Personal Patient Interview And Review Of His Cancer Experience And Treatment

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited March 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

This is a personal interview with a patient who went through an operation to remove lymph nodes and cancer of the saliva gland with follow-up radiation and chemo. The one lymph node was not encapsulated and starting to spread which to me means it is good they caught it when they did. This all started though with Melanoma to the skin in the head area so be aware that melanoma can spread to the lymph nodes which I didn't realize could happen. This is a doctor-patient personal review that many of us can relate to one way or the other.

American Head And Neck Society...

On May 13, 1998, The American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) became the single largest organization in North America for the advancement of research and education in head and neck oncology. The merger of two societies, the American Society for Head and Neck Surgery and the Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, formed the American Head and Neck Society.

Mr. Terry Weinstein cancer survivor

Dr. Thomas J. Ow

Ow Weinstein Interview

Take care, God Bless
