neck swelling after radiation

mapdan Member Posts: 33 Member
edited January 2023 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I had HPV-tonsil cancer in 2016 and had 35 rounds of radiation and 7 chemo treatments with cisplatin. I finished the radiation treatments in October of 2016. I have the lingering effects of no taste and no slaiva but deal with that. My neck started swelling in the past few weeks and I went to my ENT doctor and they suggested and special vest and head gear that massages the lymph nodes in the neck to help the fluid drain from my neck. I call it my turkey neck. Has anyone else had the  swelling of the neck issue. They tell me the radiation fried some of my lymph glands and they act as a drain for the head and neck?? I tested the machine last week and it felt wonderful and am being fitted for the vest and helmet soon. I have to wear it 1/2 a day. I will let folks know how it works out. There is a term for what I have but I am a mapping specialist not a doctor so I don't remember these terms!!!!! This site has been refreshing and helpful to my cancer issues or after treatment issues. Great folks on here!! 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited April 2017 #2
    edema no more


    Yes, edema is very common to H&N members.  I had a facial mask, but chose not to use it.  I also went for neck massage where they help direct the fluids toward open pathways.  The massage feels great and works well.  It is easy to learn and you can do it at home, in the car, while taking a bath or playing baseball.  There are youtube videos that show you how to do it.

    By the way, the physical therapist which gave me the massage was well trained and did not harm me.


  • mapdan
    mapdan Member Posts: 33 Member

    I knew I would get an answer from this forum. Good to hear about  the you tube vidoe. Thanks for all your advice Matt. I see you are on here quite often and offer great advice. Thanks again and good luck to you. I see 5 years and NED--- good for you. I have 14 year old triplets that I want to see grow up. My 3 month PET scan came back clean but always have to keep an eye on things. 

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member


    As Matt stated, many of us have issues with the swelling after we complete our treatments. Like Matt, I was offered to try the facial mask for a couple of days to see if I wanted to purchase one. Luckily the lady that was the cancer Physical Therapist was well trained in Lymphedema. She taught me some easy neck stretching exercises to do daily along with the gentle massage as Matt said is easy to learn. 

    Once I learned the exercises and massage, I returned the facial mask as it was to be worn at night while sleeping and I found it to be to restrictive. The massage when properly done will last about 4-6 hours and need to be done again. This will be done less as time goes by and the lymph system opens up. Any time we use our shoulder muscles, blood and lymphnode fluids move to the working areas and swell the area. The Lymph system moves at 1/3 the speed of our blood so it takes longer to drain. 

    Cutting back on salt for a spell and sleeping in a reclined postition with your head and neck above your heart level will help until you feel you don't need to do the massage as often. I don't have to do it as much now, but if I over do it with chores, I know I will. 

    Congrat's on the clean PET.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • edreddog
    edreddog Member Posts: 19 Member
    I have

    Tried the machine your talking about and it is in the works with my insurance,hope I get it soon like you it felt great and the swelling went down after only 30 mins!

  • mapdan
    mapdan Member Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2017 #6
    MarineE5 said:



    As Matt stated, many of us have issues with the swelling after we complete our treatments. Like Matt, I was offered to try the facial mask for a couple of days to see if I wanted to purchase one. Luckily the lady that was the cancer Physical Therapist was well trained in Lymphedema. She taught me some easy neck stretching exercises to do daily along with the gentle massage as Matt said is easy to learn. 

    Once I learned the exercises and massage, I returned the facial mask as it was to be worn at night while sleeping and I found it to be to restrictive. The massage when properly done will last about 4-6 hours and need to be done again. This will be done less as time goes by and the lymph system opens up. Any time we use our shoulder muscles, blood and lymphnode fluids move to the working areas and swell the area. The Lymph system moves at 1/3 the speed of our blood so it takes longer to drain. 

    Cutting back on salt for a spell and sleeping in a reclined postition with your head and neck above your heart level will help until you feel you don't need to do the massage as often. I don't have to do it as much now, but if I over do it with chores, I know I will. 

    Congrat's on the clean PET.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here


    Thanks for the info. This site has sure opened my eyes to the outpouring of advice and just good caring folks who have gone through our same struggles. I will visit with my thereapist more in this. Thanks again. Good luck in life to you as well. 

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    I'm using the neck/face mask

    I'm using the neck/face mask and getting good results.  It reduced the swelling a huge amount in just the first night.  You do need to get some instruction in the self-massage as doing it wrong can compound things.   Basically, very gentle, and slow, you start by draining lower nodes to encourge your neck nodes to drain.  You want to encourge the node to drain without rupturing the node (which will result in more swelling).   I've been at it about 5 days and all the loose flesh is now gone.  You end up with a swollen  tight mass which I'm told to expect a week or two of gentle encourgement to work down.  

    The mask came from compressionguru, is not cheap, and looks like something from a sixties comedy show about old women.  It has worked however.

  • jp55
    jp55 Member Posts: 7 Member

    I had ? right tonsil cancer, after a radical neck dissection from only the outside of my neck ! Not down my throat! I had 3 surgeries since 2020 6 months after getting a flu and pneumonia vaccine? I took the vaccine 9/17/19 and the other 9/24/19! 6 months later a golf ball sized tumor in my neck. After 3 surgeries, I’ve just finished 33 radiation treatments with no cisplatin as an oncologist told me in 2020 with 1 kidney that I have not to take chemo so they wanted me to take chemo but I said NO! Waiting for pet scan on 1/11/23 to get results! Praying for the best of course! jp55

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,513 Member

    JP you have certainly been through some tough stuff with tonsil cancer, neck dissection, and three surgeries. Then radiation treatments. You say you only have 1 kidney so I guess chemo would be too hard on the kidney you have left. Yes, praying that your scan is clear and clean with No Evidence of Disease-NED

    Wishing You the Best

    Take Care God Bless-Russ

  • jp55
    jp55 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Russ I remember now reading this before . I guess you and I are drawn to each other’s medical problems. I’m happy even to find this one because it reminds me who you are. At your leisure please get ahold of me, I’m not going anywhere soon! 🙏

  • Jman31
    Jman31 Member Posts: 1 *

    Thank you for posting this. I too am dealing with swelling in neck for about 4-5 weeks post treatment. I have called radiation oncology a few weeks ago as it was getting pretty swollen. They said it's normal with healing process as lymphatic system is learning how to drain and find the pathways. I now know what to talk to my doctor about at my next visit. Thank you for sharing @mapdan and the rest of you.

  • jp55
    jp55 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Jp55 I hope and pray the same people are still here. Still on and pain since 12/22 but truly reborn and so proud of it. I wish all to stay in touch if you can? Best wishes and Thank Jesus by his stripes I am healed 🙏❤️✝️💯🫶🏻

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,513 Member

    Hello, all take a look at this video on lymphatic drainage and it may help you get by this period of recovery quicker. If you have really severe lymph swelling you may have to get therapy to get it under control and then do the home exercises. Presented by Kelly Sturm Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Board-Certified Oncology Clinical Specialist.

    Wishing You all The Best

    Take Care, God Bless


    Lymphatic Drainage Massage for Face, Head, & Neck Swelling or Lymphedema - By a Physical Therapist

  • jp55
    jp55 Member Posts: 7 Member

    I finished my 33 radiation treatments in 12/ 22/22 ? Or real close. I was never told a single wird about lymphatic drainage ir anything else. Just constant symptom like oaibs most if the time. Was alright with that as long as nothing popped its gead up. I recently moved from one end of Indiana to the other. 250 miles and just seen Russes massage video that I was totally unaware of. I just tried it and it feels as though it has positive results? Not sure but now I will get to the treatment place in town and get help with drainage. Muchthanks to WBCGaruss for posting that! Jp55 Roll call also