Mouth sore 2.5 years later


3 weeks ago today I saw my ENT for 6 month check up. Looked good. Then a few days later I get a small ulcer like sore on back of tongue. Painful. I write it off as a canker sore. It has been the same for 2+ weeks. Sore, same size, very small...did I mention painful and annoying. Everything I read says go see the dr. after 2 weeks. Of course, I want to rush back to dr because of our friggin ptsd we all have since I immediately think its back. On the other hand I dont want to pay a bunch of money. Does anyone else have this problem. Healing slowly, recurring mouth sore? Thanks, 




  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    edited May 2018 #2
    2.5 years out?

    Hard to say...  Is the sore near your primary tumor site?  Were you HPV- cancer?  If yes to either, I'd probably go in.  Better safe than sorry.  If it's not near your primary or your disease was HPV+ you could probably wait a little longer to see if it resolves.  I'd pay attention to any other lumps or bumps though.  Another week or two though and I'd go in.


    Good luck.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

    If it is still the same after 2 weeks GO to your ENT and get it checked.

    Like johnsonbl I say better safe than sorry and once you get it checked at least you know what is going on.

    Knowledge is power and comfort.

    Best of luck!-prayers

  • Tonita
    Tonita Member Posts: 197 Member
    edited June 2018 #4
    With a history of oral cancer

    With a history of oral cancer, there is always a chance of recurrence.  Get it checked.