Tonsil cancer stage 4
Hi everyone just wanted to share today that my husband is cancer free for 13 years! Am not saying it’s not been hard but he is alive and with me. Keep the faith Linda
Happy Birthday, if I may...
Today is my beloved husband's 61st birthday. After spending a "relaxing" 8 hours in chemo, our family went to dinner and celebrated him. As some of you on this board know, he is being treated for metastatic head and neck cancer...now in his lungs. His ct scan on the 3rd of July showed SO MUCH improvement. It was a…
Hot spots on follow up PET scan
My husband has been fighting cancer since January. Tumor on base of tongue and cancer spread to lymph nodes on both sides. After concurrent chemo/radiation treatments ending this past March, he had the follow up PET scan last Thursday. We were called into office for Friday and told that the cancer in his tongue and lymph…
How to move on post head and neck cancer
Hi Everyone, Hoping for some advice for my husband. He had mouth and tonsil cancer the end of 2021, he was 43 at the time. He had surgery to remove 1/3 of his tongue, the tissue on floor of his mouth, all his teeth and 4 lymph nodes. This surgery included skin graphs from his arm and thigh to replace the tissue in the…
neck swelling after radiation
I had HPV-tonsil cancer in 2016 and had 35 rounds of radiation and 7 chemo treatments with cisplatin. I finished the radiation treatments in October of 2016. I have the lingering effects of no taste and no slaiva but deal with that. My neck started swelling in the past few weeks and I went to my ENT doctor and they…
This April marks Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Month
There are many support groups and some are having special activities. Check out some of the groups you may find something helpful in one of them. Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC) pronounced "Spunk" is a nonprofit organization involved in the development of programs of support. As such it can…
Treatment Complete - Let the Healing Begin
Hi everyone. My husband completed his last of 7 chemos last Monday and his last of 35 radiation treatments on Friday. It was a very emotional week as it was as taxing as everyone describes. know that this first week after treatment can be the worst and it is shaping up to be so. We were lucky in that he did not have any…
Cancer Survivorship – Patient Education on Post-Treatment Care
Hello everyone. Survivorship is not always easy but we persevere. There is help out there in many places these days. Here is something I found on the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS). It is a long list of post-treatment issues you can click on and it takes you to a page covering that subject, explaining how to…
Loss of swallowing after radiation therapy
Welcome, I hope you are fine, Ask about the veterans who lost swallowing after IMRT, and how long did the problem last? What are the solutions before us? My father, after 5 months of IMRT, completely lost his ability to swallow and fluids began to come out of his nose. And now we are very disappointed Loss of swallowing…
Update on throat cancer journey.
I posted some info about my throat cancer journey and the potential for neuropathy in my hands. I play several instruments and I was very worried. Luck was with me and I had no neuropathy at all. I did use cold therapy every time I had chemo. I don't know if that is what helped but it's how I dealt with it. I did have an…
Introduction to Skin Cancer – For Patients - This Covers It All - Very Extensive Guide
Below is a very extensive guide on skin cancer from the "American Head & Neck Society". I believe it covers every kind of skin cancer with pictures for comparison and identification and printable handouts along the way you can print out. As we all know the sooner and smaller we get any cancer taken care of the better. I…
Throat Cancer From A Virus-Facts You Should Know
Below is a link to a small quick chart for information on the subject and is a PDF. you can download and print it out if desired. Take care, God Bless Russ
NAV Test moving upward after treatments not down
I had a biopsy of my lymph nodes and which showed the presence of squamous cells. I then had a NAV Blood Test that was positive prior to any surgery, or treatment. Immediately following the pre-treatment NAV Blood test, I had a tonsilectomy of my right tonsil, eight weeks of radiation, and the same for Chemotherapy. I then…
Desperately need advice, think I might have cancer
Hello everyone, I am posting here because no one in my family will listen to my concerns. First about me; I'm a 23 year old female, don't smoke/or drink. The troubles in my mouth started earlier this April when I came down with a sore throat but only on the right side. I also had one swollen bleeding tonsil and horrible…
Pain in Jaw- 8 years after radiation treatment
Hi everyone, I had SCC in my left tonsil. I had surgery of tonsil and lymphnodes from righ side of my neck 2 camepositive for SCC and than had 70 Gy radiation treatment in 2016. I had severe osteoradionecrosis in my maxilla (uper jaw) started in 2018, two teeths came out on their own as the bone was not able to support…
Sinus Area Cancer And Skull Base Surgery Information
Here is some information and links on sinus cancers and their types and treatments. AHNS Skull Base Surgery Section---Sinosal Patient Information INTRODUCTION Cancers of the nose and sinuses are a rare group of diseases that make up 3% of head and neck cancers and affect about 1-3 per 100,000 people per year. There a many…
Stress and its affect on our immune system - hpv+
Approximately one year, or more, prior to my diagnosis, I experienced an extremely stressful time that lasted for some duration. I have always felt that this extraordinary stress was the trigger that started my whole ordeal. The doctors don't seem to want to engage in speculation as to the cause... other than asking about…
Good morning, someone knows where you can help me with this month's rent, we haven't asked for help anywhere, during the process, but our savings have already been exhausted 🙈thank you
American Head & Neck Society - Self-Examination of Neck Lymph Nodes
Short Video and explanation of Lymph Node self-exam. If you feel anything unusual get to your ENT or doctor right away. American Head & Neck Society - Self-Examination of Neck Lymph Nodes Take care, God Bless Russ
Caregiver-question about husband 8 weeks post radiation for tongue cancer
My husband is 8 weeks post radiation after having 37 treatments and 5 chemo treatments for a tumor on his tongue. He seems to be in more pain now than weeks ago. He is on a Fent. patch, gabapentin, and 30 ml of oxy every 4 hours. He has lost 65 pounds and currently does not have a feeding tube. He is very nauseated and…
Radiation or no radiation
I just had my third surgery since May 2017. First surgery was to remove a liason on the floor of my mouth under my tongue. 2nd surgery (June 2018) was to remove my right neck lymph nodes. 3rd surgery (August 2018) was to remove my left neck lymph nodes. CT scan results were the reason for the right removal. Of 27 nodes…
From the American Head & Neck Society - May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month
Hello, friends and fellow H&N folks. I have come across this reminder video that May is skin cancer month. Skin cancer mostly affects the head and neck because of the common exposure. Also recently I found something I had not known before and that is melanoma, a skin cancer that can invade the underlying body. I read a…
Three Weeks Behind Us
Hi everyone, My husband and I just returned home from his radiation #15 out of 35 so almost halfway there. It's been a bit of a roller coaster, but overall, tolerable so far. As a reminder, he has cancer at the base of his tongue, p16+, T1N2bM0, and began a protocol of 7 weeks with cisplatin chemo each Monday and radiation…
Advice to Newly Diagnosed Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Christy, Bill, and Terry, who are all survivors living with head and neck cancer, and caregiver Jean share helpful advice to the newly diagnosed. For more information on head and neck cancer, visit https://www.cancersupportcommunity.or.... Take care, God Bless Russ
AHNS: HPV Related Oropharyngeal Cancer: Epidemiology, Diagnosis & Staging, Treatment and Prevention
From the Cancer Prevention Service of the American Head & Neck Society, a 4-part webinar presentation examining Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Related Oropharyngeal Cancer discussing 1) epidemiology, 2) diagnosis & staging, 3) treatment, and 4) Prevention. Take Care, God Bless Russ
The American Head and Neck Society (AHNS)
For whom I may help I have encountered another website you may want to check out and maybe even bookmark, your choice. But I am posting this because I believe people from our H&N community can possibly find something of benefit on there. The American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) https://www.ahns.info/ Society Background On…
Personal Patient Interview And Review Of His Cancer Experience And Treatment
This is a personal interview with a patient who went through an operation to remove lymph nodes and cancer of the saliva gland with follow-up radiation and chemo. The one lymph node was not encapsulated and starting to spread which to me means it is good they caught it when they did. This all started though with Melanoma…
NavDX A Case-Based Discussion On The Utility Of NavDX AHNS H&N Conference
This is a discussion of the use of NavDX and covers real-life cases. 1 Hour Video Detection of HPV-Driven OPSCC: Clinical Evidence of an Innovative Blood Test - A Case-based Discussion of the Clinical Role of NavDx in Managing OPSCC Faculty: Dr. Chris Holsinger, Professor of Otolaryngology, Stanford University School of…
Loss of muscle mass
after the cisplatin chemo, I lost considerable muscle mass. Anyone experienced this? If so, will it ever come back?
Mike Linn Cancer Victory Story
This is a short video of Mike Linn and how he beat terminal stage 4 Melanoma and then had a recurrence which manifested itself in the lymph nodes in his neck and also in his tongue. Check out his other videos while you are there. Mike Linn says... I'm going to continue to keep making content to help myself and other cancer…