So tired...
Hi fellow friends! quick question...is it normal for so tired and have no energy after 4-5 after a partial neph? I mean I wake up and feel pretty good and then about half way through the day I am spent. I'm a teacher and start back to work in 2 weeks. A little nervous since I teach kiddos with special needs. They have…
Nephrectomy complete; waiting on next steps
Hello everyone, I am 29 years old and was diagnosed with Stage IV RCC in May after an ER visit discovered a 13 cm tumor. Had a radical nephrectomy in June - removed right kidney, right adrenal gland, some surrounding lymph nodes and part of my IVC. I am recovering pretty well from the neph and am having a CT, MRIs and a…
Hi Everyone
Its been awhile since I have been on here checking on everyone, but I have been praying for you all. I had colonscopy and EGD done in May and everthing looks ok had 5 polyps removed and all was adenomas pre cancerous polyps. SOme cell changes in stomach was found. Still no new biopsies on thryoid masses, but I go to new…
cryosurgery kidney cancer, pain, swelling 4 mos out
Husband had a 3sm mass attached to his kidney, had cryosurgery Sept 2014. Dr said to get all the margins he had to freeze part of the 12 rib. After much pain and swelling Dr. said he also got part of the nerve. Four months now and 4 doctors later he is still in pain and swelling. Everyone says the same about the swelling…
papillary kidney cancer.
hi......i am new in the group...... im am not so good writing,exuse me,im am from denmark,but i will try. it looks like everybody know eachothers here and writing to eachother....i hope some will write to me.. i was diagnosed last year at one month before i was 41 with kidney cancer,type papillary renal cell ,type 1.stage…
I have conslulted with a local radiation oncologist regarding a 5.9cm x 3.5cm lesion on my right adrenal. He assured me that he could treat the area with a 60-70% local control rate. If there is a reccurance in the same lesion can it be followed up with more sbrt, rfa or cryo? Also, my oncologist at the U of C stated that…
Bad blood
It's been a while I've been here.....that's what happens when you live with a RCC partner that acts like an ostrich :-/. So the summary.....RCC (stage 3, grade 2) and total nephrectomy end of June 2015. NED in October 15 and April 16. However, in April 16 he had a GFR of 62, so urologist recommended a check. Now in July…
Stent to help cough
Hope to start my new chemo, Inylta, on friday. Had CAT scan last week and Sutent not working. They found that here was some fluid on my left lungs and they hve to watch it ???????? I have a tumor in my wind pipe and last March had 15 radiation treatments to shrink it but it did not help. I have had a constant.dry cough…
Hi everyone, I'm 5 weeks out as of tomorrow and I am finally out and about doing more things. Still using the auto carts in the stores when I start feeling tired. I do have a question though. I feel like I forget things easily. Someone may tell me something in the morning and by later in the day I totally forgot what they…
What does the future hold?
The good: In 6 days I will be a 73 years young going on 74. Nine days later I will be 14 years NED going on 15. The uncertain: I am going Thursday for a PSA and other bloodwork follow up from my visit 3 weeks ago. According to the Prostate CSN discussion board I am probably looking at a Prostate Biopsy The good: I already…
Almost 1 year since radical and???
New to the board and think its great that it is available. August will be 1 year since I had my radical due to cancer. Still clear to date which is great but not have kidney function issues with the remaining kidney that the nephrologist cant quite figure out but here is my real question. Since I have had the surgery I…
NED at the 3 year mark!
I had a CT scan yesterday, 7/7. Just received a phone call from my surgeon. Results are NED!! This is the first time he's phoned me himself. He emphasized how the 3 year mark is a milestone. I am very, very blessed and appreciative of the support of fellow club members. God Bless all of you! Izzy
Fitting back into clothes
Hey everyone! Im now 4 weeks +1 day from my surgery. I'm still pretty swollen from my surgery and can't fit into any of my clothes yet. I'm wondering how long it took for you to be able to wear pre surgery clothes comfortably? I had a radical nephectomy of my left kidney if that helps. Kerry
6 Month Post-op scan tomorrow
Hi all, The last 6 months since my partial nephrectomy have flown by and it is time for my CT scan and check up with my surgeon at Moffitt Cancer Center. I am a little anxious even though my stage 1 diagnosis makes it highly unlikely to show any trouble. Praying for an all clear and an uneventful trip to Tampa! UPDATE: And…
how can i help? emotionally... homeopathically... finding the right intervention
My dad was just diagnosed with stage 4 papillary non clear cell carcinoma after having a nephrectomy several years ago and now it has returned in the other kidney and in other places as well. my dad is my idol, my hero, and someone who has inspired my values and beliefs my whole life! i would welcome any guidance, hope,…
Where to begin? I had an MRI and a Ct scan last week. Tha thing in the brain has some small progression. The last MRI was in 2013 so there we are. My vision is still blurry. The thing shares space with my optic nerve. All the little things in the lungs and right kidney remain stable. Every so often I get a three to five…
3 weeks post op partial
good morning friends! I am 3 weeks out of my partial robotic neph. I'm still a llittle swollen on that side and find at times I hurt on my front and back on my left side. Is this normal? I healed up great, but was t sure that I'm still suppose to be swollen or hurting. It doesn't help that I have a bulging disc in my right…
Going go my doctor soon but questions
I have had flank pain for over a year, it's always been bilateral and never hurt at the same time. It can be dull and sometimes sharp. I also will get low back pain that comes and goes on both sides of the low back. Sometimes it also goes to upper back, also the joints in my arms,hands legs. I had an ultrasound done to see…
Feet Swelling 9 Months Post Radical Nephrectomy
Hi All, I had my surgery Oct. 1st of last year. Rencently I've noticed some swelling in my feet and sometimes puffier than usual eyes in the mornings. It seems like after my cancer everything worries me. Is this something I should be overly concerned about? Thanks for the help.
Hello eveyone, Its been awhile since I've posted on here. I pop in every once in awhile. But today I'm looking for a little information. If you know my story. I have had partial neph been one year NED. My son too had RCC this past year. He had total neph. Both of us stage 3. But he was clear cell, me chromophobe (in the…
It has been about a year in the passing of our friends
I don't know the exact dates, but I know just about this time a year ago we lost two very special CSN members - and friends. Djinnie and Nanosecond were two of some of the strongest, gracious and generous people I got to know. Missing you both very much....along with other dear friends we have lost in the last couple of…
cabo, the update.
Well, I've completed 6 months of nivo infusions with some radiation. Unfortunately the results are less desirable than anticipated. So within a couple weeks it is back to the TKI approach to my care. Maybe I'll learn to like diarrhea and nausea this time. I've had growth in strange areas. Including in my left brachial…
RCC vs Oncocytoma
hi everyone! After 20 days (feels like 20 years) still unclear about everything. I already had two MRI , sonogram and Ct scan with and without contrast. On the last report says the differential diagnosis between RCC and Oncocytoma . I believe that I will need to have a nephrectory either way. Also says the my liver…
Back to doc tomorrow
I am just venting. My incision is still open and I now have fish looking line sticking out of it. I have a doc appt tomorrow. I am frustrated because it hurts right now to stand, sit, lay down, walk. I also have new bruising showing as the swelling has gone down. Yup I know I sound like s whino right now. My skin is super…
Still Here
Sorry it has been a while since I have posted, I hope I did not create any un-needed worry. I am a week out of the first cycle of IL2 and FootStomper you are right the staff handling me are incredible. I am still very ill from the IL2 even though I have been home for nearly a week. This has to be the worst thing I have…
Survivor looking for some positive outside outlooks
Hi, I was diagnosed with stage IV RCC 29 months ago. I had a kidney stone and went to the doctor. He suggested a CT and we discovered a mass the size of a grapefruit on my kidney and both adrenal glands were enlarged. at 46 years old a diagnosis of RCC was a bit of a shock. I had a radical nephrectomy on one side and…
I lost my mom to this cancer in Jan 99 she lost her battle the day after 42nd bday after only 4 short months from her Dx. She was a smoker I think that contributed to her getting this. I just turned 41 in Feb and my anxiety about this disease has gotten worse. :-/
Post-Op Appointment
I had my post-op appointment today, three and a half weeks after my surgery. The nurse practitioner took a look at what is left of the incisions, which isn't much, and said I was making a "remarkable recovery", and released me to do pretty much whatever I want. Don't know what it is about me, but for some reason, I seem to…
Just wondering opinions here. My doctor basically said I can start driving when I am ready. I'm still sore and incision is still open. How long did you wait to start driving again? To refresh I had an open nephectmy and complete kidney and uterer removal 6/29. Hey ker
Hard day
Have you ever been surrounded by people you love and they are here for you but you still just feel alone? Today is just one of those days