From the American Head & Neck Society - May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

Hello, friends and fellow H&N folks.

I have come across this reminder video that May is skin cancer month. Skin cancer mostly affects the head and neck because of the common exposure. Also recently I found something I had not known before and that is melanoma, a skin cancer that can invade the underlying body. I read a fellows story of melanoma starting but wasn't treated quickly and got into lymph nodes and the parotid gland. Below is the video link and in the video was a surprise for me, the last cancer I had, lymph node cancer was operated on by Karen Choi an outstanding surgeon at Hershey Hospital in Hershey, PA and she has a little snippet in the video.

From the American Head & Neck Society - May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

I have had a small spot removed from my forehead which was biopsied and turned out to be cancer about 2 or 3 years ago and since then I go to the dermatologist every year for a full body check to make sure everything is alright and they do a thorough check for anything suspicious. I am posting below a guide on Melanoma from the American Cancer Society which is very informative and covers the subject well...

If You Have Melanoma Skin Cancer

Take care everyone-Wishing You the Best

Take care, God Bless
