Recent PET/NavDX
Anyone here have trouble with thyroid after their radiation/chemo? My husband has been feeling a lump when swallowing and the front of his neck is getting bigger, a few weeks ago the ENT said it is probably scar tissue from treatment. It is starting to affect his breathing especially when sleeping. Just learned his most…
Cancer Survivorship-Video & Information
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing as well as possible. I came across this video and information and thought it would be good to share it, and I hope it helps you in some way. Cancer Survivorship – An Introduction Long-Term Side Effects of Cancer Treatment Cancer Survivorship Practical and Trusted Information to…
After TORS, de-intensified trial of 3 weeks rad
Hi all. Massive thanks to you who have shared your experience and helpful tips about getting through your ordeals. You have shown me what patience and strength is. I'm here for support, but also want to be a resource for anyone going through something similar, as I seem to be a kinda niche patient with this early-stage ssc…
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
Hi there! I am new to this site and beginning my battle with Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma (of the minor salivary glands in my throat). It is very rare and I am hoping to find others who are in the same situation, either past or present. I started chemo last week and seeing where that takes me! I am a 31 year old female and…
New Member
Hi there. Have been lurking for a few days and deciding to register as a new member. I was recently (August 2023) diagnosed with tonsil cancer. Became aware of a problem in late July when I noticed what I assumed were swollen glands in the area under my right jaw. Was able to make things happen pretty quickly thanks to my…
52 year old Male, Diagnosed 11/23/2022 with HPV+ p16 p40 cancer
I’m in the club no-one wants to be in as a newly diagnosed cancer patient. I’m a former smoker who quit daily 1/2 pack a day habit 19 years ago but still smoked socially up until diagnosis about 4-5 packs a year. Otherwise healthy and on no medications. My details are a mildly painful mass in my left neck just under…
Neuropathy of the hands after treatment
Hello all. I start treatment ( chemo and radiation)for throat cancer next week and I have some questions. I play guitar and a few other stringed instruments. The doctor said I may lose the ability to play due to neuropathy. He also said I will probably lose my hearing. Is this common? Has anyone had that happen? How long…
Extremely Scared - Husband Diagnosed with Throat Cancer
My husband was just diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in his throat at the base of his tongue. His ENT sent him for a CT with contrast this morning and the results are a spot 1.5cm in the largest section, no additional areas involved such as bone or muscles around and one lymph node on the same side. No midline…
Best cancer center?
Hi everyone: My husband was diagnosed with early stage hpv + throat cancer about a year ago. His treatment (surgery and radiation) was successful at first, but about a month ago we were told his cancer had come back, both at the original spot and in several lymph nodes. We realized we had to go for the best care possible…
Chemo smell 4 years later
Everything brings out a chemo smell for me. My last chemo (heated intraperitoneal chemo aka hot chemo bath in abdomen) was July 15, 2020. What can I do?
Re: New Roll Call Team
Civil Matt and wbcgaruss (Russ), I wish to thank you both, first a Huge Thank you to you Matt for all the years of work you have put into this Roll Call. And a Huge Thank you to you Russ for volunteering to take on such a meaningful task to so many. I for one often look for any updates to the Roll Call to see new members…
Mucoepidermoid intermediate
Olá poderia me ajudar? Meu esposo está passando pelo tratamento de mucoepidermoide intermediário e gostaria de ter notícia sobre como é lidar com o tratamento, se existe cura
Vagal Nerve Damage from Radiation
Hi folks - it's been a long time. My husband had tonsil cancer over a decade ago and got the full chemo and rad treatment. I was active here for a while, but after a few years, I saw that others could provide any info I could, and it was hard to relive the bad days. Now, I'm learning about something that might be new to…
Mucoepidermoid survivor
Hi! Could you help me? My husband is undergoing intermediate mucoepidermid treatment and I would like to have news about how it is to deal with the treatment, if there is a cure
Sinus Cancer
I am looking for someone... anyone... who has had sinus cancer. I have completed my radiation treatments and am recooping == need someone to talk to about side effects, longterm issues.... etc. My cancer was Esthesionueroblastoma and it was in my Ethmoid sinus and part of my sinus cavit.
CivilMatt starting a new year.
I just wanted to share {again) this post by NKimber
Voice Problems
I finished 6 weeks of rads for a tumor that was almost totally confined to one vocal cord. On the last 3 days, the vocal cord got blasted, and my voice has become very weak and almost useless. My wife needs to stand right next to me in order to understand what I say. I am just one week, post treatment. All other effects of…
How long after HBOT do you have to get your teeth extracted.
Hello, I have been dealing with head and neck cancer for over 20 years. I have had it come back three time. I first had a simple partial glossectomy...I tested negative. Then 2 years later it came back and I had to have a semi glossectomy, radiation, and chemo. Then 15 years later it came back and I had proton radiation…
If You Had A Glossectomy or Laryngectomy Or Both Find Help Here-Glossectomy Girl Website
I am not sure how I happened upon this woman's website but I have looked through it and I believe there are many helpful sections here for those on here who have had a Glossectomy or Laryngectomy Or Both. In fact this website is loaded with information and resources. This woman has had both and she goes on to live a full…
Vocal chord cancer
I had radiation for the cancer . It has been 8 weeks since last treatment and I’m still having burning in my throat - sore throat and horrible coughing and gagging (particularly at night). Anyone else have same experience and when do side effects stop!
Paresthesia of the tongue
I am new to this site as a result of my search for answers! I had a partial glossectomy on 4/20/16 and am so tired of the "pins and needles" feeling on my tongue. I am wondering if others have had this following surgery and how long it lasts?? It's really not that bad of a feeling but it's CONSTANT! I understand it's the…
esophageal cancer
I just found out that I have esophageal cancer. Any one out there willing to talk to me about their experiences? plesase e-mail me at ebjohnson@charter.net. thank you
Living without an Epiglottis
I wonder if there's anyone on here that has had cancer of the epiglottis? Mine was successfully removed November 2 ,2011.Lymph nodes removed, but tested NO cancer, so I did not have chemo or radiation, Thank God. The surgery was done by Robot at the James in Columbus, Ohio. I am eating soft foods, and since January has…
Jaw replacement surgery
Hello, it's been awhile since I have been on this site. Brief history: 2016 HPV 16 tonsil/ base of tongue. 35 Radiation at highest level allowed, 2 of 3 cisplatin treatments taken. Took almost two years to get into a natural rhythm of daily life. 2021 started having jaw pain. Last two years spent, trying all easy…
Wishing Everyone A Blessed And Joyous Christmas 2023 And Great Hope For Tomorrow
Hello and Blessings to all on CSN and especially to our group in the H&N section Christmas time is one of the highlights of the year. It’s a time of gathering with family and friends. Sharing gifts, and creating memories. It’s also a time to bless and encourage each other. So this is especially the time I would like to…
SCC of the nasal passage
I had SCC of the septum. Most of the tumor was removed July 2022 and the remaining 5% was killed off by radiation treatment. It was a high dose radiation treatment (5 sessions over 2 weeks). Its been a year but the inside of my nose has not healed. In fact I fear it may have come back. Going to my Doctor Friday and…
Tougne ulcer
Hi all. Sorry for starting a new post but when I post this I'm my original topic it doesn't show up as posted. I'm not healing that great from having 12 healthy teeth removed. After 2 weeks the pain got worse. I went to the surgeon Thursday and it's hard for him to see if the gums or whatever are infected because of the…
Help regarding tube feeding
Hello all, The peg tube ligation was completed today and shortly before we were discharged from the hospital. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the nutritionist.But I ask you about the products that you used and got good results from.I ask you, should I just continue feeding with ready-made formulas, or can I make…
Tongue Cancer - to get tongue reconstruction or not?
Hi Team, I am at 32 yr old Male and was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Well Differentiated in the tongue. We think we caught it early -- I went to an ENT in September right after it got suspicious, she said everything looked ok. In November decided what the hell let's get a second opinion and biopsy this thing -…
Hip replacement
David had chemo this morning and will continue on a Monday schedule. We saw the orthopedic surgeon today. He has spoken with our hematology oncologist and they have decided David needs a hip replacement. So we go on March 7 for a hip replacement at UK and will stay a few days and then David will do intensive therapy at…