Happy Days star Erin Moran died April 22 from throat cancer
I just came across this article which appears on MSN.com today. “Happy Days star Erin Moran died April 22 from throat cancer that had spread to other parts of her body. A few days after her death, her widower Steven Fleischmann shared an open letter detailing Moran’s diagnosis and battle with cancer, Variety reported.…
Tumor shrinking?
Phew! I've posted a lot lately. But I'm full of questions. My big one is this; does the tumor go away completely? That may sound dumb but I'm slightly worried. My husband had his right lymph node involved and i can still feel it. It's clearly not as sizable as it was at the beginning. I have to push in to feel it. Some…
What is the cure rate for tonsil cancer hpv
I was just wondering does anyone know how curable tonsil cancer hpv is. I have not heard of anyone having a recurrence with tonsil cancer hpv, I told my husband not to worry, there is no way this cancer can come back 4 months post treatment, am I right? He is just scared after having his first pet scan today. Thanks Linda
Coconut Oil - an absolute godsend !!!!
Hi there, It's been a very long time since I was here last. This is my 3rd year since treatment for base of tongue cancer. I had 7 weeks radiation and 6 weeks chemo. I have found that the last 6 months or so I have been waking in the middle of the night with my mouth absolutely bone dry, having water by my bed, drinking it…
NED >> CURED >> No Cancer >> whatever you want to call it…. I reached this proverbial (post cancer treatment) milestone and I am happy to still be kicking, after my official ENT visit. Life is certainly different (now); I have a host of new H&N friends and reminders of what has happened to me, some good, and some bad. I…
Questions regarding neck dissection and dental extractions
Hello everyone, hope all is well! Anyways quick question, I'm having a bi lateral modified radical neck dissection and will need 15 teeth extracted prior to rads/chemo that are following the neck surgery. The surgery scheduler called me the other day and told me my surgery date was going to be on the 17th. I just realized…
Had my appt with Chemo Dr today, where she told me I'm not getting enough nutrition, AND, my kidneys couldn't handle another round of Chemo. I'm sorry but I am head over heels elated that I don't get to be poisoned a 3rd time, its been brutal, One week of speeded up feeling like crap, One week of total crap, and One week…
trying to find the good in the "bad"
Hello Friends, I hope everyone had a good weekend and a good Monday. We are in our first week, day 2 of recovery. So far, it sucks. Not gonna lie or sugar coat it. It just stinks. The euphoria of the last days has wore off and it wore off quickly. The thick mucous is ever present, the choking and gagging is at an all time…
Has anyone had to get a feeding tube after treat ended?
My husband will finish his treatments on Monday. He was doing pretty good all things considered with eating until this week. The last Cisplatin has kicked his butt and he's having trouble keeping Boost down. He's starting to panic about the possibility of needing a feeding tube. He was able to eat some chicken noodle soup…
sinus problems question
My husband had stage 4 tonsil cancer back in 2011. he completed chemo and radiation and has been ned since. Recently he has been geeting stuffed up and his sinuses have been draining. He chalked it up to allergies. I finally talked him into going to his ENT. Well the ENT put him on antibiotics - aid his sinuses were really…
New and looking for some insight.
Hello everyone, My name is Michael, 32 years old and somewhat diagnosed in January of his year. I say somewhat diagnosed because of my "occult primary" presentation. Left cervical lymph nodes so far seem to be all thats been able to be found. I had a direct laryngocscopy from the initial ENT working me up. Fortunately Im…
Growth behind tonsil
hi all, Im new and haven't been diagnosed. 6 months ago I noticed an oval growth behind my tonsil. I didn't think much of it. My tonsils are always enlarged and I get frequent tonsil stones. I noticed last night it's still there and appears a bit larger. I called the ENT but I can't get in until July 10. I'm so worried.…
Consider not getting the peg
I just wanted to let people know that my husband Stage 2 base of tongue and tonsil, went through his treatment without the peg after being encouraged to do so by the radiation nurse. This is a good option in you are overweight and can afford to lose 40 -50 lbs. When you rely on the peg it saves you from the discomfort of…
Small knot on thyroid pain to touch
Has anyone else experienced a knot on the thyroid with pain to touch? I've visited my doctor for an exam and the response was much of the same "nothing to worry about. It's all art of the healing process." I worry with the slightest change constantly wonder what's next. Any suggestions or comments? I have had radiation…
Solicitation for opinions on probiotics
I am in the middle of a war with my Thrush/Candida on my tongue, and right now I think the Thrush is winning. I am using liquid Nystatin four times daily, applied with religous discipline, and that seems to move it around but not finish it off. I have used 48 of my 144 disposable toothbrushes, and am fanatical on limiting…
PEG tube Problems
I am having all kinds of problems with my PEG tube which I do have to use now. Pain, drainage, bleeding (surface, not deep). The doc who put it in can't fix it so he sent me to another who promptly nicked it. Now it drains, bleeds, causes pain, and leaks. The doc is talking about replacing it. Anyone have that done…
Help Interpreting Surgical Pathology Report
Hello All, last week, I had a small mucoepidermoid Carcinoma excised from the left soft palate area. It was described as intermediate grade. The pathologist report came, and now I'm told even though surgical outcome was as clean as i could have hoped for, I'll need radiation. Here is what the surgical pathologists report…
Last day!! Now what?
Friends, This is a HUGE day for us. My husband's last day of rads is today! At 4 p.m. he will officially be done with the 7 weeks of intense treatment. And I have no idea what to feel. Of course, I feel relief and joy. But... now what? He begins to heal and hopefully he can taste food soon... I know this sounds weird but I…
Pre Existing condition...how fast do SCC tumors grow
HI I was diagnosd in Dec 2011 with SCC tonsil cancer HPV+ left tonsil and 2 left lymph nodes. I have had 6 weeks of Chemo and am doing really well. I will start radiation Feb 13. Anyway, i have been paid short term disability and the long term disability (which I started in Jan 2011) should start to pay in Mar 2012. I had…
Anyone heard of John (Skiffin16)?
Last online was on November 07 2016.
My husband has completed his first week of treatment. For the past two nights he has had a fever 99.4-100.2. He is doing well with fluid intake and eating. Is this common for the NPC patient to run a low grade fever during treatment? I know I need to be certain he is hydrated properly during the fever. Any other things I…
Looks like the torch has been passed
I have not been on CSN for several months, after being a regular reader and poster for about 5 years. I signed in today, only to read about Hondo's passing--he was one of our best "citizens" and supporters for many years and will be missed. After that, my first impression was how few names I recognized, but did come across…
The Mask and Weight Loss
Hello Everyone, My husband will be going in for his mask fitting on the 18th. We are both curious about the mask and weight loss. My husband has put on a lot of weight in the past few weeks since he has been eating anything and everything while he can. Doctor's (and wife's) orders. ;-) However, we are wondering what…
Mmdowns, how is the hubby
Just checking in. How is he holding up since his last chemo? Oh and isn't today the LAST radiation? ? Hope all is well. Just remember, even as you celebrate the joy of finishing treatments, be prepared for there to still be rocky days ahead. It does get better but it's slow going. That said, still whoop and holler, hug and…
Xylimelts - when they work, what do they do?
I'm experimenting with ways to deal with dry mouth. My rad oncol is very stuck on xylimelts, but when I try them they seem to not do much. If they work for you, what do they do?
Scary choking
So my husband has started this new lovely form of choking. I know it's from the rads and the mucous. But it's scary. And it hits him out of the Blue. He's been drinking water but honestly it seems like the water makes it worse sometimes. Today he was so bad that he threw up. He can't help it. He says it usually happens at…
Bad Weekend
So on Sunday I declared to whover could hear (son and dog) that this thing wasn't keeping me prisoner, and that I was going to Lowes, for a few brackets, hanging baskets, and flowers. Go to Lowes, saw my friend, started feeling a bit rough, then rougher, I'm not sure think I passed out on the patio furniture a few times...…
Neck dissection shows mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells - had tumor removed 20 years ago
Hello. 20 years ago I had low grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma, I had maxillectomy and no radio or chemo and have been disease free since then. I had an elective surgery recently to reconstruct the maxillectomy since I was disease free for over 20 years. As part of this elective surgery, the doctor had to do a bit of…
Cancer Pain after treatment
Hey There Having gone through the chemo radiation for HPV+ tonsil cancer, I'm now in that 'limbo time' ... But not the funny dance under the stick ... The time where you are pensively waiting for your PET scan and hopefully NED outcome. (I already had my 3 month scan but it was inconclusive due to too much damage,…
When reality hits
So, as I'm sitting here waiting while my husband gets his mask made, I saw the radiation machine and reality smacked my in the face and almost knocked me over. It's becoming more real. Watching it on TV or reading other people's stories is not the same. "This is stuff that happens to other people. This stuff doesn't happen…