Cabo scans
After taking Cabometyx for 3 months I am very happy to say my lung, and adrenal tumors have shrunk. Still have something in my liver they have been watching. Liver enzymes have come down again. My hernia is back after surgery for it last May. Hopefully it will not require surgery this time. All in all I am feeling pretty…
Bad Timing....or is it good timing?
I am trying to figure out if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Like much of america (on both sides of the isle), I am deeply concerned about the outcome of the election. Almost obsessed with it. The funny thing is I am not worried about my 6 month scans, which are scheduled for election day. I did not think about them…
Heart palpitations
I just started on 800 mg of votrient 3 days ago, and about 1-2 hours after taking it, I have heart palpitations that go away after a couple more hours. I am contacting my doctor about this, but I was wondering if any one else has experienced this. I hope it doesn't mean that I can't take it.
Flank bulge after back surgery fusion and repair of flank bulge then reappeared
If you are new please do your best to fill out your "About Me/Bio"
Hi Everyone, Just a friendly reminder that it is easier for us to provide help and support when we can "click on you" and get information. Some suggestions include: Cancer type, size, stage, treatments, do you like long walks on the beach, your astrological sign, etc. (just kidding, save those last two for social media,…
Ct scan found 1.4cm solid enhancing renal mass
i have been suffering from pancreatitis and having pseudocysts. After numerous ct scans they found this mass on my left kidney. I'm terrified to say the least especially after just having 4 surgeries on my pancreas. I'm waiting for a referral to the kidney dr but I don't even know what kinda questions to ask. Please help!
No Longer in Limbo
I've hijacked a few threads of other people in the past couple of weeks since I've joined the site. Finally got to talk to a medical oncologist today and have a path forward, so I'll start my own thread with my own story. My left kidney tumor was discovered, by ultrasound, on Sept. 1st. It measured 14cm. It wasn't until…
what do you think?
Last scans August 2016 came back clean, next scans Nov 21st, results on Nov 23rd. Im going to be in Tampa for a couple of weeks in early Dec, my wife thinks I should make a appt. at Moffit to get a 2nd opinion since we are going to be in Tampa for other reasons. It wont cost me anything since Ive already met my out of…
Off topic - World Series Anyone?
Personally, we're flyin the W. Needless to say, hoping for a win here in Chicago. It's only been 108 years!! So many of my relatives that have passed on were die-hard Cubs fans and can legitimately say it's a family tradition. Unfortunately, with tickets costing $1900 for standing room only at the "friendly confines",…
clear cell renal carcinoma - chance for no-recurrence
Hi, My mom was diagnosed with clear cell renal cancer over a year ago. (6,3 cm at greatest dimension), classified as T1bG2 (it's almost T2). It was fully contained within the kidney. Have you heard of people who with more or less this tumor size and aggressiveness have had no recurrence or only a late recurrence? When I…
It's Official...
2 YEARS CANCER FREE!! I now go down to a scan cycle every year... the best part was that my urologist actually said that he's "amazed" at how well my one kidney is keeping up with things. He's used to seeing at least a small dip in kidney function, but he said everything looks completely normal. That's some good stuff,…
Not Diagnosed but have questionsf
I am a 52 year old woman, very active, very healthy. First had blood in my urine 2 years ago (August 2014) - went to doctor and they gave me antibiotics. April 2015 had blood in urine but only saw it one time. August 2015 started peeing blood clots one night - gone by next morning. Saw urologist 2 days later, he put me on…
Gallbladder: Insight on post (or pre) nephrectomy issues
So while my husband is "no evidence of malignancy" on his CT scans, his gall bladder wall is "thickening." He also has gallstones. Of course, we don't see the oncologist until December, but I was wondering for those of you who had your gall bladder scanned, know anything about this. I looked it up, of course, and found a…
3 years, still surviving!!! I think Uncle Ned is joining us for dinner
The impression of my husband's report was NED but of course I'll need to review it myself for it to be true, LOL!!! We were a little concerned with the non-specific finding of increased bone density (not sure which bone, lol!!!) but I"m sure it's nothing. I think we move to yearly scans, to be determined. Still in shock. 3…
Cyst around impacted wisdom teeth
Tooth pain drove me to see the dentist. Both remaining wisdom teeth on lower jaw have medium size cysts surrounding them. Referred to oral surgeon and gave a copy of the xray at my oncologists office Friday, waiting to hear from her regarding next steps. Assume I will stop Afinitor in order to have oral surgery with a…
1st Ultrasound since initial finding....
Hi all.... I haven't posted the last few months but I do come on here everyday to read your posts and wanted to update you on things and say hi. So, yesterday I had my 3 month ultrasound appt. since they found the 9mm lesion on my left kidney back in July during a CT scan for unrelated issues. Well, after over 1/2 hr.…
Any Updates on Chromophobe rcc treatment?
My wife is having Chromophobe rcc... And need to know if opdivo has effect on it? ... And what are the possible drugs that might work out with it Does anybody has a clue on how to join clinical trial for Chromophobe Rcc Hisham
Should have listened
I should have listened to the advice from each of you. I had a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy on August 26 and recovery was uneventful---my wife made sure that I took it easy. The doctor recommended 6 weeks without lifting and running. Well, at exactly six weeks (a week ago Saturday)I laced up my running shoes and went…
Does anyone know of a good RCC specialist in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania? Thank you,
Newly diagnosed
Hi all... Actually i have not yet been diagnosed... I only have a radiologists's report and a referral to a urologist. I will make an appointment tomorrow (Monday) morning. 10 days ago I had urine like red wine and on Wednesday I had a delayed phase contrast CT scan. I have a 5cm mass at the bottom my right kidney which is…
Hey, all, Had my Ultrasound, X-ray and blood work done this morning. But now I just received a call from the imaging department and they want me to come back tomorrow morning so the doctor can get a "live look" at something.... obviously this has me concerned. They wouldn't really say where or what but she did tell me not…
I have to share my good news
But I do it with mixed feelings. There are so many of you dealing with so much pain and misery with this horrible disease that I have really conflicting feelings about saying how happy I am that I had a visit from Uncle Ned and I don’t have to go for tests every six months anymore. I can now go to once a year. Which makes…
I don't mean to put pressure on you guys
Hi! I know very well we need no pressure and should do as we please or feel comfortable with, but... we are here to give support and to learn from our disease. Looking for info in the web is frustrating, scary at times and "paint by numbers" by wich I mean stastistics, numbers, studies, old stuff and just very clinical. It…
stroke during cancer treatment
i would like to hear the experiences from anyone who had a stroke during stage 4 rcc treatment. thanks
margins after tumor removal
After visiting my surgeon he told me the cancer was a stage 2, and not to worry. He did not get clean margins since it was actually lying of the renal artery and there was no way to get them. But he did get it all. Has anyone heard of this. Gosh I was hoping for better news and I know this sounds selfish, but since June…
Open Partial Nephrectomy on a Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Hi all, just want to share my story with everyone here. I was diagnosed with a complex renal cyst on my left kidney with the size of 3.2 by 3.6 cm during an unrelated ultrasound. Later CT confirmed that it is a 3.4 cm Bosniak Category III cyst, my family doctor referred me to the specialist. My urologist/Surgeon said based…
Winter of Fox? Really?
Ok, Results are in. It still just blows my mind that the nivo didn't work. Anyway radiation and cabozantinib on the other hand work real good. I think that I mentioned that I am currently painless. Radiation needs to not scare people so much. Lately the radiation has whippped me out. Almost like a milder IL-2. But it has…
Scan Results - No Worries
Just an update. Got my PET/CT scan results recently -- no change: nothing shrank, nothing grew. Four months ago a PET/CT shows some activity in the lungs, so we upped the Votrient from 400mg to 600mg. Seems to be working. So, will stick it out with current 600mg Votrient regiment. Another scan in three months. An aside.…
2 Years Ago...
Hey, all, Apologies for not being able to post to this group as often as I'd like. I started a new job back in June (went from 20 years at McDonald's to WAWA- LOVE it so far) and Jacob is quickly approaching his first birthday on November 2nd. Lot happening right now but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I realize my 2…
Looks great!
My urologist said everything looks great and he will see me in 6 months. At that point, assuming all looks good, we move to yearly scans! Thanks for all the well wishes and good thoughts!