Anyone experience thrush in their esophagus??

ByeByeCancer Member Posts: 54 Member

So my husband is starting week 5 of treatment tomorrow and has just been diagnosed with thrush in his esophagus!  He can get soft food and liquids down, but he says it BURNS so bad in his upper chest area. His doctor has him on Fluconazole so I am hoping that clears it all up asap.  Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and has any tips?  For those that don't know, my hubs has stage IV BOT HPV+ SCC being treated with Erbitux and 35 radiation treatments. No PEG (yet)...but getting calories in has slowed down thanks to the thrush problem.  


Let me know if you have some advice!


  • christine2080
    christine2080 Member Posts: 71

    My husband, exact same diagnosis as yours, has been suffering from Thrush since October 14. Anothersurvivor has lots of good suggestions on this forum. My husband has been on the same prescription, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I ordered Bioxtra from Amazon, but it won't be here until Halloween. Our acupuncturist suggested Dandelion tea & said if it hadn't cleared up by Tuesday she would made an herbal mixture to treat it. It's frustrating because he was feeling pretty good, but the pain is unbearable and he lost 6.5 pounds last week. I'll find out if he's holding steady tomorrow.

  • jimbeam2017
    jimbeam2017 Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2017 #3
    I have suffered from thrush

    I have suffered from thrush quite a lot since I finished treatment. I went to doctor for treatment. I think the best way to deal with it, with every thing else that is going on.

    Cheers Keith