ENT Visit Preop-

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member

I had my ENT visit on Tuesday June 12, 2018.

This was for preop consultation and any questions I had relating to the cancer

under the left side of my tongue.

I have been calling this a recurrence of cancer from my previous episode

of throat cancer but the ENT says it is not a recurrence but another cancer

a new episode of cancer in the head & neck area.

Most likely caused again by whatever caused my first cancer.

He stated it is T1 which means it is 2 cm across or smaller, and

no cancer cells are present in nearby structures, lymph nodes, or distant sites (Example: T1, N0, M0).

ENT Doc feels it should be a small operation and it will get it all and I will not lose a lot of tissue

and most likely will not need any follow up chemo or radiation.

Operation is set for June 29 but if possible will be moved up a week to June 22 2018.

Thanks for your prayers.


  • katlou
    katlou Member Posts: 83 Member
    I had T1, N0, M0 tongue SCC too


    I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for your upcoming surgery. 

    In February I underwent a wide re-excision for a stage 1 tongue SCC on the left underside of my tongue.  The initial biopsy actually removed the entire cancer but the margins were too small so I underwent the re-excision to make the margins larger.  My cancer was very small at 1.5 mm so I didn't require radiation or chemo.  It has only been 4 and 1/2 months since my surgery but so far so good.  I hope your results turn out like mine and that you don't require any further treatment.  I do see my ENT regularly for check ups but that is a good thing because it makes me feel more comfortable that I am being checked on regularly.

    I wish you the best for your surgery and your future health.

  • Dean54
    Dean54 Member Posts: 160 Member
    Good luck sir

    My last ENT visit I asked the doc what to watch out for about it returning and he said soreness on the left side of my mouth/tongue area which I also have now. How did you figure out yours had came back if you don't mind me asking please? We can never let our guard down can we?

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member
    Katlou Good To hear

    That you are doing so well that's great.

    It is good to hear from someone who had almost exactly -sounds like-what I have and you got great

    results and are doing well.

    This kind of info exchange is what takes some of the concern and worry out of it.

    After your surgery and during recovery how long did the soreness last from the operation?

    ENT tells me I will have some disolveable stiches did you have stiches?

    And one more question-was it difficult eating?

    Thanks-God Bless

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member
    Dean54 how Did I know-

    Dean54 reread and you will see the ENT says it is not my cancer come back but what he considers a new cancer site.

    How did I know it was sore and wouldn't go away so it was not just a passing mouth ulcer that usually go away in a week or two.

    I have a small sore spot on the bottom left of my tongue that would not go away.

    Gave it a little time and had a dental apt. coming up so mentioned it to the dentist.

    He checked it and took pics and saw me in 10 days and it was still the same so we said it is time 

    to see the ENT.

    ENT took a biopsy and it was squamus cell cancer.

    In looking back and I knew my history I should have went straight to my ENT.

    That is my suggestion to you don't wait get it checked and make sure what you have or don't have.

    Get to your ENT right away.

    Anything you think is questionable call your ENT and see what they say whether they want you to come in right away or not.

  • katlou
    katlou Member Posts: 83 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    Katlou Good To hear

    That you are doing so well that's great.

    It is good to hear from someone who had almost exactly -sounds like-what I have and you got great

    results and are doing well.

    This kind of info exchange is what takes some of the concern and worry out of it.

    After your surgery and during recovery how long did the soreness last from the operation?

    ENT tells me I will have some disolveable stiches did you have stiches?

    And one more question-was it difficult eating?

    Thanks-God Bless

    hi wbcgaruss

    It does sound like we have similar circumstances and this is why I had to respond to your post.  I was hoping that I might be able to be helpful.

    The funny thing is that my recovery from the biopsy which was quite a large excisional biopsy was more difficult than the wide re-excision surgery.  I think the reason was because the ENT left the biopsy open to heal and I had dissolvable stitches for the wide re-excision surgery.

    I couldn't really eat solid foods like meats for a couple of weeks and I managed with drinking Boost (the dark chocolate is the best) and eating soft foods like mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, cream of wheat cereal etc.  After a couple of weeks I slowly started on more solid foods.  You may be having a different type of surgery than I had.  With mine they took a quite large area out from the underside of my tongue and closed it with stitches.  I think they felt they could do the surgery that way because of how small the cancer was.   I still have my entire tongue.  How are they doing your surgery?  Are you having a part of your tongue removed?

    Also, I never had to take anything stronger than tylenol.  They gave me a script for something stronger that I filled but I never took it.  So, where I had soreness, the pain was tolerable for me.  I was more fatigued than anything after the surgery for a few days so I just sat around and had an excuse to watch TV all day.Laughing


  • katlou
    katlou Member Posts: 83 Member
    one more thing

    As far as pain goes, I actually probably did have stronger pain meds for the first day.  My surgery was supposed to be outpatient but I ended up staying the night for observation and I am quite sure they were giving me stronger pain meds during that time.  But after a day or two tylenol was enough for me.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member
    Katlou-very helpful

    Biopsy did not bother me right away but the last couple weeks has been getting sorer.

    Sounds the same as yours and the ENT said the area probably rubs on my teeth also and keeps it irritated.

    It is very helpful and thank you for responding great to get from someone who has been through it.

    So it sounds like the post operation is actually an improvement except it involves the recovery of tissue removal.

    My surgery involves a small pea sized area with some white area around it as described by my wife as the ENT showed

    the area to her and described the approach he is going to take.

    I asked him the size to be removed would it be 1/3rd of tongue and he replied emphatically nooooo much less I think

    he said I may feel a small indent on my tongue.

    So till it's done not sure how much will be removed but my take is it will be small and as small as possible and have clear margins.

    I will still have my entire tongue the way it stands.

    And like your operation my ENT doc said I will have stiches-the ones that disolve on their own.

    Thanks for your description of your eating, pain, fatigue and so on it gives me an idea what to look for and what I will be dealing with.

    As far as pain I have Percocet I am taking as needed and will probably be using postop.

    Just got my operation date today it will be on the 21st of June.



  • katlou
    katlou Member Posts: 83 Member
    Glad I could help

    Feel free to ask me questions any time.  Your surgery sounds a bit different than mine as all the tissue that was taken on me was on the underside of my tongue.  I have had no speech or eating difficulty since the surgery.

    I wear a night/bite guard on my bottom teeth at night because I grind my teeth, have worn it for years.  Usually bite guards are fitted for upper teeth but I asked my dentist for one for the bottom teeth and I am glad that I did because I can see how the underside of the tongue could rub on the teeth causing irritation.  I think it helped during recovery from surgery too.  I am not sure that irritation is what caused my cancer.  Mine is HPV negative and I also used to smoke years ago although not for that many years.  That might have been just enough to cause the cancer in me.

    You will be in my thoughts on the 21st.  Please let us know how you are doing.