WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Radiation Treatment To Cure My Cancer | My Reactions Day 23-27
This is a video post from a fellow undergoing treatment and documenting it in a series…throat cancer…once he was diagnosed He wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer |…
Head and neck, what to keep an eye out for
I guess first is death of your thyroid. It's fairly important in the grand scheme of things. Get it checked at least every 3 months. Dead thyroid - exhaustion Speech therapy - who are they kidding, it's just to make sure we can swallow, do it, it's important. Baroreceptor dysfunction - usually find you have this when your…
Stage 4 Throat Cancer Survivor Story - A Perfect Swish!
Throat cancer survivor Mike Hatfield talks about his journey with stage four laryngeal cancer. Diagnosed with larynx cancer, the one-time Omaha front man musician and playground basketball enthusiast, nearly lost the things he loved doing the most.Visit http://www.oacancer.com/throat-cancer... to learn more about Mike's…
WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Radiation Treatment To Cure My Cancer | My Reactions Day 19-22
This is a video post from a fellow undergoing treatment and documenting it in a series…throat cancer…once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer |…
Head and Neck Cancer | Frequently Asked Questions
Head and neck cancer surgeon, Wayne Koch, answers frequently asked questions about head and neck cancers, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment and quality of life issues.. Learn more: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/otolar... Take Care, God Bless Russ
Hey Guys Remember One Of Our Alumni Who Graduated H&N University
I was going through some older bookmarks and sorting yesterday and came across one for Beagledad and the videos he made. Now almost 4 years ago. Head & Neck Cancer Hacks Take Care, God Bless Russ
WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Radiation Treatment To Cure My Cancer | My Reactions Day 15-18
A fellow from Certitude Roofing says: I have throat cancer…once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Radiation Treatment to Cure My Cancer | My…
Great News!
I've been busy travelling for work, and haven't been on here, as much as I used to be. But, I had my regularly scheduled ENT visit, yesterday - and he scoped my nose again (I had NPG origin). He told me ALL CLEAR, and since I'm 5 years out, I no longer have to see him - as it is very unlikely it will return at this point!…
Cancer - Motivational video [The V Foundation] Feat Jim Valvano
Cancer - Motivational video [The V Foundation] feat Jim Valvano I hope this video can help someone that is battling cancer. The V Foundation for Cancer Research was founded in 1993 by ESPN and the late Jim Valvano, legendary North Carolina State University basketball coach, and ESPN commentator. The V Foundation has funded…
WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Radiation Treatment To Cure My Cancer | My Reactions Day 10-14
Throat cancer…once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. NEGU (Never Ever Give Up) Take Care, God Bless Russ
6 year checkup
Hello, everyone. Last Wed I had my 6 year checkup, and all is good. A week from Friday I'll have a CT neck scan done for no other reason than I haven't had one since finishing up with treatments. I still have a little dry mouth, but Act dry mouth lozenges as needed during the day, and one XyliMelt tab at night is all I…
couple of questions: survival & avoiding radiation (x-rays, etc) post treatment
completed tx 12/21; SCC-HPV+,BOT - Stage 1; full rads, ended chemo 1 session early due to blood clots from the chemo and Tors on tongue & 21 lymph node dissection in neck. The docs have said that if I get to the 2 yr mark (12/23) it is "exceedingly rare" for a return. Has anyone else ever been told that with similar…
WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Radiation Treatment To Cure My Cancer | My Reactions Day 5-9
I have throat cancer…once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. Take Care, God Bless Russ
Throat Cancer Advice From A Survivor-Radiation Mask For Throat, Neck, And Head Cancer Treatments
What is a radiation mask? They look scary in the beginning and many people are claustrophobic, but this video helps explain the process and show that even claustrophobic people can overcome it easily. Throat cancer advice from a survivor- Radiation mask for throat, neck, and head cancer treatments. Take Care, God Bless…
Reccurence: Buccal Mucosa SCC
Hello everyone: I am feeling a lot of emotions right now as I have a recurrence of my cancer - just 8 months after surgery. I know this is a cancer known for recurrence, but my surgeon was confident I would do okay - my margins were clear, I don't smoke, etc. But as we all know, cancer has a mind of its own. My primary…
WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Radiation Treatment To Cure My Cancer | My Reactions Day 2-4
I have throat cancer…once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So i am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. DAY 2-4… Take Care, God Bless Russ
after affects of radiation
Good afternoon all. I have some questions and need some information. I was stricken with stage 4 head neck cancer April 2022. Underwent radiation and chemotherapy. About june of 2023 I started with my inner gums disappearing and causing Osteoradionecrosis. This has progressed to where I am a candidate for surgery down in…
Dr. Murphy Talks About Head And Neck Cancer
Dr. Barbara Murphy, Medical Director of Head and Neck Oncology at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville talks plainly about head and neck cancer and the effects of eradication treatment. Dr. Murphy talks about head and neck cancer Take Care, God Bless Russ NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)
Good news
Hello good night, I want to share the joy that my husband no longer has Cancer, after 37 radiations and 3 chemotherapies he was discharged, he still has a gastric tube because it was in the throat but here we go [Content removed by CSN Support Staff]
I Have Cancer?
Cancer And The Regular Guy Info and Video I had Throat Cancer. In this video, I'm sharing my story and how I fought cancer. I want to help other people who have cancer so that they know that they are not alone and that there is hope. While I'm kind of back to normal, I know there are others out there who have been…
Memorial Day May 27, 2024 We Honor and Remember our Fallen
Monday the 27th is Memorial Day, a day set aside to honor our country's servicemen and women who died in service to our country and who gave their all. These are the ones who gave their lives for their country-their last full measure. They deserve no less than the highest honor and respect. Participate in the National…
WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, What Is The Reason For My Cancer?
I have throat cancer…once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So i am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. My throat cancer journey will be different than everyone’s however the process of radiation therapy is basically…
Proton Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck | My Experience
Tom shares his experience receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer at Penn's Roberts Proton Therapy Center. Get an inside look at the process from preparation and making the screening helmet to actually receiving radiation therapy. Proton Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck | My Experience Take Care, God Bless…
Throat Cancer Advice From A Survivor-How To Numb Your Throat So You Can Eat During Radiation
Your throat will be an absolute war zone during and after throat cancer radiation treatments. This method of numbing your throat will help you significantly. After a little practice you can get some calories down your throat and also to help keep those delicate muscles working throughout your treatment (which will help…
Throat Cancer Advice From A Survivor-Juice Drink That Won't Burn Your Throat.
A helpful tip on what to drink during throat cancer radiation treatments or when infected with thrush. I learned this from experience and trial and error the painful way! Take Care, God Bless Russ
WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, What Now? My Story to survive!
I have throat cancer…once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. My throat cancer journey will be different than everyone’s however the process of radiation therapy is basically…
T Cells, Cancer And Immunity
Professor Angus Dalgleish, (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, Fellow of Medical Science.) Professor Dalgleish is a highly experienced doctor, physician, medical teacher, medical author and researcher with over 500 primary research publications. He was also a pioneering…
New Saliva Procedure Protects Cancer Patients From Damage Of Radiation
A treatment done prior to cancer surgery on head and neck patients can improve their ability to swallow and speak, says a Broward Health surgeon. Take Care, God Bless Russ
How to Identify Cancer Misinformation Online
When reading cancer information online, it may be difficult to tell whether that information is accurate and reliable. Some misinformation, which is false or inaccurate information, may target people with cancer, which could lead to a delay or disruption in treatment. In this video, Dr. Eleonora Teplinsky discusses what…
Why Is It So Hard To Cure Cancer? - Kyuson Yun
We’ve harnessed electricity, sequenced the human genome, and eradicated smallpox. But after billions of dollars in research, we haven’t found a solution for a disease that affects more than 14 million people and their families at any given time. Why is it so difficult to cure cancer? Kyuson Yun explains the challenges.…