Dancnbear-Update: It has been a very long time since I have written anything but I do read everyone’s thoughts and suggestions on a daily basis. Much of what you have to say is encouraging and keeps me going through some hard times and so I must thank you all for your support and prayers. It is amazing the things that you…
pathology report back and incision update
Evening all, Well right now I am cancer free! YES!! I will need every 3 months ct,chest xray, and blood work for the next year. Pathology report Left kidney: Clear cell renal cell carcinoma furnman grade 2 (what does this mean?) 3.1 cm in greatest dimension tumor focally involves the peri-renal fat neg for lymphovascular…
Should this cyst hurt?
I feel like someone just sucker punched me in the Kidney. It hurts to breath or move or lay still. What the hell is it? Do these things hurt?
well that was exciting
I finally was scheduled for my scans last thursday to find out how my nivo and radiation have been working out. But during the week I had had a couple of hypotensive episodes with SOB. I tried to ignore it as these scans were important. Aren't they all? Anyway, next thing I know I am in the cardiac recusitation unit in the…
Drinking and Driving-choosing to take a bus home
I would like to share an experience with you about drinking and driving.As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with the Authorities on our way home from the odd social session over the years.A couple of nights ago, I was out for a few drinks with some friends at the Bonefish Grill and had a few…
I'm off tomorrow to get a new hip. Which shows at least that the Oncologist seems to think I'll live long enough to make it worthwhile. :-)
MRI Results
Hi Everyone, It seems that I cannot catch a break right now! I had MRI of brain on Saturday, July 2 and Dr. called me on Wednesday July 6 saying I have 4 (3 very small) tumors in my brain! We will be doing Cyberknife Radiation on the biggest one and then discussing treatments. Not sure what they are going to offer, I have…
Child with Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney
My daughter was diagnosed with Stage 2 Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney at 8 months old. She is now 10 months old, has undergone a radical nephrectomy, radiation and is now in chemotherapy for 6 months. Given that this is such a rare form of cancer with poor prognosis, I was wondering if there was anyone out there that has…
See ya's
Off camping for 4-5 days. My yearly biker camping event. Except this year I have to drive my truck. Ah, luxury accommodations. And we are expecting purr-fect weather. Beer, bands and bikes. More misbehaving in one weekend than most people experience in a life time. Can't wait. This party is on private property and anything…
Help!! Please
hi reading my last ct scan report also mentioned that I have more than one . Besides the mass on my upper mid pole left kidney. There is also a faint lesion in the lower pole left renal cortex. There is an additional small hypo dense cortical cyst in the anterior lip mid pole left kidney and a smaller round enhancing mass…
Constipation after surgery help
I am ready to jump out of my skin. First off I can't have prunes or prune juice due to allergies. I have tried stool softener, milk of magnesia, whi grape juice Apple juice, water lots of it. I have talked to my doc and he wants me to use an enema. I'm 8 days out of surgery.Any suggestions please?? Thank you for any imput…
Incision question
Hey all They used surgery glue when doing my incision which is about 9 inches. It started as a laporscopic but ended up being a radical nephrectomy. Anyway, the surgical glue is finally starting to come off, surgery was 6/29, and I now have oozing where under the glue is breaking up. It's cleat to pinkish but Im wondering…
Not sure if I belong here
hi, all. I'm not sure if I belong here, but I am wanting advice on a second opinion. Imaging done for kidney stones 2 years ago revealed a very small 8mm indeterminate lesion. kidney stones and related issues were addressed and I did not follow up on the lesion until recently, as my husband was diagnosed with and…
Where is our favorite canadian? Maybe on a tropical beach?
Pathology report...
I believe I have reason to be happy, but of course still a little nervous. My pathology came back and it is considered T1A clear cell renal cell carcinoma, 2.0 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm, grade 3. Tumor confined to kidney, margins negative, no lymphovascular invasion. Only thing that worries me is the grade 3, but both doctors said…
So after a new CT scan, and two stress tests this week my oncology team has decided to go ahead with the IL2 starting Tuesday. That was the good news but we had bad news dropped on us too. The CT scan did reveal that the radiation did shrink the big tumor that has been causing so much problems, I know that sounds like good…
Been a while...
Hi, all. Sorry I *poofed* for so long. Nothing on the sRCC front for a while; scans in March came back looking good, and since then we have been utterly deluged with work, so I haven't had much time to do anything, especially sit and think about what ol' cansah's doing. Anyway, John went for scans last week and we went…
Hi everybody! I was away by the sea wihout a computer and no wi-fi conexion for about the longest time ever! Only the phone and wifi in some places, not often. It was great! Almost like life in the old days when computers and cell phones were not around! It did me good and took most of the edge of the scanxiety I was…
Happy Anniversary to me!
Hubby and I have been married 52 years today. As I've said before, divorce-never; murder-maybe. Especially after he brought home 3 flats (that's 36 pints of berries) the other day. But no pectin, jars/lids/rings/ and only 5# of sugar. Four nights later and a couple of shopping trips later, we finished it all. All I had to…
Feeling anxious
Today I finally have my appointment with my new kidney cancer doc. I had my CT scan in May, but it has taken me a while to actually get my appt scheduled. I did get my results the day after my CT, and very happy to say Uncle NED had visited me. Thank God. My surgeon left the practice and moved to Colorado (from Illinois),…
Complex Renal Cyst - New Member
Where to begin?? The last few months I've been experiencing bouts of nausea and itchy hands and feet. On December 8th, I started experiencing a lot of pressure in my upper right quadrant. I felt like I had a pillow jammed up under my rib cage. It wasn't painful but it was certainly uncomfortable. The following day, my…
Drain wound
For anyone that had a drain...how long did it take for the hole to close after they took it out? Thanks for any info :) angie
A relief to see the same familiar faces after so many months
Hi everyone It has been one year and one week since my surgery and about 8 months since I last visited the Forum. I am so happy to see many of the "old timers" still active on the board - you give me hope. I am also sad to see so many new names and faces. This time last year, I was a wreck and could not see my way to a…
CT Scan Result show Enlarged Lymph Node
I can't tell if uncle Ned was here or not. It's like I left out milk and cookies for him and got up the next morning and there were some bites taken out of them, but he's nowhere to be seen. Not sure if it was uncle Ned that was here or that damn Ed (evidence of disease). My scan summary noted a mediastinal lymph node that…
Surgery yesterday, discharged today :)
I can't begin to thank you all for you sweet comments and support. Reading all of your stories was so inspiring to me. I had surgery yesterday at 12 and they were able to save 95% of the kidney. I was originally suppose to stay 2 nights, but was pleasantly surprised I just got released. They removed drain and catheter and…
On the other side
Hi all if this does make to much sense.p I'm still on morphine.i ended up having a radical of my left kidney and utter. When the doc started the operation he somehow sliced my utterer so,back,it couldnot be saved. So he took both. Preliminary reports it was cancer but not sure on anything else. im in a lot of pain. They…
Just diagnosed and scared
hi there! I am new to this board. A little background about myself. I was diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer at 31. I had a double mastectomy and cancer was gone. It had not spread to any lymph nodes. Well fast forward and I'm now 38 and was just diagnosed with kidney cancer. I'm scared out of my mind. I had been having…
Vietnam Vets
I was diagnosed almost 5 years ago with RCC and lucky for me it was stage 1. It was small enough that a partial nephrectomy was all that needed to be done and so far I am fine aside from the residual medical anxiety, insomnia etc that many of us have. As I look at many of the posts regarding kidney cancer, an alarming…
Hi all Tomorrow is surgery day. To say I am nervous is an understatement. There's a part of me that wants to run for the hills but I won't. I report to the hospital at 630 am and not exactly sure on surgery time yet. heyker
Good evening my sweet friends. I just finished my first and hopefully last lyproscoptic renal nephrectomy. the waiting was far worse than the surgery. Since they had to go inside my kidney, I have to stay at the hospital 2 days. Thank you for being my support team.