I'm ready to join..
The NED club! Everything came back normal. Im cancer free. It was so surreal, not exactly what I thought. Not sure what I expected. Anyway,he is now recommending waiitng 6 months until the next round of tests and whatnot. I feel good and anxious at the same time. For now one day at a time. Kerry
I'm still alive
hi...don't know how many of you will recognize me anymore, but wanted to let you know I'm still alive and kicking. Two weeks ago tomorrow, I underwent surgery to have the upper lobe of my left lung removed, along with a new primary cancer (adenocarcinoma of the lung) at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. I finally ditched…
Sutent Statistics
Greetings all, Can anyone direct me to life expactancy statisitics (ie avg time till death) of sutent vs staight up paliative measures (ie morphine)? Thanks! Louis
3 years is coming up: Trepidation of moving to annual scans
Hi everyone, I've been reading carefully all the posts, I just have trouble on my phone these days so can't post much. In an effort to work less at home and spend more time with the family (I'm a teacher so we work a lot at home) I leave my laptop at work. Sooo, long story short while I read everything, I'm not posting…
MRI Results
Hi Everyone, I have received my MRI results for my brain tumors, the cyber knife radiation did help reduce the size (3 tumors in brain) but did not make them go away. I will see the Drs. on Monday to discuss other options and also get my results for my CT scan of the chest, stomach and pelvic area. I will let you know what…
Pathology Report
I wanted to once again thank you all for the support over the last month. Every day I seem to learn a little bit more, and yesterday I had my meeting with the doc to review my pathology. Here are the details.... Procedure: Radical nephrectomy Tumor Size: Greatest Dimension= 10.6 cm Additional Dimension= 9.8 cm Macroscopic…
Question: Re Breathing
A little history first. Left Kidney and Adrenal Gland have been removed. Right Adrenal Gland does not work. Have several small nodlues on right lung and have a sub cutaneous knot on my sternum. Lympnodes in region are also involved with spread of cancer. Cancer has spread to other areas of the body but not mentioning it…
Learning to deal with tests
At this point, you almost hesitate to say much. There is a bit of survivor's guilt when one comes on here and says everything is OK. But then you think, "what the H..., I've earned it." For all of you who haven't always had great results, are on meds, more tests, etc., I can truthfully say, "I've been there." Earning my…
How do you....
Hi all! I've scheduled my first 3 month post op for the end of this month. I'm already in knots. How do you handle the emotional side of having checkups every 3 months? I'm doing OK physically but emotionally I'm afraid to plan anything long term. Kerry
I just had my (4) year scan; diagnosed & surgery July '12 RCC 5.5, Stage 1, Grade 1 - right full neph done. I've had a very small cyst that has been about the same size. In the past year it grew a very small amount ( I think 2-3mm to 18x15 ) so they've ordered an ultrasound to make sure. The report said, 'still consisitent…
Question on new med -Votrient
Hello, Im new to this so Im hoping to get some information on some new medicine Im taking. I was diagnosed with Stage IV/Grade III kidney cancer in 2008. After 8 years it metastized to my lung which they watched over a 1-2 yr period and decided to have it removed. That was in April. Had a CT in late July and there is an…
Where to start???
I haven't been around much. We ended not ever making it to MDA because, being self-employed, we were too busy to even consider leaving the area. Which is the strangest thing because we haven't been busy around that time of year for about 15 years. It's just a slow time every year in the business. So we ended up with a…
RCC Chromophobe
Has anyone on this board been diagnosed with this type of RCC? I am curious if surgery cured it and if it came back? Thanks!
Discomfort from lymph nodes...removal?
Unfortunately my cancer has been extremely aggressive on my lymph nodes. I am beginning to have discomfort from several lymphnodes in my neck that have tumors (4cm). Has anybody had them removed? I see my onc next week when I check in after being on cabo a week. I know new issues can be be caused by thier removal,…
Hi Friends I'm new at this, I am on day 26 of cycle 1 with SUTENT, my left kidney was removed for 6 months with metastases in the lung and now I hope this medicine will result .... I have 53 years and considered myself very healthy until the beginning of this year ... so far the side effects were high blood pressure that…
Sticking my neck out, and saying hello...
Been a turtle for awhile up here on the Oregon Coast.... figured I better check in, and catch up on everyone on the board. I just finished my 15th infusion of Nivo, and scan results from August are in.... No evidence of cancer in my brain MRI... my oncologist did not say disease.. he said cancer... so does that mean I am…
Surgery scheduled
i had my biopsy and it came back stage 1, grade 1 RCC. Mixed feelings. I know it's best case scenario for cancer but it's still cancer. Surgery is scheduled for October 3.
Humor strikes in the weirdest locations
I was at my latest doctors appointment and my oncologist was reviewing the scans and the radiologists notes when he starts to get this really annoyed look on his face. Naturally, i am a bit concerned so I ask what the issue is. The doctor says that the radiologist has written the report in a really strange way and that I…
Just got back from the ER with gastric reflux issues (I have had this for years). A CT w/o contrast showed gallstones but not inflamed. I have noticed over the years that more than a few members have had gallbladder issues with their RCC. I am going to follow up with my gastrointerologist on the reflux issues. Should I be…
Latest results
Just thought I would share some good news! I just got my latest results back from my CT scan and I show no growth for the last 6 months. In fact, the radiologist looked back at past scans and my single remaining tumor is still the same size as it was when it was originally detected. To me at least this is great news…
Update IL 2 Again
Sorry it has been a while it has been crazy around here lately. Patrice and I are awaiting the results of my CT scan from last week but it does not look good. I say this because the same day I had the scan afterwards when I got home I reached for a cup of water and I heard a loud crack and then I had extreme pain in my…
sodium bicarbonate
is sodium bicarbonate effective in treating ckd?
Pathology Report is in--input?
Hello everybody. I've been waiting anxiously for this report and I need your help interpretting this. I'm worried about the positive margins. Any and all input is welcomed and appreciated. Stub DIAGNOSIS: A. Kidney, right, partial nephrectomy: Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (5.3 cm in greatest dimension). The renal…
Diagnosed Complex Kidney Cyst Stage II
Yesterday I saw my doctor for the results of my recent CTScan. He said I have a cyst in each kidney. They are both under 2cm. and both are calcified a small degree. About 10 months ago, I had nothing on either kidney. My doctor wants me to wait 6 months to do another CTScan. He says when it gets worse, they will do…
The dreaded Diarrhea
Hi All..! Well not a fun topic, but one worth getting input. I am on Votrient, but decided this is to much a broader concern so I started a new post, Vs adding to the Votrient thread. So, I have been taking Imodium daily and it had been a big help. But in the last week, the Diarrhea is worse than ever, I have now increased…
Looking for support, prayers, thoughts and vibes - please
Looking for support, prayers, thoughts and vibes - please its been a awhile. Hope to update my profile. 38male clearcellrcc stage 4. Sutent didn't work and on opdivo. got scans today. side effects are rough. need the posiitive thoughts for this scan.
*profiles and posts * alert
That was catchy huh? I just want to remind people to keep your profiles updated. Brief health history. It is frustrating to read a post and have quick background check reveal nothing. Those without updates may be missing out from proper feedback. I know that I see so many new people I can't keep everyones concerns in…
sodium bicarbonate for CKD
sodium bicarbonate for CKD. is it effective in slowing CKD? if it is what dose daily do you take?
Hello everyone! I'm happy to report that uncle NED is visiting the shores of Baltic Sea now :-) My husband got all clear today on ultrasound. He won't get chest x-ray this time (had it about 5 months ago). And still to get blood analysis, but I guess it will be good, no worries about that. So we relax for next 6 months :-)…
Insight from a Radiologist
Hi All, I've wondered many times, as I know lots of you have, why CT scans vs Ultrasounds for follow-ups and is it worth the exposure? Well, a great friend of mine posed the question to a radiologist that she works closely with and the following is his response: There is a greater certainty with CT's that the test is…