Radiation Hack 2 of 3 - Dealing with dry snout

BeagleDad Member Posts: 108 Member

[P=L tonsil, S= 2 nodes in lymph.  TORS with MRND.  4 of 5 negative margins, + on deep margin.  This was followed up by 7 Cisplatin chemos and 33 bilateral rads 60/54g]


I used this a lot post-TORS when I had that irritating nasal feeding tube.  With that tube I could neither blow my nose nor wipe it.  It was really, really tough.  So I kept a small container of water near my bed and a pile of Qtips.  Whenever I felt dry, I grabbed a Qtip, dipped it in the water, and moistened the inside of my snout as needed.  (During that nasal time, I was also using them to clear away "excess" in my snout, so they served 2 purposes).

So here during radiation as I experienced any dryness in my nose, I just dip and swab.  Easy and convenient.  

I hope your treatments are going well and that this helps you in some manner.  

Don (Beageldad)


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited March 2021 #2
    Don Thanks For

    Another helpful tip to be shared-Take care-God Bless-Russ