Introduction to Skin Cancer – For Patients - This Covers It All - Very Extensive Guide

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited April 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Below is a very extensive guide on skin cancer from the "American Head & Neck Society".

I believe it covers every kind of skin cancer with pictures for comparison and identification and printable handouts along the way you can print out. As we all know the sooner and smaller we get any cancer taken care of the better. I had a small spot on my upper forehead that was cancerous and tested positive several years ago and I go yearly now for a whole body check over at a Dermatologist.

Take care, God Bless



  • Swoosh13
    Swoosh13 Member Posts: 86 Member


    So after my husband was done with his rad/chemo 10/23, the age spots he already had on the left (treatment) side of his neck got darker. In January I was concerned so we went to his Dermatologist. Those spots were nothing to be concerned with; however in looking over his whole body, he found one concerning spot he biopsied on his left elbow area. Came back as SCC. So by mid-February he had it surgically removed and pathology came back all clear/clean margins. He’ll go back in 4 months for a recheck. My husband was a police officer for 34 years until 2009 and back in the day the cars had no air. So as you might imagine that arm was always hanging out with the window down. Also no sunscreen. If I hadn’t dragged him into the Derm in February it wasn’t a spot we were even concerned with.
    Good article to be aware about!