Maybe Cancer?

Schristy463 Member Posts: 1 Member
edited December 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

Hi All, So backstory, in 2021 I was in the hospital for collapsed lung due to asthma and pneumonia. A CT scan showed a 1.3 cm thing on my kidney that may or may not be a cyst and I was recommended to follow up. My lungs were my first priority and actually I forgot all about it. At this point no one mentioned cancer and I wasn't worried.

Fast forward this past weekend I went to the hospital for suspected appendicitis (wasn't), and on CT scan (non-contrast) they found

"There is an exophytic solid-appearing mass at the right renal, midpole. This is incompletely characterized on this noncontrast exam, but is concerning for a possible renal carcinoma. There is an exophytic mass at the midpole of the right kidney that measures 1.9 cm. This has an attenuation similar to the underlying renal parenchyma, and does not appear cystic."

They again did not mention cancer in the ER and gave me the option of staying to have MRI next day or leaving and scheduling outpatient. Was not thinking cancer so left. Now I can't get in for an MRI until 12/22/23. I know that is not far but it is kind of freaking me out.


  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    That's just ten days, which is extremely fast.for getting a scan. The "thing" has grown very little in two years, so even if it is cancer, it's a pretty indolent one. Mine was also found on a no-contrast CT for something else - most of them have no symptoms so they're found incidentally. You're very lucky, if it is cancer, that yours was found when it's so small, so you should have some options. Mine was 7 cm, so it had to come out even if it hadn't been cancerous - and at that size, it was still stage 1. Good luck!

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Welcome schristy. I'm glad you found us - this is a great forum and we know what you're going through.

    The freaking out feeling is normal. It's a shock to hear or even consider the possibility of the "c" word.

    Everything aliceB said above is right. You're very lucky that you found yours so early (under 4cm). At your small size, even if it turns out to be malignant, you are in great shape.

    Good luck on the 22nd. We're here for you!