38 yo female - worried.

pando0 Member Posts: 4 *
edited November 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

I was having frequent UTIs and I got sent for an ultrasound. I had no other symptoms. Otherwise healthy, no diabetes, not over weight, don't have high blood pressure.

Bladder was fine but there is a serious problem with the kidney (as per the technicians comments). He said "it was serious"..

I get my results in 2 days but I am basically convinced that I have a growth on my kidney.

What should I do when I get the result and its what I suspect it is?

Do I book an appointment with a urologist?


  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    There are all kinds of things that can be wrong with a kidney besides cancer. It's not easy, but try not.to think about the possibilities before you have the scan results.

  • pando0
    pando0 Member Posts: 4 *

    There is really not much else that can be serious like how he made it sound other than cancer. Most other things have symptoms.

  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member

    Actually, AliceB is right. There are actually other things it could be - including harmless cysts, other non-cancerous growths, etc.

    Hoping you got good news from your doctor. If not, we're here for you.

  • electricwizards
    electricwizards Member Posts: 9 Member


    Sorry you're going through this. I wouldn't be freaking out about cancer from an ultrasound....typically masses need to be run through either a CT scan with enhancement or MRI with enhancement for them to accurately determine if the mass is likely cancerous....and even that is not 100 percent. Ultrasounds even though they're more readily available are typically not as good at determining renal masses as other imaging techniques so I wouldn't lose sleep over it.