sodium bicarbonate for CKD

meds Member Posts: 3

sodium bicarbonate for CKD. is it effective in slowing CKD? if it is what dose daily do you take?


  • meds
    meds Member Posts: 3
    can someone help?

    can someone help?

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited September 2016 #3

    What is CKD? How is it manifest? What is its relationship with cancer of the kidney?

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited September 2016 #4


    What is CKD? How is it manifest? What is its relationship with cancer of the kidney?


    CKD is Chronic Kidney Disease on a GFR scale. Most of us over 60 who have been nephed have Stage 3 CKD. CKD is also caused or contributed to by other facter not related to RCC. As for the question I have no idea.



  • Rob57
    Rob57 Member Posts: 25
    CKD and Sodium Bicarbonate

    This site may help you with some questions about CKD. I also has some information about sodium bicarbonate. I would also ask your doctor about this to see is they have any opinion about it.


  • Rob57
    Rob57 Member Posts: 25
    Excess acid

    Kidney function can be affected by too much acid in you system, such as uric acid. This buildup is also related to gout. I would have your doctor do a blood test to determine your uric acid level and if it is high then there are drugs that are very effective at reducing the levels. This can help your kidney function also.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Where/when was CKD attached to the case record?

    Several years ago, I attended a workshop offered for local Diabetic patients by the nurse educators in conjunction with the dialsys center in our community.

    Knowing my eGFR and creatanine levels for the age of 68, at the time, I asked about the CKD Dx. that others had.  The Nurse said I didn't have CKD, but had only one kidney.  There is a difference in the way it is regarded.  My eGFR for age level would have normally been 60-70.  Since it was between 38-43, my one kidney was still functioning at more than !/2 the normal rate.

    I would be totally reluctant to take an excess of bicar of soda  See and discuss this with an MD before creating any other problems in your body.
