Lost of facial nerve
Has anyone out there lost their facial nerve. After radiation, like 2yrs after do you still get sore throats or tongue sores that come and go?
Energy Drinks?
I know it's a fancy question, but given the exhaustion that hits me now, towards the end of my radiation treatment, I wonder if it would be safe to have an energy drink now and then. I'm usually not a consumer of energy drinks. My intake has been limited to 1-2 times a year, mainly for the taste of certain brands. Given my…
The Power Of A Hug In Caring For Head And Neck Cancer Patients
The power of a hug cannot be underestimated especially during a time like a cancer diagnosis and treatment. It says more than any words and with words added goes far beyond anything imaginable in strengthening, supporting, and caring. Many of us on here have had our first cancer long before covid and social distancing and…
So God Made a Mother: A Beautiful Mother's Day Poem-Happy Mothers Day Everyone!
I have come across this wonderful poem to share Mother's day with each and every one of you today. God's Blessings to you all. At the dawn of time, God needed someone He could trust to love His precious children. And so, God made a mother. God said, “Life will often be harsh, so I need someone with a gentle touch. Someone…
Throat Cancer Symptom Advice From A Survivor,Things Doctors Don't Tell You Once You Start Treatmen
Advice from a throat cancer patient for people who are about to go through radiation and chemo treatments. Things I wish my doctor had told me. Take Care, God Bless Russ
My Last Days Follow-Up: How Are They Doing Now?
One year ago we aired My Last Days season 2 on SoulPancake. We checked in with all the participants about updates on their conditions. Take Care, God Bless Russ
Webinar: Head and Neck Cancer Survivors - Managing Function and Quality of Life
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) hosted a Cancer Policy and Advocacy Team (CPAT) webinar discussing quality of life for head and neck cancer survivors. The treatment of head and neck cancer (HNC) often involves surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. This treatment is critical for controlling or curing…
How is everyone doing, I hope all is well with each of you. I hope you are recovering nicely from your cancer treatments and are returning to your life as it was prior to your diagnosis. Well, this will be my last time running the entire Roll Call by myself. Over the past few years I have continued to fall further behind…
Biofilms: A DEADLY Complication from Implanted Medical Devices. ESSENTIAL Trach Tube Info!
Here is a video from a young lady I follow on her channel. She always has good information in short easy to understand videos. Here is one recently about something I have never heard of "Biofilms", never knew such a thing existed. This may be helpful to some of our members with trachs and it apparently can affect…
Katie's Story - There is #lifeAhead After Your Cancer Diagnosis
Listen to Katie Drablos tell her story of how she was first diagnosed with Oral, Head and Neck Cancer (OHNC), and overcame her journey by continuing to fulfill his passions and dreams. Katie's Story - There is #lifeAhead After Your Cancer Diagnosis Take Care, God Bless Russ
Frank's Story - There is #lifeAhead After Your Cancer Diagnosis
Here is an uplifting inspiring story to say there is hope beyond the diagnosis. Listen to Frank Marcovitz tell his story of how he was first diagnosed with Oral, Head and Neck Cancer (OHNC), and overcame his journey by continuing to fulfill his passions and dreams. Frank's Story - There is #lifeAhead After Your Cancer…
Is this normal in my mouth or?
Hi all so I’ve noticed I’ve had a sore area in mouth for ages with my tounge it feels like a raised cut and is sore to touch - this is the little red marks seen in the photo and i took a video and caught this so I have a few red marks and the lighter patches in my mouth? I was wondering if this warrants any concern People…
About Facial Prosthetics for Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Sometimes a cancer event takes more than we imagined but there is help. About Facial Prosthetics for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Take Care, God Bless Russ For more information about Facial Prosthetics and Head and Neck Cancer, visit www.headandneckcancer.org.au. Head and Neck Cancer is an Australian charity dedicated to…
Jen's Tongue Cancer Story Video
I am sure there are those on this forum that can relate to this lady's story. To commemorate Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month we'd like to share the story of one of our community members, Jen Mackay. Jen had never heard of Tongue Cancer when she was diagnosed with Stage 3 in 2022 after an ulcer appeared on her tongue.…
What is HPV-Related Head And Neck Cancer? Explained!
Video 1 of the “Role of HPV in Head and Neck Cancer” Webinar series—Recently Dr. Bhisham S. Chera joined GRACE to discuss the role of HPV in head and neck cancers. Bhisham Chera, MD, is a UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center member and Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology in the Clinical…
The Optimistic Gardener - My Journey Through Throat Cancer Recovery
Last September I was handed the biggest shock of my life after the results of a biopsy revealed that I had throat cancer. To help other people, who may be at the start of of this scary and uncertain journey I thought I would describe my journey; the feelings I felt, the pain and for want of a better phrase, the process.…
"Uncover the Secret to Beating Cancer: 5 Tips You Need to Know!"
In this video, I'm sharing my story of how I beat cancer. I'll tell you everything I learned about cancer, how I overcame it, and how you can too! If you're struggling with cancer or have had it, then this video is for you. I'll share my story, my tips for cancer recovery, and how you can beat cancer too! I hope that by…
HPV+SCC after Multiple Myeloma treatment
I was recently diagnosed with HPV+SCC and am having surgery next week. No mention of chemo or radiation yet because doc feels we caught it early and want to see tumor margins and lymph node involvement before we decide. I was also diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2020 and received chemotherapy for about six months before…
Head and Neck Cancers of the Unknown Primary
A conversation with Dr. Ron J. Karni, an Otolaryngologist with the Department of Ear, Nose, and Throat Head and Neck Surgery of UTPhysicians, affiliated with Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston. Head and Neck Cancers of the Unknown Primary Take Care, God Bless Russ
Head & Neck Cancer Treatment Decisions: What’s Right for You?
When considering treatment options for head and neck cancer, what helps determine the best approach for YOU? Dr. Ari Rosenberg discusses key factors that impact head and neck cancer treatment decisions, emerging research, and tips for partnering with your healthcare team. Dr. Ari Rosenberg is a medical oncologist and…
Late Effects of Cancer Treatment - Head and Neck Cancer Focus with Emma Hallam
'Late Effects of Cancer Treatment' workshop series with Emma Hallam, Macmillan Consultant Radiographer in Post Treatment and Late Effects. The focus of this workshop is Head and Neck Cancer. The session covers: - What a late effect is - The late effects of head and neck cancer specifically - Top tips on how to manage late…
Tongue cancer
I read that it's really rare (5 percent of people get it) but I had a tongue surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering two and a half years ago. They sliced off the side of my tongue. Now a pre cancer has appeared in the same and another spot. I'm scared. There are things I'd like to be able to do again including voiceovers and…
Neck Lymph Nodes Location And Detailed Explanation And Display Of H&N Area.
I think some of you folks will find this interesting I know I did. I always wondered what and where lymph nodes were in the H&N area, now I know. The lymph nodes of the body are very important to us and can be very important clinically. There are quite a few lymph nodes in the neck, and they're described as anatomical…
2 years post treatment - 52 yo - quitting flouride, embracing flossing
I had left tonsil excision as well as a lymphectomy plus 33 rounds of max 70Gy radiation treatments coupled with 6 rounds of chemo, half cisplatin until my hearing suffered and then half carboplatin and taxol. The cisplatin roasted the main veinous pathway in my right arm. I returned to competitive master swimming last…
Recent Japan Data Released Increases In Mortality Rates of all Cancer & Head & Neck Cancer
Hello everyone, there is a new report out from Japan about increased cancer rates of all cancers and specifically some head & neck cancers, released on 4/8/24. Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate,…
New Urine Test Spots Head-and-Neck Cancers Earlier
Interesting but still in testing stage . . . https://www.newsmax.com/health/health-news/at-home-urine-test-cancer-head-and-neck/2024/04/18/id/1161498/
Post treatment PET scan turns up new cancer cells in my lungs
I went in today for my 90 day Post treatment PET scan and it tured up new cancer cells in my lungs. I’m 64 years old and prior to this episode had never spent the night in the hospital. My original diagnosis was likely tonsil cancer, HPV related, that spread to the lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. I completed the…
"Total Metabolic Response to Treatment" :: but questions about recurrence
I'm a guy who likes to know the numbers, although I do completely understand the opposite mindset. 9 months ago I was diagnosed with a late stage SCC (P16+) advanced to local lymph nodes. They gave me 6 months to live. Last week I was given the all clear, completely clear PET scan with a report indicating "total metabolic…
Cancer Survivor Interview: Oropharyngeal Cancer, Treated With Robotic Surgery
Direct interview with a cancer survivor and his story of treatment and recovery… Cancer Survivor Interview: Oropharyngeal Cancer, treated with Robotic Surgery Take Care God Bless Russ
Dr Itzhak Brook Keynote Address. “ Back to Life” After Laryngectomy
This is a short video of Dr Itzhak Brook giving the keynote address. He is a Head and Neck cancer survivor who goes over the many aspects of H&N cancer including things like your diagnosis and thoughts that go through your mind like suddenly you are in a major crisis, it shatters your invincibility, and you are suddenly…