Covid Vaccine

CrimsonRacing Member Posts: 27 Member

My Chemo and Radiation was almost 10 years ago now.....


Should I be concerned about taking the Vaccjne?



any input would be appreciated


  • DarcyS
    DarcyS Member Posts: 81 Member
    edited March 2021 #2

    My husband is almost 9 years out from chemo and radiation and is getting it as soon as his turn comes with  no reservations.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    Well, as I always say - I'm not a Doctor - but certainly after 10 years (assuming there are no unusual conditions) one would think you'd be fine to get one.

    I've only been out 18 months. I would certainly ask your Oncologist - if you've only been out of treatment a short time. As most of us know, it can knock a person's immune system down for a while!

    A year ago, my numbers were down - but they are up in acceptable levels, now - so I got my shot a couple days ago.

    I feel fine, except my arm is mildly sore! I get my second dose at the end of this month!

    In the meantime, especially for those who are pretty fresh from treatment - TAKE CARE with the distancing, hand-washing and mask wearing!!


  • ricksmithgolfer
    ricksmithgolfer Member Posts: 89 Member
    Covid shots

    I'm 30 months out from radiation / chemo tx and had my second covid 19 shot 10 days ago. First shot just had a sore arm and a little light headed. One week after the first shot just happened to have a blood test on yearly physical and my white and red blood cell counts were slightly down.  My doctor was not concerned about it. Could of been from the shot. After second shot had a sore arm and for about a week after had a small fever and some mild over night head sweats. 2 weeks out from last shot now and all is fine. Will have blood work again in near future. Would I do it again - absolutely.

  • Remington25
    Remington25 Member Posts: 93 Member
    My docs said go for it

    I only completed my treatment about 8 weeks ago and my doctors told me there was no reason not to get the vaccine.  Please ask your team, but I have signed up for my vaccinations.

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    edited March 2021 #6
    There is no reason to worry about Covid vaccine...

    Post treatment...  

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    I got the first shot a week ago,

    and I'm scheduled for the 2nd at the end of the month. I feel no symptoms, except my arm was mildly sore for a couple days.

    I think a person should ask their Oncologist about the vaccine - especially if they are only a few months out of treatment.

    I hope all of the people on here, are able to get vaccinated, before they are exposed to Covid. I've had several friends and family members who had it. It is not a joke for some people!
