How to overcome Radiation Mask fear? or unable to breath?

Hi everyone, its me again. I've just completed my first chemo today but was unable to get my first radiation because either I had gain and put on 3kgs or I just have this feeling and fear that I am unable to breath. Therefore would greatlly appreciate some advice on "how to lose 3kgs" fast at the head and neck within 3 days and how to overcome this fear of unable to breath? Would appreciate your kind feedbacks. Thank you. Laughing... so far 1st chemo was fine and i do not feel anything strange so far.



  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428

    I had 30 radiation treatments - and I was medicated for each one.  When the mask was made - I actually 5 valium just to lay down and let them do the measuring in the CT machine.

    Ask for axiety medications  - something that you can take multiple pills at the beginning - and reduce it as you go, if you can.  There are some that wear off faster than others.  I started with valium that lasted longer, and then was swtiched to something else. 

    Don't abe afraid to ask for it, many of us here used meds to get through this.

  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63
    lornal said:


    I had 30 radiation treatments - and I was medicated for each one.  When the mask was made - I actually 5 valium just to lay down and let them do the measuring in the CT machine.

    Ask for axiety medications  - something that you can take multiple pills at the beginning - and reduce it as you go, if you can.  There are some that wear off faster than others.  I started with valium that lasted longer, and then was swtiched to something else. 

    Don't abe afraid to ask for it, many of us here used meds to get through this.

    Thank you for the prompt

    Thank you for the prompt respond. How did you feel after taking valium? Did you manage to breath better or jsut doze you off?

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    mask time


    For me it was 1 Lorazapam 30 minutes before show time.

    For each of us it is a whole procedure.  For me it was magic mouth wash in the  parking lot, a pee break, a swish & spit, rub my face and arms(getting ready), mask time , music (60’s – 70’s rock), watch the line-up lasers, count , pray, listen. 

    You can also ask the techs to talk to you.

    You can stop anytime and start over.  I did once during week 6 or 7.  My procedure all over again.

    I never liked it, but I loved my techs and came to find it interesting.

    Happy masking,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member

    Once  the anxiety is calmed down the breathing will become easier


  • catluver96
    catluver96 Member Posts: 73
    CivilMatt said:


    Once  the anxiety is calmed down the breathing will become easier


    My first mask (starting new

    My first mask (starting new second mask rads now for brain) included mouth opening wide enough to insert a molded stick piece to keep my tongue in position. Because of nerve damage, my mouth was closed around it . I found if I manually opened left side a bit, I could feel air. I focused on that.

    If you can, I agree on  sedative. I'm extremely sensitive to them, so I couldn't get relief in that way. I did go through motions of taking a tiny chip each morning of a very low Xanax...hoping it would do something in some small way.

    So if you can.. take advantage! 

    Also people here are outstanding support. So lucky to find. Hang on to them and this support group.

    They are in our corner through it all. I'm so grateful to have this place to come to.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    Like Matt, I took a Lorazapam everyday a half hour before I was very relaxed by the time they put my mask on.  The only drawback was I had to get a ride to and from radiation....hubby was glad to do the rides.  I'd get home and sleep for a couple of hours, as the drug wore off, then I was fine after.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member


    Like Matt, I took a Lorazapam everyday a half hour before I was very relaxed by the time they put my mask on.  The only drawback was I had to get a ride to and from radiation....hubby was glad to do the rides.  I'd get home and sleep for a couple of hours, as the drug wore off, then I was fine after.


    Cut outs

    Does your mask have the eyes and mouth cut out? My first mask was cut-out and I did fine with it. The 2nd mask could not be cut. I had it on during a 90 minute planning session in an MRI machine and totally broke down from anxiety when they finished. It was so tight the day they made it but when I went to use it, it seemed to fit fine and I had a xanax so had no issues. 

  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    hwt said:

    Cut outs

    Does your mask have the eyes and mouth cut out? My first mask was cut-out and I did fine with it. The 2nd mask could not be cut. I had it on during a 90 minute planning session in an MRI machine and totally broke down from anxiety when they finished. It was so tight the day they made it but when I went to use it, it seemed to fit fine and I had a xanax so had no issues. 

    Just wondering how do they

    Just wondering how do they make the mask?

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    Just wondering how do they

    Just wondering how do they make the mask?

    Making the mask...

    Hi Thennies

    Making the mask is alot like getting a warm facial.  They soak the thermo-plastic mesh in very warm water, till it is soft, and then they drape it over your face while you are lying on a table with your head in a little headrest.  It hardens and shrinks as it cools, and they press it down and manipulate it to make it very form fitting.  For me, the fitting process took longer than did my later radiation treatments, and the warm mask kind of freaked me out a bit.  Believe me, it does get easier to wear the thing, with time.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    good ideas

    There are some good ideas here, from getting the mouth and eyes cut out, taking some meds to take the edge off, some listen to music. Don't feel bad as like everything having to do with cancer, everyone is different. Some have zero issues, others are having panic attacks every time. Just do your best to stay calm, breath nice and steady, close your eyes and think about being on the beach or in the woods. Good luck.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    For me please....

    I too had bad anxiety with the mask.. Onco, prescribed Xanax for me and that took the edge off. I could still drive and everything, so it worked great.

    Actually after the first day, I started pinching them in half..., by week two, I no longer needed them.

    One I was used to the routine I didn't need the meds any longer.

    I also had a CD that played... James Taylor.. Best thing with the music, each song is 3-5 minutes long, so you know exactly how much time you have left..., it's a great reference point.



  • CEMunger
    CEMunger Member Posts: 15
    Rad Mask fears

    Make sure you have a ride home and medicate. If music or audible books are your thing, take your player and earbuds with you, too. I found I fell back on child birth breathing. (four counts breath in, four counts exhale, repeat)

    Find whatever it is that sooths you and do that!

    The techs are usually beyond fantastic. Let them help. 

    There is absolutely no right way or easy way to submit to being locked down. If it helps, once you're there, it goes fast! and bam, you're up. 

    I wish you all the best! It is not easy!


  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63
    hwt said:

    Cut outs

    Does your mask have the eyes and mouth cut out? My first mask was cut-out and I did fine with it. The 2nd mask could not be cut. I had it on during a 90 minute planning session in an MRI machine and totally broke down from anxiety when they finished. It was so tight the day they made it but when I went to use it, it seemed to fit fine and I had a xanax so had no issues. 

    Thank you everyone,

    Thank you everyone, appreciate your feedbacks. I was wondering if cutting out some parts of the mask will effect the whole treatment?  

  • CEMunger
    CEMunger Member Posts: 15
    edbravo said:

    Thank you everyone,

    Thank you everyone, appreciate your feedbacks. I was wondering if cutting out some parts of the mask will effect the whole treatment?  

    cutouts in the mask

    Ask your techs if they can cut out areas around your mouth and/or nose. If they don't know, I'm sure they'll ask your Rad/Onc Doc.


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I use to always tell the crew if there is a fire, don't forget about me just before the mask was put on. I hated it but took no drugs and spent the time counting the stations and the zappings thinking about one of my grandkids the whole time. They even piped in music for me.  I went through the first 3 and told my wife I was done and wasn't going back but my radiologists told me if I can make the 74 mile drive one way each day he would get me through 30 treatments. My issue wasn't really anxiety, I was suffering the symptoms after 3 days they told me I would feel after about  1 to 2 weeks. You have to find what works for you and if medication is the road you must travel hop in and lets go for a ride. If I could do it anyone can. Always discuss your issues with your team and doctors they are getting paid to help you through this.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    The Mask

    I had them make a big hold right where my mouth, nose & eyes was, it helped me a lot, just being able to see and breath better. I found that if I keep my mind focused on something or even praying while doing treatment the time goes a lot faster and I would be finish before I know it.

    God Bless and help you to relax during your treatments.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hondo said:

    The Mask

    I had them make a big hold right where my mouth, nose & eyes was, it helped me a lot, just being able to see and breath better. I found that if I keep my mind focused on something or even praying while doing treatment the time goes a lot faster and I would be finish before I know it.

    God Bless and help you to relax during your treatments.


    Eye holes in the mask

    I was able to have eye holes cut in my mask, but the techs had drawn target lines around the nose and mouth, so they would not cut those out for me. 


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    My rads MD, wouldn't alter the mask at all....

    You guys were lucky, LOL.... of course that's a chemo/rads joke...


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Damn that's tight!

    I remember getting fitted and it wasn't so bad but the first time they snapped me down to the table, I was taken back at how tight and restricting it was. That surprise never went away until close to the end (because I had lost so much weight, the mask was looser). I didn't need any meds. I just listened to music (3-4 songs) and it was over. It's funny... I suffer more now with "scanxiety" than I did during the actual treatment. The whole year+ from diagnosis until August or so of last year was basically a blur. I was so wrapped up in just surviving that I didn't have time to worry. Now? I'm 10 months post Tx and I find the "scanxiety" to be a bit troublesome. It's something I'll be discussing with my team in May as well as with my cardiologist and GP. 

    Positive thoughts and prayers


  • edbravo
    edbravo Member Posts: 63
    Thank you Everyone

    I went through the Mask today and with all your advices and encouragements, I made it through the 1st round of 35 radations. The Xanax really helped to calm me down, especially it lowered my fast beating heart. The doctor made a bigger nose-hole on my mask so that I could breath better, however he did not recommend cutting the mouth or eyes away because according to him the structure of the mask may go out of shape, furthermore the planning and measurrements may change (have to be re-do) and the mask might expended when they strach it to buckle it down to the table, in which the rads-ray may not hit the right spots. Anyway, thank you everyone for answering my questions and helping me through this period. Appreciate it and may god bless you all. Laughing