Healthy diet
I need to start a new lifestyle thread. I would be very interested in everyone's idea of a healthy diet for cancerv(and life generally). I will do some reading about it but I'm sure some of you have already studied this in detail. Steve.
A decision to make re Stage 4 Treatment
Hi All, I'll preface this by saying I'm based in Sydney, Australia. My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 RCC in December 2014. We've been on a roller coaster ride since then! He had surgery just before Christmas to remove his right kidney. The surgery itself was a success - the tumour itself was very large (I don't have…
the fly in the opdivo ointment
everything posted about the benefits of opdivo is true, remarkable effect, few side effects. but it comes with a BUT. this varies by individual but effects of opdivo can wear off. in my case after only 6 or 8 months.
Elevated PSA following RCC?
greetings! Wondered if any of you gentlemen have experienced elevated PSA (prostate) level following RCC surgery? Mine jumped a whole point to 4.9 from last year. I had open partial neph in January 2016 and clear CT scan in August. appreciate any feedback before i head to the urologist again. Thanks Jay
Always superstitious about scans....surprised me...
Had my scans on election day. I am a bit superstitious about the scans (and only the scans). Fortunately, Uncle Ned was re-elected.
Rbc in urine...
Good morning friends! so I had stage 1 kidney cancer and had surgery July 1. Doc said they got it all, it was like 2.7. I have felt great since then. The last couple of days I have felt kind of run down, stomach hurting and back hurting. I was scheduled for blood work friday and all was good except my urinalysis. Shows…
Imaging followups...how often?
I've been reading this forum for awhile but this is my first post. It seems like everyone here (who is a RCC survivor) is having CT-Scans no less frequent than annually. The first 3 years after my RCC diagnosis and total nephectomy I've had CT-scan and chest x-rays annually. But upon the 3rd year my urologist said come…
Total Melt Down Today
I went for a walk today and I had a total meltdown, it is a beautiful day in the Portland area and I realized as I was walking how much I will miss this next I started thinking about my family and that is when I just lost it I started crying uncontrolablly and I began to curse this disease. By the time I got back to my…
Scan results are in
Atrophic Pancreas might be a good name for a band, but not, I think a reassuring description of an organ in ones body. The Abscopal Effect (another great band name,), which should have left my body cancer free, hasn’t. My main met, ‘Luke’ (Offspring of my original 10cm Tumour, Darth) has reduced in size from 6.5 to 5.1cm.…
Lifestyle changes
I got a letter from the urology clinic. They have reviewed my case and will give me an appointment. They will contact me six weeks before the appointment date. I don't have money to see a urologist privately so I will just have to wait. Actually I don't really mind (as long as it IS a slow growing thing) since it gives me…
Wisdom galore, Fox and others
I had to post a message about how people on this board have helped me and many others. Case in point, my 32 year old daughter had colonoscopy for bowel issues. 2 medium sized sessIle polyps were found incidently. Dr called them pre cancerous and that it was great she had this colonoscopy. She will have another in one year.…
What to expect from robotic partial nephrectomy
Hi All. New here, but not to cancer. I've had lympoma for a few years. Regular chemo cocktail of rituxan. But the Bosniak 4 cyst on my kidney is new. Getting partial nephrectomy (robotic) in 4 weeks (need to wait for rituxan to get out of me). Ironic that I can't get cancer surgery sooner because I have cancer. Anyway,…
Recovery from surgery
Hi, I am new here, reading all of your posts has helped me a lot, just knowing that there are others goin through similar experiences helps a lot. I had surgery on August 30th to remove my left kidney which contined Hubert the Evil Mass (4 lb!!). So glad it is outta there! I am back at work and slowly getting better. I…
Thinking about food
I've been thinking about food a lot lately. I have a recurring daydream about making some pies. The first is an apple pie. I won't say much about that because it is pretty basic. When I was a kid my mother and grandmothers made great apple pies. Apple pies and slices from local bakery shops were also quite good. But these…
Needing advice
I am a 45 year old female who has a 1.6 cm complex cyst on the upper pole of my left kidney. It was discovered incidentally on a ct scan in 2010. My doc at the time told me nothing and never bothered to tell me I needed to have it followed. Anyway, started seeing a urologist for a completely different issue and he did a…
Just curious if anyone here has got kidney cancer from years of PPI use (proton pump inhibitors for reflux)?
Post op Day 3
Good evening all! I was recently diagnosed with RCC and had a partial nephrectomy-laparoscopic hand assist on 10/27. My surgeon removed the 3cm tumor along with part of my kidney. My margins were clear and the pathology confirmed the Malignancy. I am 37 and have no family history of renal cancer. I was told this is quite…
How Careful to Be While Around Votrient Patient
My husband is currently taking Votrient for RCC. I was wondering how careful everyone is while being around their loved one. For instance, it has been suggested to wash his clothes separately and to wear gloves when handling his sheets etc. I want to handle this situation in the most loving way posssible but am also…
Well stalling and denial did not work...who wants to help me prep for a full nephrectomy?
I've spent the last few months in denial about the mass growing on my left kidney. Since it's grown over a CM in less than 6 months it has to go. Unfortunately Herbert the kidney mass is too close to the main blood supply to the kidney and there are too many risks associated with a partial. Anyone want to help me prepare…
Experimental drug outperforms standard first-line therapy for advanced kidney cancer patients
Cabo!! https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/0eac887d-f361-3dcb-bb93-df5014d3129c/ss_experimental-drug-outperforms.html
There oughta be a law...
There oughta be a law against members of one's medical care team leaving messages on a Friday such as, "I'm calling to let you know about your [name of test / scan]. I'll call back later today. Or if not today, then Monday. Thank you!" and then they don't call back. I should know that there's no point in sitting by the…
I'm feeling a little guilty that I haven't popped in for awhile and now it's scan time so my cancer is really on my mind (even though I don't want it to be). I had my scans on Wednesday. Funny. They've changed the procedure on the CT scans. They used to do 3 scans: one for chest, one for abdomen, and one for pelvis. It…
Cabo users
(Please forgive the crudeness of this post) Yesterday evening my wife came into the bathroom and she saw a toilet full of blood, and blood on the seat etc.,she freaked out. She asked me how long has this been going on. I actually had to stop and think about it and then it dawned on me about a week after I started taking…
Is there any connection between RCC and auto immune diseases?
My turn to ask a question. My ENT sent me for bloodwork on Thyroid and Auto Immune markers after taking my history. One of the Auto Immune tests came back positive and I am scheduled for an evalation by a Rhumetologist. My other history includes Gout, Dry mouth (negative for Sjorgens disease) , Rhinitis, Gerd, Reflux and…
Wow. Had my first Zometa treatment yesterday. I'm not sure what the dose was; it was about a 20 minute IV drip. I woke up about half an hour ago with some fairly intense pain in my knee areas. If feel it most on the inner portion of my thighs right above the knees. I've been doing a lot of physical therapy exercises, so…
To ALL the Veteran's out there
Happy Veteran's Day!! And thank you for your service. Donna~
Can't stop crying tonight....
I just came home ffrom visiting my brother. He is currently in a rehab hospital after spine surgery to alleviate pain from a T-11 spinal met and to stabilize his spine for radiation. Tonight he felt ike the excruciating pain in his back and side beforevthe surgery was back. He was so down and heartbroken tonight it took…
2 Week Post Op. Help
Good Morning Friends! So it has been 2 weeks today since my right partial nephrectomy and everything aside from my pneumonia setback has been great. I was finally getting my pep back in my step didn't need any pain meds and really felt great overall. I still got tired throughout the day but I knew that was par for the…
supplemental cancer policy
I met with my Company's Benefits Service Coordinator about 2 years ago to discuss the supplemental cancer policy. My husband had already been diagnosed with cancer and I was wondering if it would be beneficial to purchase it. She said that because he has already been diagnosed, we can purchase it and then there is a 2…
I should have never googled.....help? I'm new.
In April I was seen in the ER for left side flank pain. I was worried as I often get infections or stones and never know until somethings gone really wrong. I can't feel them for some reason. Well the doctor did a CT scan to check for stones and I did not have any. Not any passing that is. But I did have a large cyst.…