How Long Do Chemotherapy Side Effects Last? All You Need to Know
I think this video is noteworthy enough to post. Although it is from a breast cancer presenter I believe it applies generally to chemotherapy effects which are much the same as H&N people get. It is well presented. How Long Do Chemotherapy Side Effects Last? Take Care, God Bless Russ
Recommendations for Dentists with Head & Neck Cancer experience
Hi, I’m looking for a good Dentist with Head & Neck Cancer experience in the Houston, TX area. I was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the oral tongue in 2012. I received a left partial glossectomy and bilateral neck dissections with left forearm free flap reconstruction and Radiation therapy. I was doing well…
Food and fluid residue coming out of the nose
Hello all, Four months later, I was two years old when I had a total laryngectomy, and swallowing food during this period went through some fluctuating stages. But these days I have noticed a new condition, which is that when I swallow food (soft food with liquids), I feel it rising into the nasal cavity. For example,…
Oral Cancer
Hello everyone. I first would like to wish all of you good luck with your treatments and such. August 31st I found out I had a tumor between my lower jaw and inner cheek. After the dentist, the oral surgeon and all my scans I found out I had stage 3 because it spread to the lymph node right under the jaw and the tumor is…
Feeding Tubes for Head and Neck Cancer (Short Video)
Hopefully, this may help someone now or later... Christy, Jean, Bill, and Terry shares their stories with getting feeding tubes while getting treatment for head and neck cancer. They also share advice on weaning off a feeding tube. Visit https://www.cancersupportcommunity.or... for more information on feeding tubes and…
Christy's Story of Living with Head and Neck Cancer (Short Video)
Sharing to help others...maybe you can relate or find help or comfort through it... Christy, a survivor living with head and neck cancer, shares her cancer story. For more information on head and neck cancer, visit https://www.cancersupportcommunity.or.... Take care, God Bless Russ
Fluid edema after radiotherapy
Welcome I finished radiation therapy 5 months ago to the left part of the neck, and the result of the last MRI examination was negative, but it showed the presence of liquid edema near the esophagus and extending to the left part of the tongue. Doctors told me that it might disappear with time, but now it is pressing on…
Good morning, does anyone know where they raise funds to help us with expenses, thank you
Ahead of Cancer | Advances in Head and Neck Cancer | AHN Informative Video
May 1, 2023, Warren Swegal, MD, head and neck surgeon for the AHN Cancer Institute, discusses the latest advancements, the importance of cancer prevention, the signs of head and neck cancer, and the latest treatment options. Wishing You All the Best Take care, God Bless Russ
PET scan for thyroid cancer before surgery
Hi, Is there a recommended guideline for utilizing PET scans in identifying cancerous thyroid nodules and possible metastasis to the neck lymph nodes? I recognize that ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and ultimately fine-needle aspiration (FNA) are preferred methods. However, if these techniques fail to provide a…
My mother's doctor told me that she doesn't have much time, I'm not ready to lose her.
My mother has been dealing with head and neck SCC cancer for a year and a half, she was treated in the first series, and the disease returned after three months (recurrence), and now she has not responded to chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and re-irradiation therapy. (Due to the problem of kidney failure, she could not try…
How would I know what is the best option for me? Total- or hemi-thyroidectomy or RFA?
Hi, Just diagnosed with PTC. A 1.4cm malignant nodule on the left lobe, and one 1.5cm indeterminate on the right lobe. There is a suspicious lymph node on the left side as well but came back non-cancerous after 2 separate FNAs. I do not want to let the fear of cancer lead me to a decision or procedure that is more…
Survivorship Today: Cancer Survivorship Q&A: Impact on Friendships
This is a short video, 2:27 min. and I am hoping there is a tidbit in there for you somewhere...Take care, God Bless-Russ
What Precautions Should You Take During Chemotherapy Treatment?
I found this and thought it might be helpful to those in treatment. It is some recommendations of things to do and not do during Chemotherapy treatment from Healthline... Take care, God Bless Russ What Precautions Should You Take During Chemotherapy Treatment? Things to avoid Things to do Resources and support Bottom line…
De-intensification Clinical Trial
Hello everyone! Thank you all for posting your journey lessons, insights, experiences, etc. I feel like I've read them all since I joined you as a cancer patient. I begin treatment after surgery in a couple of days as part of a clinical study. Your posts have been so meaningful to us that I hope that by doing the same I…
Survivorship Today What It’s Like to Live with Cancer
Hello, everyone, I came across a related video that led me to this site which I am posting a link to. The website is Bristol Myers Squibb Survivorship Today... There is a section on there called "Survivorship Today What it's Like To Live With Cancer" and there are many videos on there in this section of people giving…
Valentine’s Dinner - Big Increase in Taste
Hi All, Tonight my husband and I went out for dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day at our favorite steakhouse. We have not been there since May 2023 prior to his diagnosis of SCC BOT HPV +16 last July followed by 33 rad and 7 weekly Cisplatin finished 10/24/23. He had been at around 60% taste bud return up until recently…
2 weeks remaining. So far, so good. Well, more good than not…
First I want to thank everyone here for sharing their stories and experiences with treatment. It was extremely helpful helping me to prepare the best I could for my husbands newest adventure (Squamous Cell Carcinoma with lymph node involvement). He has his final cisplatin chemotherapy treatment this next week and 10 days…
First PET/CT After Husband's BOT/Lymph Node SCC HPV+ 16 Journey
Hi All, I've written before about my husband's cancer journey, diagnosed with Stage I, base of tongue (left side) and 2 left lymph nodes as SCC HPV+ 16 in late July 2023. You can search my screen name Swoosh13 as I detailed my husband's journey through treatment, which started September 5 and ended on October 24, 2023. He…
Just a note to say thanks to this group
Hubby has 2 more Rad treatments this week, and finished his 6th and final chemo last week...being able to read what others have experienced and what has helped them through this has been very insightful. I hope to be able to contribute in some fashion as well down the road as we get through these next recovery weeks. Have…
Husband's Treatments Start Monday Morning
Hi everyone, I wanted to pop in with an update from my previous "Extremely Scared - Husband Diagnosed with Throat Cancer" posting. The biopsy confirmed the tumor is p16 positive and the PET scan showed that it is localized with only a few lymph nodes right next to the tumor affected. His diagnosis is Stage 1, T1, N2b, M0.…
Tight neck after neck dissection followed by chemo and radiation..
I had my 2nd neck dissection in March 2023 followed by chemo and radiation. I have considerable tightness in my neck after completing PT. Hoping someone else has some tips to help relief the discomfort. Thanks in advance
Hard lump on lower jaw
Hello I am new here, not diagnosed with anything but I discovered a hard lump on the corner of my lower jaw on my right - it feels like bone and can’t be moved at all it feels like attached to the bone and it’s easiest to feel when I lift my head up, you can’t see it visibly and feels an odd shape i saw a doctor who looked…
Nasopharyngeal cancer
Hey folks, I was searching for forums and support groups as I got diagnosed recently with nasopharyngeal cancer (squamous cell carcinomA). They say it's advanced local and I'm not entire sure what that means in terms of prognosis but it has spread to both sides of the lymph nodes on my neck. No distance metastasis. Will be…
Cancer on voicebox
I'm 54 years old my first diagnosis of cancer was in February 2023,I went through 35 treatments of radiation. Had a PET Scan done in December 2023,it showed uptake to lymph node 2A..In January 2024 I found I also had cancer on the surface of voice box as well.Doctor says my only option is total voice box removal and the…
Peg tube post radiation
My husband completed radiation in April 2023 for SCC stage 3 of the mouth. He is still using a feeding tube. 10 months later) He will not eat anything because of texture, dryness and taste. Anyone else have a feeding tube this long?
Head and Neck Cancer Dr Wiggins-Video-University of Utah School of Medicine
This is a very good video of Dr. Wiggins presenting on head and neck structure, treatment, staging, and many other aspects of treating head and neck cancer with a Q&A at the end. I think you will like it I know I did and it gives you a doctor's perspective of head and neck treatment. Head and Neck Cancer Dr Wiggins Dr.…
Joining the mucus discussion!
Hello we're new. My husband had HPV tonsil cancer and completed his 7 week radiation over 2 years ago. His biggest struggle(apart from not swallowing) is the copious amounts of mucus. I was interested in everyone's suggestion regarding the baking soda/ salt rinse which we just started after reading the posts. Also curious…
Head and Neck Cancer: What to Expect During the First Year
Here is an interesting informative video you may want to look at. It is in a webinar format. The Head and Neck and Cancer Alliance in conjunction with the American Head and Neck Society hosted the "Head and Neck Cancer: What to Expect During the First Year” webinar scheduled during Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week…
Good morning my husband He has throat cancer. is a photographer, we have photos of birds, animals from the zoo, sunsets and waterfalls, do you know of any organization that helps us with the sale to collect funds and be able to cover expenses thank you