
dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
edited August 2016 in Kidney Cancer #1

Looks like I am going to need to have a growth on my sternum and a second growth on the inside of my left arm radiated. Not sure how many sessions I will need I just know that they have grown to a large enough size that they are easily viserable by the naked eye and have now become painful. I did have my right arm radiated when the Kidney Cancer had spread to that bone which also required a rod be placed in the right arm but I remember little or no side effects. Hoping for the same here. The goal is to get rid of them completely with no visable site of them. I also have a rather large growth sticking out from the back of my next but I am fearful to have radiation done so close to the brain. Am I overreacting with this growth?




  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    db, I've had several sessions of radiation to my spine and dura mater in my neck. Nothing for me to debate. I'd be a quad if I hadn't had it. The precision of the radiation beam is astonishing. They immobilize you then zap away. Each treatment is only a few minutes. Easy,peasey.

  • Dutch1
    Dutch1 Member Posts: 152


    I've had radiation done to a spot in a touchy location in my chest.  Overall, the radiation was nicely targeted.  There was a slight amount of damage to my throat, but that healed easily.  If the professionals feel that they can safely radiate a spot, I'd trust them.  The fancy machines work pretty well.


  • Rob57
    Rob57 Member Posts: 25
    edited August 2016 #4
    Much the Same thing

    I had a similar procedure done two years ago. There was a growth on a lymph node in my chest. I was in a hard to get to area so we decided to do radiation. Fifteen days over three weeks. Just took about 10 minutes per session and then back to work. I had no pain associated with mine before. As DB said I also had a sore throat for about two weeks after. A little hard to smallow so I just took smaller bites and ate softer food for awhile. Every sucessive CT scan has showed the tumor continue to shrink. I wish you luck and hope everything goes well for you.

  • cheatinlil
    cheatinlil Member Posts: 197 Member
    edited August 2016 #5


    Do you have a date for the radiation set?  I will keep you in prayer.  I look forward to your post after telling us how great  it went :)

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Best of luck

    and may everything go well Dancnbear

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    All the best

    What Fox, DB, and Rob said.

    All the best, good thoughts and prayers, and let us know how it goes.

  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2016 #8
    Verdict is in

    Verdict is in. 10 sessions of radiation on left arm and 10 sessions on sternum. Told to take pain meds in advance of sternum sessions cause will be somewhat painful after. Ahhhhh. **** happens and just another good reason to catch a buzz on my meds.

  • Teashea
    Teashea Member Posts: 89 Member
    10 sessions

    Sounds like a lot. I turned down radiation for my lung tumor so I don't have any experience with it. Wishing you the best and sending up prayers.