusions of Keytruda (Pembrolizumab - MK-3475) every three weeks along with…
help please.....
Hi everyone. My husband has stage IV kidney cancer...had his left kidney removed 5 years ago and was "cured" ....then it popped up in his lungs and on his scalp by his five year check. We did high dose IL II....horrible treatment and didn't do a thing. In fact, he now has three lesions on his liver, one on his thyroid, one…
Incidental finding of Renal Cell Carcimnoma
What started off as a pain in my knee and leg, led to the discovery that I had renal cell carcinoma. I am now starting week 4 after having had cryoablation of a tumor that was about 3.5 cm, Furman Nuclear Grade 2. Am doing great now, just still getting naps in the afternoon. Follow-up CT scan in Jan. In November I will get…
Post Surgery/It's Out
Hello All, I had surgery on October 12. and am now at home recovering. They took out my right kidney and the tumor. It was a hell of a thing to go through, but I did it. I am now at home suffering from bloating and constipation (they gave me Norco for pain which has constipated me). I am not feeling a lot of pain and will…
2nd set of scans
The waiting on the results is awful. NEVER EVER have scans on a Friday and have to go through an entire weekend without word. Uggh! My bonescans were good, NED! Kidney function - good. Now waiting on CT results. Trusting and believing in God for good results. I will come back and update.
Follow-up CT and appointment with urologist on Wednesday. MAJOR scan anxiety setting in!
New Normal
Hi everyone - so grateful to have found this site. Have been reading and learning and trying to adjust to new normal. Diagnosed on July 16th - radical nephrectomy on August 4th. Stage 3 / Grade 3 RCC. Surgery went really well - surgeons feel they got all of the cancer. I am grateful to be back to work, exercising, living.…
heart surgery and cancer
My husband has had a checkup one month ago and they found out that he had a severe heart condition, he was rushed for an angioplasty and they placed 2 stents. two weeks later when getting back to the doctor, as the results from the checkup came out, we found out he had a mass in his left kidney. We were sent to have a scan…
Cystic Renal Cell Carcinomas: Do They Grow, Metastasize, or Recur?
Hi all, I am new here and I have read a lot of papers claiming Cystic Renal Cell Carcinomas (CRCC) has better prognosis, have we seen anyone recurr/met with CRCC? <a href="http://www.ajronline.org/doi/pdf/10.2214/AJR.12.9414">Cystic Renal Cell Carcinomas: Do They Grow, Metastasize, or Recur?</a> Also, I have seem quite a…
Useful Videos from Kidney Cancer Canada
Hi all, I have found that these videos from Kidney Cancer Canada are very useful and informative for new patients and veteran fighters :) The Q&A sections with the well known Uro-Oncologists answered a lot of my questions which I didn't have a chance to ask my urologist (Because I don't even know I should ask). Hope you…
Sutent 50mg vs 37.5mg
I'm doing a 2 weeks on/1 week off of 50mg of sutent from 4 weeks on/2 weeks off dosing but still I am experiencing extreme fatigue that I feel like dying of too much exaustion....If I switch down to 37.5mg will it affect the efficacy of the drug? Does anyone have experience on this? Pls help....Thanks....
Node behind ear
Hi, i had my 2 years CT scan last week, did'nt receive the results, but it should looks good since nobody called yet. Scheduled for a meeting to review it with urologist in early november. The problem i have now, is that i have a lump behind my left year that appeared 4 days ago. It is 1/2" and don't seem to grow more. I…
is anyone on votrient and an antidepressant?
Is anyone using Votrient and on an antidepressant? My husband had to go off of his Lexapro due to some interactions with his antinausea meds. I have tried googling it today and all the antidepressants I tried have dangerous interactions with his med list. Of course he will be seeing his family doc to get something…
3 week post op - question about incisional hematoma
It’s been almost three weeks since my laparascopic radical nephrectomy. The first few days, and even the first week at home were certainly “challenging” in terms of pain, mobility, general discomfort, etc, but there’s been slow but steady progress since, About a week ago (the two week mark), I just happened to look down,…
Opioid addiction
Serious topic isn't it? So anyway read my latest report. Great results. However, even at what I consider low dose opioid use, I have felt like crap for a week. A bit anxious. Maybe. More like too much coffee man. Unable to eat. Weight loss. My pre-cancer bod of 200# muscle is now about 143# of marshmellow. Could sleep all…
Diet Sodas
Periodically I read posts that mention the need for RCC patients to cut out diet sodas and caffeine from their diets. I've been a 4 to 5 can/day soda drinker for many years. I drink soda like other people drink coffee. Last week I was out with some friends and the diet drink issue came up. They were adamant about how bad…
After all you can kill cancer
Another CT Scan?
Hi All, I haven't been around for a while. Got some wonderful support here at the time of my radical nephrectomy. Have been back a few times, in part to try and "give back" a little, but I confess life has gotten busy with other things and I haven't been back as much as I intended to. I'm looking for some advice. I had a…
Little off topic, liver biopsy
I have to have one done because i have one gene for hemachromatosis. A genetic blood thing, people with two of the genes have it. I am questionable so between gi, gp and hematologist drs I'm getting biopsy done to look for it. Also have non alcholic fatty liver seen on all the imaging I have had done with rcc. Anyone have…
Hi everyone, It looks like the scan for my body is good with no mets, and the three tumors in my head are stable. I will not go back for CT Scans of the body for 6 months and head MRI in three months. It looks like the Cyber knife did shrink the tumors some and they were showing no signs of new growth. Hopefully I will…
Typing Hurts
I have been neglecting my messages because quite honestly it hurts to type since I broke my shoulder. I am not seeing any real side effects of the CABO so I am afraid it may not be working. I just finished radiation on my shoulders yesterday, the doctors are holding off on radiating more bones for a while at this time, we…
7cm Cyst on right kidney
I've been diagnosed with a 7cm cyst on my right kidney. Based on 2 ct-scans and a few ultrasounds over the years it does not appear to be cancer but cancer cannot be ruled out either. I will be talking to a urologist oncologist who specializes in robotic arthroscopic surgery on Monday to determine if I have the option of…
Game changer?
From the BBC http://www.bbc.com/news/health-37601508 The link at the bottom is worth following too
Scheduled for Surgery
Hello all, After a three weeks of CT scans, and a Colonocopy (no issues), I have been scheduled for Surgery on 10/12/16. I decided on staying with my Urologist after speaking to my doctors who all spoke highly of him. I also feel comfortable with my current health care group and hospital, so I am good. It was gonna take…
Cancer Fatigue
Hello everybody. This is probably a silly question, but one I want to ask. I'm a little over one week out of my second surgery in a month (chRCC removal end of August and Thyroid cancer removal last week). As I recover my body is starting to feel better than it has in years. As you know, one of the symptoms of cancer is…